Fatty material майлы материал consistency консистенция

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«Semisolid medicinal plants»
Semi-solid medicinal preparations are based on fatty material in the form of vaseline, wool and lard. They differ in shape, consistency and methods of application. These are ointments, suppositories, pills, plasters and more.
An ointment is an oily preparation of a soft consistency, often mixed with some kind of medicine. It is used for application to the skin for medical purposes or as a cosmetic.
A salve is a sticky ointment for local ailments, used to heal or soften.
Liniment is a preparation of a more liquid consistency than an ointment. It is applied to the skin by friction.
A suppository is a medicinal substance that melts when applied to the body. There are rectal and other types of suppositories.
The plaster contains medicinal substances in the base for application to the skin.
All semi-solids are used externally for local application.

fatty material - майлы материал
consistency - консистенция 
shape - пішін
incorporate - араластыру
melt - еру 
soft - жұмсақ
ointments - жақпа
suppositories - суппозиторийлер
pills - таблеткалар
plasters - пластырьлер 
application - қолдану
local - жергілікті 
heal - сауықтыру
friction - үйкеліс, трение
body - дене
skin - тері

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