Х. ДосмҰхамедов

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умк ин.яз A1-A2 -казахша ЖАУРОВА А.Б.

2- variant
Choose the correct form of Present Continuous:
My sister ___ a shower at the moment.

  1. is have

  2. are having

  3. have

  4. is having

  5. ---

Choose the correct form of Present Continuous:
My brother ___ his own website. It looks great!

  1. are designing

  2. designing

  3. designs

  4. ---

  5. is designing

Choose the correct form of Future Simple:
What … your brother (to do) tomorrow?

  1. will … do

  2. is … doing

  3. does … do

  4. do … do

  5. did … do

Choose the correct form of Present Continuous:
Kate (to cook) dinner every day.

  1. will cook

  2. cooks

  3. cook

  4. is cooking

  5. cooked

Choose the correct form of Present Continuous:
Kate (to cook) dinner now.

  1. is cooking

  2. cooked

  3. will cook

  4. cooks

  5. ---

Choose the correct form of Past Simple:
I (not to eat) ice-cream yesterday.

  1. didn’t eat

  2. won’t eat

  3. am not eating

  4. do not eat

  5. ---

Choose the correct form of Past Simple:
Kate (to cook) dinner yesterday

  1. cooked

  2. is cooking

  3. cooks

  4. will cook

  5. ---

Choose the correct form of Past Simple:
He (not to spend) last summer in the country.

  1. didn’t spent

  2. doesn’t spend

  3. will not spend

  4. is spending

  5. didn’t spend

Choose the correct form of Present Continuous:
What … your brother (to do) now?

  1. is … doing

  2. do … do

  3. will … do

  4. does … do

  5. did … do

Choose the correct form of Future Simple:
You (to go) to south next summer?

  1. will … go

  2. did … do

  3. do … go

  4. did … go

  5. are … going

Choose the correct form of Past Simple:
She (not to help) mother yesterday

  1. didn’t help

  2. doesn’t help

  3. didn’t helped

  4. won’t help

  5. ---

Choose the correct form of Past Simple:
She (to help) mother yesterday

  1. helped

  2. will help

  3. is helping

  4. helps

  5. help

Choose the correct form of Present Continuous:
I (not to eat) ice-cream now.

  1. am not eating

  2. do not eat

  3. won’t eat

  4. didn’t eat

  5. ---

Choose the correct form of Past Simple:
He (to spend) last summer in the country.

  1. spent

  2. is spending

  3. spends

  4. will spend

  5. ---

Choose the correct form of Past Simple:
What … your brother (to do) yesterday?

  1. did … do

  2. does … do

  3. will … do

  4. is … doing

  5. do … do

Choose the correct form of Past Simple:
When...........you.........(leave) home for school yesterday?

  1. did …leave

  2. did...leaved

  3. do...leave

  4. will…leave

  5. ---

Choose the correct form of Present Continuous:
He.........(look) for his book now.

  1. is looking for

  2. looked for

  3. looks for

  4. look for

  5. ---

I .... this film last week.

  1. saw

  2. see

  3. seen

  4. did saw

  5. was seeing

She .... her work half an hour ago.

  1. finished

  2. finishen

  3. finish

  4. did finish

  5. was finishing

He .... home late last night.

  1. came

  2. come

  3. comed

  4. will come

  5. was coming

Two years ago I … my old aunt in a small old town.

  1. visited

  2. visit

  3. visitted

  4. gone

  5. was visited

How much bread ___ in the box?

  1. Was there

  2. There were

  3. Were there

  4. there are

  5. there is

How many of them ___?

  1. Were there

  2. There was

  3. Was there

  4. should

  5. can

We ______an interesting documentary film about wild animals last week.

  1. watched

  2. watch

  3. were

  4. watches

  5. was

_____ her mother go out yesterday?

  1. Did

  2. Was

  3. Were

  4. Do

  5. Are

It .... on a sunny spring day.

  1. happened

  2. happen

  3. happenes

  4. happening

  5. was happening

John .... French at school.

  1. did not learn

  2. did not learned

  3. didn't learnt

  4. don’t learn

  5. was learning

His wife .... dinner yesterday.

  1. didn't cook

  2. did not cooked

  3. didn't cooked

  4. cooking

  5. will cook

You .... your homework last week.

  1. didn't do

  2. didn't done

  3. did not done

  4. don’t

  5. had done

She .... to work yesterday.

