Фонд оценочных средств для проведения текущего контроля и промежуточной аттестации обучающихся по дисциплине иностранный язык

МОДУЛЬ 1. Вводно-коррективный курс с базовой грамматикой и основами коммуникации. Обучение специальной медицинской терминологии

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Metod Inostranyj yazyk Mediko profilakticheskoe delo-003

МОДУЛЬ 1. Вводно-коррективный курс с базовой грамматикой и основами коммуникации. Обучение специальной медицинской терминологии.

Тема 1. About Myself. Базовая грамматика: структура английского предложения, части речи, функции глаголов to be, to have, оборот месторасположения / наличия.
Форма текущего контроля успеваемости: контроль выполнения заданий в рабочих тетрадях, письменная контрольная работа, монологическое высказывание по теме «About myself».

Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите:
1. We are all students. 2. She is a medical student. 3. How old are you? 4. What are you? 5. Who is he? 6. They are professors. 7. You are in the classroom. 8. This is our rector and that one is our dean. 9. That answer is right. 10. We are here. 11. She is near the window. 12. The text-books are on the table. 13. The people of England are English. 14. The people of Germany are German. 15. England is a country; Spain is another country. 16. The house is in the country; it is not in the town. 17. He is an English man, his language is English. 18. What country are you from, Mr. B? I am from Italy. 19. What is your occupation?

Задание 2. Вставьте нужную форму глагола "to be":
1. I ... at home yesterday. 2. Usually it ... not very cold in winter in England. 3. In some parts of Russia the winter ... very cold. 4. My name ... Ann. I ... 17. 5. Yesterday ... my birthday. 6. He ... a doctor in 6 years. 7. Joe ... born in 1981. He ... now twelve years old. 8. Last summer they ... in a small village. 9. Today ... my cousin's birthday, he ... ten years old. 10. Her cheeks and lips ... rosy. 11. She ... ill last week. 12. She doctor's profession ... a very noble one. 13. In a year after specialization, they ... surgeons. 14. These patients ... seriously ill and they ... in the hospital now. 15. In a few days some of them ... at home.

Задание 3. Подставьте подлежащее каждого предложения в множественное число и сделайте необходимые изменения:
1. She is a woman. 2. He is a man. 3. I am a medical student. 4. This is a doc-tor. 5. It is a nurse. 6. That man is an orderly. 7. The hospital is large. 8. The door of the ward is open. 9. The patient is in bed. 10. His tooth is bad. 11. The baby is on the chair. 12. He was unwell. 13. She was ill. 14. I was in my study. 15. The student was in the chemical laboratory. 16. She was clever and a hard worker. 17. I shall be a doctor. 18. I shall be well in a week. 19. I shall be here on Monday. 20. I shall be in the dissecting room after classes.

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