ISSN 2616-8901. Математика және жаратылыстану-техникалық сериясы № 4/ 2018 The principle of systematicity and sequence in mastering science achievements, experience of
professional activity gives system character to students” carried-out work, theoretical knowledge and
practical abilities necessary for formation of deontological readiness, as well asit demands logical
construction not only of the content, but also of the process of future experts required readiness.
The principle of durability of the results reached by students in the course of deontologic
readiness formation reflects result of well acquired and for a long time remaining in memory
knowledge, the skills necessary in the course of conscious professional activity organization and
implementations well as formationof the positive attitude to the studied material.
1. Program: state, regional, municipal and local target programs corresponding to the Concept
Development, acceptance and implementation of programs arc carried out according to the
legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the indication of concrete work types on the program
implementation, necessary expenses on each action and sources of their financing.
2. Information mechanism: data control of the statistical reporting, data of social monitoring
researches of deontological education problems in professional education system, organization of
information and educational activity for promotion ideas of the Concept through mass media.
Organization of scientific and practical conferences and seminars for an exchange and distribution of
the best practices on introduction of the concept ideas.
3. Methodical: use of scientific potential for organization and carrying out scientific researches
and scientific forecasting of deontological education processes focused on various professional areas;
- carrying out monitoring (including public monitoring and public control) of efficiency of the
Concept implementation and target programs.
- use of the design approach, competitive situations, reviews, the discussion platforms, trainings
and other technologies where the main target 1s education of deontological consciousness.
4. Organizational: association and coordination of actions of all the establishments, ministries,
organizations, public authorities and individuals interested in future experts’ deontological education.
From the aforesaid follows that the system of professional education must be aimed at the process: • creation of psychology — pedagogical conditions for formation of experts’ deontological
readiness which will provide their worthy competence-based characteristic, possibility of self-
realization, self-determination of future expert’s identity in the space of modern culture; |
• creation in higher education institution of the humanitarian sphere promoting disclosure of
creative potential of the personality, noosphere thinking formation, valuable orientations and moral
qualities with the subsequent their updating professional, scientific and public work.
3 Educational results are distributed on three levels.
The first level of the results — acquisition by future experts professional, ethic —
deontological knowledge (special, specific, standard, about positive and negative forms of
communication, behavior in the sphere of professional activity, etc.), .understanding of social and
professional reality.
The second level of the results — getting the experience of professional activity and the
positive attitude to basic values of the chosen profession, valuable attitude to social and economic
reality as well as to the production sphere of future professional activity.
Transition from one level of educational results to another one must be consecutive, gradual
and it should be taken into account at the organization of deontological education in professional
Total result: new generation of experts with high level of deontological consciousness,
patriotism, and civic consciousness; with high level of intellectual potential, self-assured and having
confidence in future of our country, responsible for the personal and professional growth.
Education — effective tutors and pupils’ interaction (cooperation), directed on achievement of
the set purpose.
Educational process is teachers and students’ interaction for the purpose of orientation to self-
development, self-education, self-realization.