  1. did not drive

  2. didn't driven

  3. didn't drove

  4. didn’t driving

  5. was

1. They (to see) their friends two days ago.
to see
are seeing
were seeing

2. I (be) born in 1999

to be
is to be

3. I (become) a director 4 years ago

to become
have become
was become

4. We (meet) 2 months ago

were meeting
have meet
was met

5. I (get up) at 5 AM yesterday.

got up
get up
getting up
have got up
am getting up

6. My grandfather ___ home early yesterday.

will come

7. They (invite) us to their party.

were invited
was invited
have been inviting

8. He (tell) him not to do that.

have tollen
were telling

9) An Englishman (arrive) at a hotel in France a week ago.

was arrived
were arriving
have been arriving

10) He (become) nervous and shouted.

were became
was become
have been becoming

11) He (go) to the University last Friday.

was going
have been going

12) We (go) to the library last night.

will go

13) My grandfather (come) home early yesterday.

will come

14) They (be) ready for the lesson last Tuesday.

am not

15) My birthday (be) last Saturday


16) (Be) your parents in the local gym yesterday?


17) My sister (take) a shower yesterday. 

is taking
are taking

18) The first two years (be) fantastic.

has been

19) This morning bus (be) late.

was been
is been
have been

20) Yesterday I (have) a headache.

was having
is having
have been

21) I (write) a test in English last Monday.

am writing
were writing

22) I (have) a nice dinner after the theatre last night?

am having
have been

23) The monitor (say) that all the credit tests would have been taken by the end of the week.


24) I (send) you a letter yesterday.

will sent
have sent
was send

25) Sam’s words (make) me feel uncomfortable.

to make
have make

26) He (become) a good engineer

have became
is become
was become

27) Where (be) you last night?

have been
is were
was been

28) He (look) at me with what seemed to be nothing but appreciation.

were looking
is looked
have looked

29) I (take) a bus to get to the University last Friday.

am taking
is taking
was taken

30) I (leave) home when I was 16.

was leaving
is leaving
was left

4 – variant
1. You look tired. You _______ go to bed.

  1. should

  2. would

  3. must

  4. could

2. The situation was bad but it ________ worse.

  1. could

  2. could have been

  3. would have been

  4. should be

3. It's a secret. You ________ tell anyone.

  1. shouldn't

  2. mustn't

  3. needn't

  4. wouldn't

4. I recommend you to apologize. You ________ apologize.

  1. should

  2. would

  3. must

  4. shall

5.My grandfather __________ speak six languages many years ago.

  1. could

  2. shall

  3. need

  4. should

6. The phone is ringing. It _________ be Jack.

  1. would

  2. could

  3. can

  4. must

7. I haven't decided yet where to go for my holiday. I _______ go to Greece.

  1. can

  2. should

  3. would

  4. may

8. I understand it very well. You _______ explain further.

  1. needn't

  2. shouldn't

  3. wouldn't

  4. mustn't

9. It's strange that they _________ be late.

  1. would

  2. could

  3. should

  4. must

10. _________ you please be quiet? I'm trying to read.

  1. Can

  2. Would

  3. Shall

  4. Should

11. I _________ leave the party early last night. I wasn't very well.

  1. was to

  2. have to

  3. had to

  4. must

12. We haven't got much time. We _______ hurry.

  1. must

  2. needn't

  3. should

  4. can

13. Are you going to read the report? No, I _______ . I already know what it says.

  1. needn't

  2. mustn't

  3. shouldn't

  4. can't

14. He must _______ to Saint-Petersburg before.

  1. have been

  2. has been

  3. been

  4. be

15. He is terribly fat. He _______ eat too much.

  1. should

  2. would

  3. mustn't

  4. can't

16. Kate ________ get embarrassed. His remark was not polite.

  1. should

  2. would

  3. ought to

  4. must

17. You _________ here until I return. Don’t go anywhere.

  1. can stay

  2. are to stay

  3. might stay

  4. need to stay

18. I hope you won’t tell this to anyone. You_______ tell anyone!

  1. shouldn’t

  2. didn’t have to

  3. needn’t

  4. mustn’t

19. People ________ keep their words.

  1. have to

  2. ought to

  3. can

  4. are able

20.Their house is really small. They ________change it if they want to live in comfort.

