Exercise 2 Менің болашақ мамандығым және мансабым

Exercise8 1) "singer" sings songs

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1) "singer" sings songs

2) "chef" takes care of teeth

3) "postal worker" fights fires and drives a fire engine

4) "dentist" takes care of teeth

5) "student" studies at school

6) "teacher" cooks food in a restaurant

7) "firefighter" fights fires and drives a fire engine

8) "bus driver" drives a bus

9) "doctor" works in a post office and brings letters

_ 10) "Police officer" works at the police station and fights crime

11) "waiter" studies at school

_ 12) "truck driver" works at the police station and fights crime

1. Excuse me, do you speak English? T

2. Have a cigarette. No, thank you, I don't smoke.F

3. Why are you laughing at me?T

4. What does she do? She is a dentist. T

5. I don't want to go out. It is raining.T

6. Where do you come from? From Canada. T

7. How much does it cost to sent a letter to Canada? F

8. I can talk to you at the moment. I am not working.F

1. How often does Ann watch TV?

2. How often do I write to my parents? Whom do I write to?

3. What time does he usually have dinner?

7. Where does Tom work? Who works?

2. How does Fred manage with any problem? 3. Whose problem is it? 4. How often do Steve’s friends come to our place? Who comes to our place regularly? 8. Why do we come to the University at the same time?  9. Why do people often do stupid things? What do people often do? 10. Why is it often cold in my flat? Where is it often cold? 11. How often does the car break down? What breaks down?

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