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qazirgi zamangy bilim juiesi tendensialar innovasialar tehnologialar 2024

List of used literature 
Timofeeva N.M. Digital literacy as a component of life skills // Psychology, sociology 
and pedagogy. 2015. No. 7 (46). pp. 26-27. 
Kiseleva O.M., Bykov A.A. Model of formation of readiness of the elderly population for 
activities in the modern information environment // World of Science. – 2017. – T. 5, No. 
– P. 13. 
Kiseleva O. M. The problem of adaptation of the elderly population to the modern information 
environment // Psychology, sociology and pedagogy. – 2014. – No. 4(31). – P. 4. 
Stolyarova N.B. Aspects of the development of digital skills among people of the older 
generation // Problems of modern pedagogical education. – 2022. – No. 76-4. – pp. 312-315. 

Kozlov S. V. Conceptual possibilities of using digital technologies in the field of 
education // Digital region: experience, competencies, projects: collection of articles of 
the III International Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the 90th anniversary 
of the Bryansk State Engineering and Technological University University, Bryansk, 
November 26–27, 2020. - Bryansk: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of 
Higher Education "Bryansk State Engineering and Technology University", 2020. - P. 
Kozlov Sergey Valerievich 
Smolensk State University, Russia 
В статье рассматриваются возможности использования цифровых 
технологий в системе школьного обучения. Автором обсуждаются особенности применения 
цифровых инструментов для организации и совершенствования системы обучения. Особое 
внимание уделяется внедрению цифровых решений в управление процессами 
образовательной деятельности. 
Ключевые слова: 
цифровые технологии, информационно-коммуникационные технологии, 
образовательная система, обучение, управление, интеллектуальный анализ данных. 
The article discusses the possibilities of using digital technologies in the school 
education system. The author discusses the peculiarities of using digital tools to organize and 
improve the training system. Special attention is paid to the introduction of digital solutions in the 
management of educational activities. 
digital technologies, information and communication technologies, educational 
system, training, management, data mining. 
The system of modern education on all its steps is permeated with the 
introduction of a wide range of recent achievements of digital technologies [1, 2]. 
Neither the educational process in educational institutions [3, 4], nor the management 
processes and document management processes [5, 6, 7], nor the various processes of 
support and support of training have been complete for a long time without using the 
capabilities of digital communication [7, 8]. No level of education, including school, 
is an exception. At the same time, the capabilities of IT technologies have actively 
begun to transform the field of education almost two decades ago. It all started with 
electronic document management, which today has become an integral part of the 
entire system of document management. So, emails with the daily distribution of 
orders, information messages, statistical data at the moment make up one of the 
important management structures of the educational system as a whole. 
The information resources of organizations, presented in the form of websites, 
were an extension of electronic communication between all participants in 
educational activities from persons engaged in training and management of it, to 
students and their parents who want to learn the necessary information. Interpersonal 
interaction in recent years can be described as a stage of communication using 

messenger systems. Chats and groups of different directions are used to exchange 
messages at absolutely all levels of the educational system. These can be groups for 
organizing distance learning on various resources of the Internet or in the 
environment of modular training systems of training management, for example, such 
as Moodle [10]. There may be chats when conducting a training session in a 
computer environment of one of the web platforms of remote communication, for 
example, Zoom or Google Meet [11]. There may be communities in one of the social 
systems, for example, VKontakte. The last means of electronic information 
communication is used by both students, teachers, and parents of schoolchildren, 
organizing groups of various topics. 
At the same time, not only electronic document management and a diverse set 
of communication tools can characterize the last years of the use of digital 
technologies in the training system. It is becoming the norm to use innovative forms 
of intellectual analysis of information flows in educational activities at all its levels, 
including in mid-level institutions. [12, 13] It is no longer possible to do without the 
introduction of new methods when processing large data streams operated by a 
modern school. Innovative methods make it possible to study the control mechanisms 
of system objects at different levels as characteristic components of different subsets 
[14, 15]. At the same time, this fact can be attributed not only to the learning process 
itself, but also to the management of educational activities in general. 
In training, digital technologies primarily affected the forms and methods of 
organizing overtime. Digital content is inherent in all academic disciplines today, 
without exception. At the same time, the pandemic in recent years has become an 
inevitable factor that has pushed for faster implementation and widespread adoption 
of digital tools for ensuring educational activities. Support for digital training is 
currently carried out continuously both in the system of traditional lessons and in the 
organization of extracurricular forms of activity. It should be noted that only the 
relationship between time in classes using digital technologies and without them 
changes. With remote forms of work, the emphasis is placed on interactive 
interaction using digital technologies [16], and with the traditional class-lesson 
system, IT technologies act as an auxiliary training tool [17]. 
In the management of educational processes, digital organizational forms are 
also increasingly taking the lead, which are designed to ensure their effectiveness. An 
electronic journal, digital portfolios of students, monitoring of educational activities, 
an electronic system of enrollment in school, a system of advanced training of 
teachers and other components have become an integral part of the general structure 
of modern education [18]. At the same time, due to the need to process and analyze 
large amounts of information, innovative digital modeling tools have become widely 
used. They are a set of functional tools combined into a single software environment. 
For example, an electronic journal serves to systematize the educational 
achievements of students in digital form. At the same time, recently, the simplest 
means of statistical data processing have been implemented in it. Now the teacher can 
get information about indicators such as the performance of students and the quality 
of their education at the touch of a button. Prior to that, he calculated these and other 
statistical norms for assessing training manually. Undoubtedly, even the use of such 

seemingly long-needed means of digital automation has not matured in the last year. 
Nevertheless, the natural implementation in binding to the electronic journal was 
performed quite recently. 
At the same time, it should be noted that many processes go in parallel with the 
number of transformations. Thus, methods of mathematical modeling of educational 
management processes are being introduced more actively. They act as independent 
software applications or can be embedded as components of existing digital systems. The 
variety of such computer programs in the IT services market has recently increased 
significantly. It should be noted that the methods of information research in them are 
largely different from each other. All of them are certainly based on the general principles 
of mathematical analysis of data using, to one degree or another, artificial intelligence 
systems. However, the choice of tools and even more so their software implementation 
varies to a large extent. At the same time, this fact does not cancel the effectiveness of the 
applied digital methods for analyzing the processes under study, as well as the ergonomics 
of the software implementation of computer applications. This allows you to study the 
processes taking place in the education system in a versatile manner. Evaluation and 
forecasting of activities in the field of training system management can be confirmed by 
the use of a set of mining tools. Therefore, such a multifunctional approach will allow 
developing ways to develop the educational system most optimally. On the other hand, 
data on the practical use of various intelligent methods for studying system processes 
reveals the feasibility of their use in specific situations. Thus, it is possible to develop 
general and particular methodologies for analyzing elements of the education system at 
the current stage of its development. This will open up prospects for improving the entire 
field of educational activities at all its levels in the realities of the century of universal 
digital transformation. Digital tools should become a component of the basic education 
base as a whole, which will allow you to flexibly respond to the challenges and demands 
of society and structurally adapt in constantly changing conditions of transformation of 
human activity. 

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