42. Weight (Вес): The measure of the force of gravity acting on an object. 43. Tissue (Ткань): A group of similar cells that perform specific functions within the body. 44. Vessel (Сосуд): A tube or channel that carries fluids, such as blood vessels. 45. Blood (Кровь): A bodily fluid that circulates in the cardiovascular system, transporting oxygen, nutrients, and waste products. 46. Contraction (Сокращение):The shortening of muscle fibers to produce movement or force. 47. Surface (Поверхность): The outermost part or layer of an object or substance. 48. Abdomen (Живот): The area of the body between the chest and pelvis, containing many vital organs. 49. Atrium (Предсердие): One of the upper chambers of the heart that receives blood from the veins. 50. Ventricle (Желудочек): One of the lower chambers of the heart that pumps blood to the rest of the body. 51. Lung (Легкое): An essential respiratory organ that allows oxygen to enter the bloodstream and removes carbon dioxide. 52. Liver (Печень): A large organ in the abdomen that performs various metabolic and detoxification functions. 53. Chamber (Камера): A hollow, enclosed space within a structure, such as the heart's chambers. 54. Septum (Перегородка): A wall or partition that separates two cavities or areas in an organ, such as the heart. 55. Apex (Апекс):The highest or pointed part of an object, often referring to the tip of the heart. 56. Pericardium (Перикард): A double-walled sac surrounding the heart that provides protection and lubrication.