Халықаралық ғылыми-тәжірибелік конференция материалдары

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qazirgi zamangy bilim juiesi tendensialar innovasialar tehnologialar 2024

Sherstneva N.A. Visualization of mathematical material through computer mathematics 
systems // Development of scientific and technical creativity of children and youth - 
NTTDM 2021. Collection of materials of the V All-Russian scientific and practical 
conference with international participation. Kirov, 2021. pp. 131-136. 

Samarina A.E., Boyarinov D.A. Didactic potential of the digital mathematical 
environment Teacher Desmos in higher education // Scientific and methodological 
electronic journal "Concept". 2022. No. 12. P. 1-21. 
Samarina A.E., Kiseleva M.P., Timofeeva N.M. The use of information network 
technologies in the project of studying the culture of the native land // Teacher and time. 
2016. No. 11. P. 210-213. 
Samarina A.E. The potential of the Teacher Desmos service in the study of planimetry at 
school // Mathematics and problems of education. Materials of the 41st International 
Scientific Seminar of Teachers of Mathematics and Informatics of Universities and 
Pedagogical Universities. Kirov, 2022. pp. 259-261. 
Samulizhko A.L., Samarina A.E. About some possibilities of using the digital interactive 
environment Teacher Desmos in teaching // Development of scientific and technical 
creativity of children and youth. collection of materials of the IV All-Russian scientific 
and practical conference with international participation. Smolensk State University. 
Kirov, 2020. pp. 98-102. 
Senchilov Vladislav Vladimirovich
"Smolensk State University

The article discusses the features of design of the distance course in geometry for 
students in grade 10 based on the software Moodle. At the core of the course presents project tasks 
in geometry, having a connection with life situations and to the development of interest of pupils to 
geometry. To improve the teaching of geometry developed a geometric tasks dialog, allowing to 
provide step-by-step learning and mastering of the studied material. 
distance learning, methods of teaching geometry, organization of the educational 
process, the project tasks on geometry of the task dialog type. 
В статье рассматриваются особенности проектирования дистанционного 
курса геометрии для учащихся 10 класса на базе программного обеспечения Moodle. В 
основе курса представлены проектные задания по геометрии, имеющие связь с жизненными 
ситуациями и способствующие развитию интереса учащихся к геометрии. Для 
совершенствования преподавания геометрии разработан диалог геометрических задач, 
позволяющий обеспечить поэтапное изучение и усвоение изучаемого материала. 
Ключевые слова
: дистанционное обучение, методика обучения геометрии, 
организация учебного процесса, проектные задания по геометрии задания диалогового типа. 
Currently, distance learning is widely used in the school education system 
around the world, especially when teaching children with disabilities. Despite quite a 
lot of experience in using distance learning, the methodology for teaching geometry 
is standard, as in conventional teaching. As a result, the quality of distance learning in 
physical and mathematical disciplines is currently inferior to traditional learning. 
Meanwhile, in some cases, distance learning for such children is the only possible 
way to receive an education. Therefore, methodologists and teachers are faced with 
the task of raising distance learning to a completely new level. 

In such a situation, it is necessary to develop a new concept for teaching 
geometry during distance learning. This concept should not differ in the level of the 
material being studied, because Students with disabilities in most cases are also able 
to master educational material. The concept being developed should provide the latest 
ways of presenting educational material and organizing interaction between teacher 
and student. The process of voice communication during distance learning is 
currently at a high level, this is facilitated by programs such as Skype, Hangouts, 
iChat and many others [1]. Teaching physical and mathematical disciplines requires a 
step-by-step explanation of material containing mathematical formulas, as well as 
solutions to algebraic and geometric problems. The listed programs are not adapted to 
solve this problem. There are developed distance courses in mathematics on the 
Internet, such as courses in the I-Class system, I-School, etc., but they are all built on 
the same principle. These courses provide serious assistance in distance learning of 
geometry, but do not solve the main problem of ensuring interaction between teacher 
and student when explaining educational material. 
The basis of the methodology for distance teaching of geometry should be the 
pedagogical aspects of the formation of distance learning courses [2]. Modern 
distance courses in geometry must ensure adequate interaction between teacher and 
student. The solution to this problem is realized by creating dialog-type tasks. Such 
tasks are divided into theoretical and practical. Theoretical tasks assume that the 
study of theory is carried out step by step together with the teacher and is problem- 
based and search-based in nature. While working, the student is asked to answer 
some questions by writing the answers in the appropriate empty boxes. The answers 
are immediately checked by the system, and if the answers are correct, the study of 
the material continues further. The proof of the theorems follows the same principle. 
When describing the proof of the theorem, particularly interesting components are 
also omitted, and students must fill them in independently. The entire process is 
carried out jointly with the teacher under his strict guidance. This technique helps 
reduce the student’s fear of making a mistake, promotes the development of his 
mental activity and encourages him to communicate with the teacher. 
Practical tasks of the dialogue type represent a step-by-step solution to a 
geometric problem, with some aspects of the solution already indicated, and the 
student fills in the missing components. The first stage of such a task involves 
constructing a drawing, the basis of which has already been drawn, and the student, 
together with the teacher, completes the additional components necessary for the 
solution. The construction of drawings is carried out on the basis of an interactive 
whiteboard, the software of which is widely available on the Internet. Such programs 
allow both the teacher and the student to take notes at the same time; moreover, the 
teacher can make any components of the solution in advance and hide it from the 
student, using layer technology, which many interactive whiteboards have, and then 
make the layer active so that the student can compare his train of thought with the 
correct solution. The further solution also contains gaps that the student must fill in 
based on reasoning carried out jointly with the teacher. Practical interactive tasks in 
the electronic course must be presented with tasks of varying levels of complexity, 
depending on the preparedness of the students. 

Some course topics contain project-type assignments, the main task of which is 
to create interest in the subject and demonstrate the connection of geometry with 
everyday life, production and agriculture. Project assignments will allow students to 
understand the comprehensive application of geometry in the life of mankind, and 
will also eliminate the idea that the material being studied is isolated from real life, 
which will ensure increased interest in the subject [3]. Working through such 
assignments is one of the most difficult components of a distance learning course. Of 
greatest interest are design tasks related to production and requiring a non-trivial 
approach to their solution. Most of these assignments are practical in nature and also 
related to other subjects such as physics, chemistry, economics, biology, etc. Thus, 
teaching geometry using project tasks ensures the implementation of another 
requirement put forward to the school education system, this is the provision of 
interdisciplinary relationships. When completing such tasks, students are asked to 
independently master certain theoretical material and complete the task based on it, 
and the time for completing the task is regulated by the teacher and is at least a week 
for its completion. 
The use of such tasks is useful when teaching children with disabilities, 
because for many of them, the learning process is the only opportunity to 
communicate with the outside world. They take on such tasks with pleasure, and the 
teacher allows them to understand that they too can find their place in life, their ideas 
and work can be in demand in modern society [4]. 
In order to test the effectiveness of the developed distance course, a 
pedagogical experiment was conducted. The experiment involved 10th grade students 
at the Education Center for Children with Special Educational Needs. The experiment 
was carried out throughout the academic year. To confirm the effectiveness of the 
developed course, the students’ knowledge was tested by independent control, 
independent and knowledge tests developed by the center administration and the 
regional education department. The results obtained confirmed the practical 
significance and effectiveness of the developed methodology for distance learning in 

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