Қазақ мемлекеттік қыздар педагогикалық университетінің Хабаршысы № 1 (77), 2019
performance of the movement, the interval in time and space, the nature of the performance of the
movement, and the category of the person performing the operation, also has a certain difficulty. All this
together can almost not be explained to a foreign student without additional illustrative resources. And,
in this case, complex animation has to potential to be one of the most productive methods for illustrating
action in a characteristic interval of time and space.
The simplest route in various directions with use of prefixed verbs is presented in the following
image. The convenience of a video clip would be that, showing a certain direction of action, the teacher
can comment on the process of an explanation of value using separate prefixes, then change the
direction and, as a result, a verb. Students see the whole process in operation, and furthermore can
create various routes, using verbs of motion. Here we used verbs in the past tense, but an animation
would create the possibility for creating imaginary actions in the future as well as for recreating the
process of synchronous performance of action in the present.
As a sample we created a video series on the subject the "Formation of Prefixed Verbs," but the
teacher, at his or her own discretion, can choose and create various subjects, objects, and dialogues.
And, using the possibilities of computer graphics, the teacher can achieve result quicker, using the
ability to define properties of a subject, symbols, and the actions of a subject, as well as the ability to
build phrases independently by knowing the system‘s design and necessary formulas:
For example: 1 + V3=A3 + O3 Он позвонил своему другу.
1 + V4=A4 + O4 Моя мама купила красивое платье.
1 + V5=A5 + O5 Мы познакомились с умным человеком.
1 + V6=A6 + O6 Моя подруга работает в иностранной компании и др.
Before beginning to work with a verb, the teacher acquaints students with a noun, the categories
of number, animated and inanimate nouns sorted by case, and nominals.
Then with the use of an adjective the teacher analyzes categories of number, sort, and case. There
are synonyms and antonyms of adjectives, the determination of a subject‘s symbols, and the creation of
interrogative and affirmative forms.
The subsequent stage consists of verb formation. The teacher remains on the formation of
prefixed forms of verbs in detail.
It is known that verbs of motion are divided into 2 groups. Verbs of the first group designate the
movement which happens at once or in a certain direction. These are verbs of the unidirectional
Verbs of the second group designate the movement which happens many times or in various
directions. These are verbs of multidirectional movement.
1 group: идти, ехать, бежать, лететь, плыть.
2 group: ходить, ездить, бегать, летать, плавать.
Қазақ мемлекеттік қыздар педагогикалық университетінің Хабаршысы № 1 (77), 2019
By means of animation it is possible to show and explain easily to foreign students on the
distinction between unidirectional and multidirectional movement.
During the formation of the prefixed forms of the verb the main complexity for the student
consists in abundance of verbal prefixes, each of which has its own value. And, often foreigners are
confused in the use of these prefixes and pretexts when determining the direction of movement.
Animation and computer graphics allow for showing these three-dimensional motions in a certain
situation. Subsequently, the students themselves can create the directions of movements necessary by
asking a question and using various verbs and pretexts.
This picture is from the video created by us and used in our lessons. It is visible as an object
which takes an action and changes the direction of movement. This animation allows for displaying the
"reality" of events, the student together with the protagonist participates in animated story.
Subsequently, by working off of the values of each prefix and by using questions of the direction of
actions (for example, to? from where?), it is possible to add this video series with various dialogues. It is
possible to introduce other protagonists as well. In this fragment we use only the verbs идти - ходить,
but subsequently it is possible to create videos using other verbs. For example, плавать - плыть, идти -
ходить, летать - лететь.
Also, the animation and computer graphics help the students to visualize values of some pretexts,
for example ―in,‖ ―on,‖ ―because of,‖ ―from under,‖ ―through,‖ etc. When choosing the volume of
lexical and grammatical material and the sequence of its representation the teacher has to consider the
students‘ levels in perceiving this information.
During the selection of material and the determination of its presentation sequence the teacher
can, considering level of the group, introduce some prefixes with verbs of motion, which can be used
subsequently in either a lower or a higher grade level. In other cases, the teacher may give these prefixes
special attention as important for a particular sphere of communication and necessary for understanding
of certain texts.
Animation and computer graphics are a means of representing the value of prefixed or un-
prefixed verbs of motion containing the necessary visual reference points for the completion of specific
Animation and computer graphics also promote the prevention of mistakes in the use of verbs of
motion, and allow for fast assimilation of certain grammatical phenomena in a process operated and
controlled by pupils.
Also, the use of complex animation and computer technologies makes available such future
opportunities as:
1. "Free" information navigation and a way into the Internet world network.
2. The use of text fragments, dialogue designs on visual materials, the creation of various videos
and audio-works covering various levels and fields of grammar (in the accompanying image).
3. Work with various applications (text, graphics, and sound editors, as well as cartographic
4. The translation of hard-to-understand information into a simplified form by use of computer
5. Increasing an image screen size (up to twenty-fold) or focusing on an images most interesting
fragments, while maintaining the quality of the image.
6. The use of various software for scientific, research, or informative purposes.
7. The use of continuous musical or other audio corresponding to either a static or dynamic video
8. The use of video fragments from movies, videos, etc., as well as functions for ―freeze frame,‖
―time-lapse,‖ and ―scrolling" of a video.
9. Including image processing techniques in educational programs, as well as complex animation
for the deep study of linguistic forms.
10. The creation of one‘s own ―galleries‖ / selections of information provided in a given product.
11. Automatically viewing individual clips / "slideshow" of a product, as well as creating an
animated "guide" to a product (oral and written user instructions). This includes game components and
information components in the structure of a product. This constitutes the educational tutorial of RAF,
which implements various types of information technologies.
Thus, it is clear that the advantages of using multimedia technologies (the expeditious use of
information, the combination of audio-and visual material, etc.) in the organization of educational
processes are very useful. The use of such technologies significantly makes educational information
―come alive‖ by making it more clearly perceived and more easily assimilated.
Қазақ мемлекеттік қыздар педагогикалық университетінің Хабаршысы № 1 (77), 2019
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