The idea of acquainting the student with topics before he or she begins the current training.
This happens due to the fact that a student himself / herself proposes a topic for study, for example, the
"Fine Arts of Afghanistan," and is then given the task of finding short texts on this opic. Then, together,
the teacher and the student determine the research requirements, and the teacher adapts the text and
prepares it for implementation.
The idea of large blocks is that the learning process does not consist of individual lessons or
training sessions, but of blocks of "immersion" in different topics, working with hypertext. The material
comes in large blocks, and so it is possible to increase the volume of the material for study, to establish
logical connections, and to distinguish the main point.
The idea of introspection is to teach students individual or collective introspection in their
study of language.
The idea of personal approach is to use techniques in which each student feels like a human
being, and thus feels the personal attention of the teacher.
The idea of dialogical thinking consists of a dialogue between teacher and students, of a
friendly and attentive attitude to the statements of students, of the encouragement of ideas and thoughts
of students regardless of whether they are right or wrong, of promoting student activity, of cooperation
Қазақ мемлекеттік қыздар педагогикалық университетінің Хабаршысы № 1 (77), 2019
between teachers and students in finding solutions to educational problems and issues, and of
contributing to the development of students‘ creative abilities, as well as their motivation to learn a
The intellectual background of the joint activities in the learning process and outside of it
(such as in museums, leisure time, etc.). The goal of every teacher is always a variety of specific
pedagogical actions and tasks. It requires a teacher to implement creative solutions, to use creative
thinking, to develop new ideas, and to take an unconventional approach [3, 6].
The apology method of cooperation pedagogy proposes the following concepts:
• The idea of joint educational activities of the teacher and the student is bound by mutual
understanding and joint analysis of the progress and results of this activity.
• Collaborative relationships are multifaceted; but most important is the "teacher / student"
relationship. Traditional education is based on the position of the teacher as subject, and the student as
the object of the pedagogical process. This provision is replaced by the idea the concept of
collaboration, which holds that the student is the subject of his or her own training activities.
• Two subjects of the same process have to work together as partners. To make this a
collaboration of the more experienced with less experienced, none should stand above the other [7].
Understanding the basic principles and concepts of the pedagogy of cooperation, and taking them
as a basis, we proceeded to the creation of the textbook the "Language of Occupation: the Art," which is
intended for students preparing to study, or currently studying, at the Academy of Arts of Kazakhstan.
Also, there is the important fact that the students themselves are "creators" of this reality, and thus
the direction of communicative actions and subjects depend upon them. Students have the possibility of
continuous interaction with the program. Thus, at any time, it is possible to request necessary
information, to present it in the various convenient forms, and to receive assessment from the program
on the correctness of the students‘ actions.
By means of various gestures and a mimicry it is possible "to show" various emotions which are
experienced by the participants of dialogues. It is possible to continue communication infinitely, but it is
also possible to interrupt it at any place and to continue next time. Thus, the possibilities of interactive
communication are boundless. The development of multimedia dialogue systems led to emergence of
textbooks, encyclopedias, atlases, and magazines, as well as fiction with "live" pictures and sound. The
training of oral speech in a foreign language, especially in a specialty not in the language of the higher
educational institution, is a difficult and labor-intensive process as within student speech there have to
be elements of the corresponding text genre, such as scientific style. The work of the teacher is
facilitated by the fact that this speech can be close to as many as 30 parameters of the educational text
which has been used as the basis for training, and having a smaller quantity of any situational
opportunities [5].
The computer is unlike the more-irritable living teacher, and it can wait patiently as long as
necessary to correct the pupil's errors. And, it is not important whether this is the correction of a foreign-
language accent, the elimination of errors in oral speech, or the elimination of grammatical defects.
Now, multimedia technologies are one of the most explosively-developing directions of new
information technologies in education.
The teacher should consider the level of a student group when selecting training material and
determining of the presentation sequence. Animation and computer graphics are a means of the
representation of the value of this or that image, and contain necessary visual reference points for the
implementation of a specific action. They promote the prevention of mistakes in the communicative
process, and allow for the fast assimilation of certain grammatical phenomenon. This process is
operated and controlled on the pupils‘ side.
It is possible to create videos of different kinds, such as on observation, on value judgment, on the
recognition of the phenomenon studied, on training, and on speech. The texts offered in various
textbooks can be used as the scenarios for subsequent video clips to be used for the purpose of
establishing the grammatical material studied, as well as for auditions, readings, and the development of
Analysis of the theoretical material shows the possibility for the creation of student presentations
of information pages in the form of text and graphic screens, animated inserts, video clips, and
illustration programs. Students have an opportunity to leaf through pages of information backwards and
forwards, to watch the application of theory from the beginning to the end, and to find the necessary
section according to a table of contents.