English grammar and exercises ағылшын тілі грамматикасы

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Exercise 39
Fill in the blanks with the possessive pronouns.
1. Autumn has come. I like … beauty. 2. I wash … hair every week. 3.
Nelly saw Peter with … wife. 4. He has a bad memory. He can’t remember even
… own name. 5. This book is very old. … pages are yellow. 6. I’ve got a
relative in England. … aunt lives in Guilford. 7. Some women are not happy
with … looks. 8. Charles is going to a picnic with … girl-friend. 9. Are you
satisfied with … marks, Mark? 10. Sally and I like Maths. It’s … fafourite
subject. 11. Can I take … raincoat, Ann? 12. – Is this … tape-recorder? – No,
they don’t have a tape-recorder. 13. Can you rely on …. Parents? 14. There is a
mouse under the table. I can see … tail. 15. My parents often play cards with …
Exercise 40.
Insert this, that, these, those. 

1. … man is a well-known painter. 2. As you see … canvases are

unfinished. 3. I know … students. They study Art too. 4. Do you like … picture?
– not quite. I like … sketches better. 5. Have you got … photo? 6. … studio is
full of light and cosy. 7. … paints are in the box. 8. … portrait is made in oil. 9.
… are my new pencil sketches. 10. I haven’t got … album.
Exercise 41.
Insert demonstrative pronoun: 
1. … article is easy and … one is difficult. 2. Pass me … magazines.
Thank you. 3. … boy is fond of music and his dream is to become pianist. 4.
Who is … little girl at the window. 5. … book are mine and … yours. 6. Are …
men over there your friends? 7. … flowers are beautiful, aren’t they? 8. Leave
… two dictionaries on my table and take … books on the table over there to the
library. 9. … picture is framed and … one is not. 10. … roof is red and … one is

Exercise 42.

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