Suyumbekova B.T., Belgibayeva M.Zh.
Zhetysu state university named after I. Zhansuguurov, Taldykorgan city
Мақалада терминдердің анықтамалары мен сипаттамалары қарастырылған.
Терминнің жалпы сипаттамасы мен құрылымын сипаттай келе, автор терминологияның
аударылу әдістеріне өз мысалдарын келтірген.
В статье рассматривается определения и описания терминов. Рассказывая общюю
характеристику и структуру терминов, автор приводит свои примеры методов перевода
In this article is examined definitions and descriptions of terms. Describing common
characteristic and structure of the term, author gives own examples of translation methods of
Key words: term, terminology, scientific terms, common technical terms, scientific-technical
terminology, peculiarity of the term, terminological word-combinations, translation of terms.
Possessing complex internal semantic structure, term is a united, independent unit of
the name [1, 42].
The term(including scientific-technical terms and terms organizing-efficient
documentation) is a unit of some concrete natural or artificial language(the word, word-
combination, abbreviation, symbol, combination of the word and letters-symbol, combination
of the word and numeral-symbols),which is possessed as a result the spontaneously
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established or conscious collective agreement special terminological meaning, which may be
expressed either in verbal form, or in that or other formalized type and sufficiently exactly and
fully reflects basic, essential on given development level of the science and technology, signs
of corresponding concepts. The term is a word, usually correlated with determined unit
corresponding to logician-notional system according the content.
A.A. Reformatskii defines the terms as "a unambiguous words, deprived from
expression" [2, 128]. M.M. Glushko said that "the term is a word or word-combination which
uses to express the concept and indicate the subject, possessing, due to presence in it strict and
exact definition, clear semantic borders and therefore unambiguous within corresponding
qualification system [3, 237].
What is the linguistically nature of the term? First, term is an integral organic part of
lexical system of the literary language. Second, terms differ from the other categories of the
words by its enormous information richness. The most exact, concentrated and safe
determination of scientific or technical concept is given in scientific and technical term.
The main requirement to the terms is its one meaning. A common scientific and
common technical term expresses common concepts of science and technique. Terms exist not
only in language but also in the definite terminology. Terminology as the system of scientific
terms, present itself as the sub-system in the common lexical system of language [4, 77].
According to the A.A. Reformatskii, terminology it is a system of concepts of given science,
fixed in suitable word expression [5, 121]. If in the common language word can have several
meanings, then in the definite terminology it receives one meaning.
Peculiarity of the term as the special lexical group of words is that they created in the
process of practical and scientific activity and therefore functions only among those people,
who have these scientific and practical phenomenons, i. e. macro-context. Therefore
comparatively with usual words, which one-meaning provided by the situation or linguistic
context in the communication, the one-meaning of the term limited with extra linguistic or
linguistic macro-context.
The term is not need the context as the word, because:
it is the member of definite terminology, which acts as the context;
it can be used isolated, for example, in the text of orders in the technique [6, 73].
In the lexical system of language terms shows those features, which have the words, i.
e. they have antonyms and idiomatic. For example, the term «valve» in the car terminology
means «клапан», in the radio technology «электронды шам», in the oil and gas industry
«затвор»; the term «power» in the physics means «қуаттылық», «энергия», in the
mathematics – «дәреже», in the optic – «линзаны арттыру күші».
The same term can be included in different terminology of given language, which
presents itself the international terminological homonym.
The context of scientific knowledge begins gradually enter into the signs of language
selected by us. Scientific meaning, which found its expression in the word or term, transfers
to the new stage, including into the semantic system and structure of that or another language
of science, becoming the component of lexical-semantic system of this language.
The character of semantics links between components of English terminological word-
combinations. Terms + word-combinations, expressing unite concepts, possesses different
stage of semantic order, generally they are more stable comparatively with free word-
combinations of literary language by its lexical-semantic organization. We can refer them into
the number of lexical word-combinations, which character peculiarity is that the place of one
of the components filled by not any other word of suitable category, but by some which make
definite semantic group.
There are a large number of terms in English scientific-technical terminology, which
consists of several components. For example:
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read-write head for magnetic tape unit
Such multicomponent terms refer to two types:
Non-solvable terms word-combinations
Solvable terms word-combinations
Stable terminological word-combinations are very easy to translate than complex
words – terms, because all components in them are grammatically decorated, what facilitates
revealing semantic links between them.
Grammatical decoration in terms word-combinations can be expressed: by suffixes
(selective communication); prepositions (system of taxes);
There is a great attention to the systematic features of terms, which created again. In
many spheres were created special rules of forming terms for the concepts or objects of
definite class.
The term-complex words. The term-complex word is a combination of two or more
bases nouns, which comply with the forms, provided in the dictionaries: book value
(балансты пайда) and etc. The terminological word-combination is usually formed by
combination of adjective with a noun, participle with a noun or several nouns, united by
prepositions: accounting convention (бухгалтерлік есептеу әдісі), utilization of looses
(шығындарды өтеу).
