Герундий и герундиальные обороты

Повторение герундия и герундиальных оборотов

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04 Герундий и герундиальные обороты

9. Повторение герундия и герундиальных оборотов
Укажите в каждом из следующих предложений те признаки, по которым вы находите герундий. Переведите предложения:

  1. So far only the quantum theory has succeeded in giving
    a satisfactory explanation.

  2. These are the chief causes of crude rubber being used.

  3. The alkali metals are remarkable in being so light that
    they float on water.

  4. We account for the incompleteness of a reaction by
    its being reversible.


  1. Einstein's being awarded the Nobel prize in physics
    soon became widely known.

  2. Adding more turns makes the magnetic field stronger.

  3. Iron is covered with a thin layer of tin to prevent it
    from rusting, for tin does not rust on exposure to air.

  4. The small physical size of the crystal in relationship
    to its input capacitance results in the resonant frequency
    of the input system being higher than when the tube is

  5. It is perhaps worth while considering somewhat more
    carefully at this point the attraction of a magnet to a piece
    of iron.

  1. All alkali metals resemble each other in having low
    melting points.

  2. The regular array of atoms in the lattice results in
    there being certain sets of parallel and equally spaced
    planes in the crystal which will contain large numbers of

  3. To a large extent the skilled analyst's productivity
    may be attributed to his having acquired, through many
    repetitions, the necessary technique.

13. Neither perchloric acid nor the periodic acid are
per-acids in the sense of being structurally related to hydrogen

  1. Many properties of HCI lead us to believe that instead
    of being composed of ions like the salts, it probably contains
    only molecules when in free state.

  2. Emulsoid particles, instead of being definitely charged,
    either positively or negatively, are usually of indefinite or
    variable charge.

  3. Crookes assembled a tube, which, save perhaps being
    a bit larger, was very similar to other tubes used by other
    experimenters for the same purpose.

17. Both selenium and tellurium are alike in being
monatomic at 2000°.

  1. In order to calculate the motion of an electron, we
    must investigate the accompanying wave motion instead of
    using classical point mechanics.

  2. Most actual crystals are imperfect, owing to being
    grown under conditions in which solid material is somewhat
    impeded in reaching and being deposited on certain faces.


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