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COLLECTION of Сonferences XXIV «Akhanov readings» 2021

The concept of digital technology By traditional technologies (methods, techniques) of 
teaching, we mean those that do not provide for the interaction of subjects of the educational 
process with the digital environment. 
At the moment, the semantic field of the concept of «digital technologies» (including in 
teaching a foreign (English) language) remains blurred. Many researchers give conflicting 
interpretations. So, M. V. Kuzminova, in fact, identifies digital technologies of teaching English 
with IT-technologies associated with the use of the web environment and the formation of «digital 
literacy» [8]. T. Yu. Kizilova under digital technologies of teaching a foreign language means the 
use of electronic dictionaries and online lectures [4]. 
There is also the concept of digital technologies as learning technologies associated with the 
use of computer technology [5]. In our opinion, these and other interpretations of the term should be 
associated with narrower concepts of computer learning, computer technologies, etc., still used in 
pedagogy and teaching methods, but not with digital technologies. 
IV Robert interprets the concept of digital technologies differently [7]. She notes that digital 
technology allows you to create a kind of copy of the physical world, while the word «digital» 
reflects the trend towards intellectualization of learning and is used to refer to any object that works 
with discrete values. 
Adhering to this point of view, in our work under digital learning technologies (including 
foreign (English) language) we mean a set of technologies, methods and techniques associated with 
converting information into a discrete form for the purpose of its subsequent processing or 
None of the works discussed above analyze the need and sufficiency of the use of digital 
technologies. At the same time, in this work, I. V. Robert identifies a number of factors of the 
negative impact of digital technologies on the learning process. These, first of all, should include 
the «information oversaturation» of the student, arising from excessive uncontrolled use of 
information, with its chaotic search, without previously identified and fixed features (keywords). 
Such unsystematic perception and use of information, especially presented in audiovisual form, 
sometimes aggressively imposing vivid images on the user, cut off his ability to analyze and 
identify structural connections in the content of information. 

Also IV Robert operates with the concept of content «blindness», when the use of the 
technology itself masks or replaces the goals, objectives and content of the information that the 
student can receive through these technologies. We can state that this phenomenon manifested itself 
quite clearly in the process of our empirical research: it turned out to be more important for students 
to use (use) a smartphone than to complete a task with it. 
In addition, in the above-mentioned work [4] T. Yu. Kizilova also makes an important remark 
for us about the risk of loss of social communication skills (that is, the absence of subject-subject 
interaction), the weakening of the ability to logical and critical thinking, when using computer 
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in English lessons: 
• Power Point presentations; 
• text editors; 
• spreadsheets; 
• tests; 
• Internet resources; 
• Electronic textbooks. 
The rapid development of information technology determines the need to search for new 
approaches to organizing the learning process. A modern teacher must effectively apply information 
and communication technologies in the educational process. Some technologies are used by almost 
all teachers. For example, the use of presentations has become widespread. They are convenient for 
both the teacher and the students. In addition to text, a presentation may include pictures, graphs, 
tables, videos and music. The text can be read by native speakers. But drawing up a presentation 
requires a lot of teacher training in the selection of material, thinking over the structure of the 
presentation, choosing a design, etc. Currently, computer testing is also widely used in schools. This 
method of knowledge control has its drawbacks, but the ability to evaluate many in a short time and 
do it fairly objectively ensures wide popularity of this technology. 
The most effective technology, in my opinion, is the use of electronic textbooks in the 
classroom, but today a rather limited circle of teachers uses this technology, despite the large 
selection of electronic textbooks of various quality. 

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