The term-complex words are included into English scientific-technical literature more
and more, because the meaning of the complex word is always more exactly specialized than
the meaning of corresponding word-combination.
S.N. Gorelikova formulates the number of formal rules of the translation of term-
complex words: «if the meanings of a component is clear, then these rules will help to open
the meaning of the complex word» [7, 76].
First of all, it is necessary to determine the lexical-semantic category of complex word
component, it means the exactly item which they mark: subjects, actions, features and etc. The
term-complex word, which both components mark the item (machines, mechanisms (devices;
gears), instruments and etc.), is translated differently, depending on the correlation between
given items.
If the second item is a part of first, the Kazakh equivalent will have a form: noun in
singular form, the accusative case + noun in singular form. For instance:
oil consumption (мунай сұранысы)
control system (бақылау жүйесі).
If the first item is a part of second, then first component is translated by adjective,
because it defines the qualitative peculiarity of the second item, distinguishing it from other
items. For instance:
laboratory research (зертханалық зерттеу)
gas engine (газ қозғалтқышы).
But if the first component of the complex word marks the item, and the second its
characteristic, the essential feature of the subject (weight, area(square), thickness, speed,
pressure and etc.), then the Kazakh equivalent of the second component receives the form of
the accusative case, and an equivalent of the first component receives the noun in genitive
case. For instance:
crash test (апат текскеруі)
gas fields (газ кендері)
In order to know, in what form put the noun, marking the item, it is necessary to find
in micro-context of complex word suitable English term as an independent word and define
its grammatical number. In the most complex word the grammatical number can't be defined,
because the components of complex word are written, usually, apart, however they are not an
independent words, but only bases. Therefore, the number of items, marked by first
component, is not expressed in complex word.
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While analyzing the complex word of the type "item + characteristic", it is necessary
to pay attention to that, whether the concept concerned, expressed by second
component(characteristic), to the item, marked by first component. If the first component of
the term-complex word marks the items, and the second the action this item, then Kazakh
equivalent of the second component will have a form of the accusative case, and the
equivalent of the first component the form of the genitive case. For instance:
magnetometer survey (магнометрлік түсірілім) etc.
The special difficulty in translation presents the multicomponent complex words. First
of all, it is necessary to open the meaning of the basic component. The context have great role
here. Then it is necessary to find the internal terms in multicomponent term-complex word, if
they there are exist, with its referring words. In the following examples is illustrated the
sequence of the translation of multicomponent terms.
1) control-surface cable adjustment access
access - люк
adjustment access - реттеу люкі
control-surface cable - рульді басқару арқаны(тросы)
The meaning of the whole term is "рульді басқару арқанын(тросын) реттеу люкі".
2) radio wave speed measurement
measurement - өлшем
speed measurement - жылдамдық өлшемі
radio wave - радиотолқын
The meaning of the whole term is "радиотолқын жылдамдығының өлшемі"
The one-word terms. The suffixes and prefixes, used in a system of English term-
forming, basically are taken from the general, ordinary word-building English facilities. To
form terms by suffixes and prefixes is typical choice from number word-building elements of
those terms, which are useful for building terms. The specific sign of special technology is a
longing for fixing determined terminological meanings for some suffixes.
This particularly characteristic for chemical terminology, where the specialization
suffix is fully studied. There are formed in English:
The names of the basic organic joining and halogens by using the suffix - ine [en]
(amine, fluorine);
The names of the volatile organic joining by the suffix - in [in] (salicin);
The names of the hydrocarbon acetylene row by the suffix - yne [i:n] (propyne).
The English prefixes dis-, en- are widely used in forming biological term. For
- enfееble (әлсірету)
- enrich (тотықсыздандыру).
In the terminology of the oil and gas industry are also formed by the affixation.
For instance, by the suffix -er, -or, -ist there are formed nouns, marking a
- mud engineer
- doodlbugger
- diver
as well as machines(vehicles), tools, instruments, facilities:
- hyperbaric chamber
- cutter
- limer
The nouns with concrete subject meaning are formed by the suffix -ing, -ment:
- spudding
- drilling
- cracking
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The nouns with distracted meanings are formed by the suffixes, which express the
characteristic and quality:
- ness (business);
- ty (safety);
The suffix -ing is used for indicating the technological processes and actions in
- turning
- exploration drilling.
The suffix - (t) ion is used for expressing the action:
- piling foundation
- activation
- decomposition
For the scientific-technical terminology it is usual the use of number suffixes and
prefixes, less productive, unproductive and quite absent in national language. In this way,
following less productive suffixes are widely used in term-building of oil and gas industry:
- ment (treatment, filement);
- ance, - ence (inductance, divergence).
In the system of the term-building is widely used a suffix adjective -wise, which adds
to base the meaning "toward, parallel":
- streamwise
- slantwise
Some less productive prefixes are widely used in term-building:
- non-corroding
- non-dimensional
- non-freezing
Some suffixes and prefixes, which are used in the system of the term-building, are
absent in generally accepted english.