  1. may

  2. should

  3. have to

  4. will

21. You_________ read 40 pages of the book for your home assignment.

  1. are to

  2. need to

  3. ought to

  4. can

22. Well, we’ve got plenty of time. We_______ leave yet.

  1. mustn’t

  2. don’t need to

  3. should

  4. must

23. I _________ wear glasses for reading.

  1. can

  2. have to

  3. am to

  4. will

24. Student’s ________ copy other students’ answers during the exam.

  1. can’t

  2. don’t have to

  3. mustn’t

  4. needn’t have

25. If you want to become an engineer, you ________ go to the university.

  1. may

  2. should

  3. have to

  4. must

26. She is awfully skinny. She ______ keep the diet!

  1. mustn’t

  2. can’t

  3. should

  4. would

27. I _______ to the shop so I stayed at home.

  1. needn’t have gone

  2. didn’t need to go

  3. mustn’t go

  4. should go

28. I may _________ work late tomorrow evening.

  1. should

  2. must

  3. have to

  4. to

29. You _______ go to the party. It’s going to be really interesting.

  1. can

  2. have to

  3. might

  4. should

30. His landlord asked him to move out so he _______ look for a new flat.

  1. had to

  2. must

  3. could

  4. need to


  1. Do you mind __________ here?

      1. I sit

      2. my sitting

      3. my siting

      4. I sitting

  2. I can hardly imagine Mike __________ across the Atlantic Ocean all by himself.

      1. sail

      2. to sail

      3. sailing

      4. sailling

  3. I would appreciate __________back this afternoon.

      1. you to call

      2. you call

      3. you're calling

      4. your calling

  4. No one enjoys __________ in public.

      1. to be made fun of

      2. making fun of

      3. being made fun of

      4. to make fun of

  5. If you keep _________ in English, your oral English will improve.

      1. to talk

      2. talking

      3. talk

      4. having talked

  6. Don't you remember _________ before?

      1. to see him

      2. saw him

      3. to have seen him

      4. seeing him

  7. I don't feel like __________ out for a walk.

      1. going

      2. to go

      3. go

      4. to be going

  8. Would you mind __________ the window?

      1. to close

      2. close

      3. closing

      4. to be closing

  9. People couldn't help __________ the funny man.

      1. to laugh at

      2. laugh at

      3. laughing at

      4. laughing on

  10. This sentence needs __________ .

      1. to improve

      2. improving

      3. improve

      4. being improved

  1. He never stopped __________ until the last minute of his life.

      1. to work

      2. to be working

      3. working

      4. to have worked

  2. Try ______ there as fast as you can.

      1. getting

      2. to get

      3. got

      4. get

  3. I regret __________ you that you are not selected for the interview.

      1. to tell

      2. telling

      3. tell

      4. having told

  4. My grandfather is used to __________ early.

      1. get up

      2. getting up

      3. have got up

      4. got up

  5. I'm looking forward to _________ you.

      1. seeing

      2. see

      3. to be seeing

      4. to have seen

  6. They can never escape __________.

      1. to be punished

      2. punishing

      3. to punish

      4. being punished

  7. He objected to __________ early.

      1. leave

      2. be left

      3. leaving

      4. to be leaving

  8. He has given up __________.

      1. smoke

      2. smoking

      3. to smoke

      4. being smoked

  9. His mother insisted on ______ college.

      1. he to go to

      2. his going

      3. he go to

      4. his going to

  10. The bees are busy __________ pollen.

      1. gathering

      2. to gather

      3. to gathering

      4. with gather

  1. The book is worth __________.

      1. reading

      2. being read

      3. to be read

      4. to read

  2. Having finished __________ the reading report, I began to listen to music.

      1. to write

      2. to have written

      3. writing

      4. written

  3. Don't risk __________ alone in the river.

      1. to swim

      2. swiming

      3. swimming

      4. swim

  4. I'm considering ___________ your invitation.

      1. accepting

      2. to accept

      3. accepted

      4. accept

  5. The boy pretended __________ an essay, but in fact he wrote nothing.

      1. to be writing

      2. writing

      3. to be written

      4. to writing

  6. I have never expected __________ such a strange thing in my life.

      1. seeing

      2. having seen

      3. to see

      4. to be seen

  7. They are __________ at the _________ news.

      1. exciting ------ excited

      2. exciting ------- exciting

      3. excited ------ exciting

      4. excited ------ excited

  8. We were __________ by his ______ speech.

      1. inspired ------ inspiring

      2. inspiring ------- inspired

      3. inspiring ------ inspiring

      4. inspired ------ inpired

  9. Do not delay _________ him.

      1. to answer

      2. to answering

      3. answering

      4. to be answering

  10. I remember ______ the post office, but I forgot ______ the letter, which is still in my briefcase.

      1. to enter ------ to post

      2. entering ------ posting

      3. entering ------ to post

      4. to enter ------- posting

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