Asking for and giving opinions. An online book or film review. Writing a book or film review. p.87
6.C4 evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others
6.C7 develop and sustain a consistent argument when speaking or writing
6.S5 keep interaction going in basic exchanges on a growing range of general and curricular topics
6.R1 understand the main points in a limited range of short simple texts on general and curricular topics
6.R2 understand with little support specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics
6.R3 understand the detail of an argument on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts
6.R7 recognise typical features at word, sentence and text level in a limited range of written genres
6.R8 use with some support familiar paper and digital reference resources to check meaning
6.W8 spell most high-frequency words accurately for a limited range of general topics of familiar general topics
W.B. p.61
My Country.
A folktale p.88
6.C4 evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others
6.C7 develop and sustain a consistent argument when speaking or writing