For instance, prefix as- appeared in english term-building, which is used with
participle of past tense and transmit the meaning "right in that condition (state), what the
subject has gained, after the process, expressed by participle:
- as-cast (directly after casting)
- as-controlled (directly after checking)
- as-welded (directly after welding)
The special rules of the term formation are designed in many areas for the concepts or
objects of the certain class. In this way the names of different types of electric bulbs in
analogy with term "electrode" with indication of the electrode number, used in bulbs:
- diode
- triode
In conclusion we shall note that one-word terms are not stable according the number
of word-building components. In accordance with this fact one-word terms form the following
I. One base:
- agent
- domain
- frame
II. The base and one or more affixes:
- acknowledgment
- application
- connectionless
ІІІ. The terms formed by uniting bases:
- broadcast
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- dial-up
- network
ІV. The terms formed by adding the parts of the words:
- helipad
- updip
- downdip
V. The forming the term proceeds when adding bases and affixation:
- broadcasting
- subnetwork.
The main peculiarities of scientific-technical style are its informativeness, logistic, clearness
and objectiveness, exactness and comprehensibility. Separate texts, which belong to this style, can
possess mentioned features more or less. However, there is a big use of language means in
such texts, which allow satisfying demands of the given sphere.
In the lexicon, first of all, it is the use of scientific-technical terminology and so called
special lexicon. Terms are the words and word-combinations, entitling specific objects and
concepts, which are operated by the specialists in definite sphere of science and technique. The
words, which are used nearly solely within the framework of given style and special meanings
of the national words, can be the terms. Such, for instance, lexical units, as "coercivity"
(коэрцитивтілік), "keraumophone" (керамофон), "klystron" (клистрон), "microsyn"
(микросин) and etc., which are widely used in texts of electronics context, is difficult to meet
them outside the scientific-technical material. In same time in these texts acts as the terms such
words, as "dead"(өшірулі), "degeneracy"(дегенерация), "rope"(арқан) and others, which have
a well-known commonly used meanings. The terms must provide a clear and exact indication in
real objects and phenomenas, fix unambiguous understanding by specialists of modern
information. Therefore, there are special requirements to this type of words. First of all, the term
must be exact, i.e. it should have strictly definite sign, which can be opened by the way of the
logical determination, which is installing the place, marked by the term of the concept in
concept system of given area of the science or technology. If some detail of the instrument is
referred to as "a viewfinder"(видеоіздеуіш), then this term must mark only this detail, which
executes determined functions and no other part of given instrument or other device. By this
reasons the term must be unambiguous and independent from the content. In other words, it must
have its own clear meaning, indicated by its determination, in all cases of using it in any text, in order
to not waste a time by choosing the numerous meanings of the term. Each meaning must have only
one corresponding term, i. e. to avoid term-synonyms with similar meanings. We know that exactly
identification of objects and meanings is complicated, when the same subject is named differently.
The term must be a part of strict logical system. The meanings of terms and their
determinations must comply with the rules of logical classification, exactly distinguish the objects
and concepts, but do not allow vagueness or contradictions. And, finally, the term must be especially
objective denomination, without extraneous meanings, distracting the specialist. Therefore, it is
“contraindicated” the emotion, metaphoric, any associations and etc.
There is a great attention to the systematic features of terms, which created again. In many
spheres were created special rules of forming terms for the concepts or objects of definite class. So,
the names of different kinds of electric lamps created as the term ''electrode'' with the use of
electrode in lamps (diode, triode, tetrode, pentode, hexode, heptode, etc.), the number of
specialized electronic tools receive names with elements:
-iron (additron, carcinotron, cryotron, exitron, ignitron, klystron, permatron, phantastron,
plasmatron, platinotron, skiatron, thyratron, etc.), Chemical terms with -ite, -ate define the salts,
-lous — acids and etc.
We widely use so called special common technical lexicon, which is also one of the specific
features of scientific-technical style. This is the words and combinations, which do not possess the
feature of the term to identify concepts and objects in definite sphere, but used only in given sphere,
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selected by the narrow circle of scientists.
Certainly, in scientific-technical materials are used not only terminological and special
lexicon. There are a large number of common national words, used in any functional style. In the
process of translating such lexical units, translator of scientific-technical literature faces with
the same problems and uses for solving such problems the same methods as his colleagues,
who work in other spheres. Scientific-technical materials are not always non-neutral-objective.
There are a number of facts of using other elements in scientific-technical investigations:
A large part of industrial America is rushing to get on the nuclear bandwagon.
Branched chain paraffins will be the fair-haired boys in our future gasolines.
Calcium cyanamide has been getting a big play in Germany recently.
Buick has stolen a march on the rest of the industry with a cast-iron V-6 engine.
Cellulose triacetate will give other fibers a run for their money.
In conclusion, it is clear that for understanding and translation of such phrases the
translator of scientific-technical literature have not enough knowledge in the sphere of
terminology and special lexicon. As each translator he must possess all language wealth with
which he will work.
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