affect the different aspects of life in the country. The main purpose of the survey was to find out the opinion of the
Astana (77 %). While only 4 % noted the negative impact of EXPO on the international image of Kazakhstan.
About the influence of the EXPO on the economy of Kazakhstan, the opinion of the respondents is not so
optimistic, but still every second respondent (51 %) believes that EXPO will have a positive impact on
Kazakhstan’s economy. About a quarter of respondents (24 %) believe that EXPO will affect our economy
The least positive impact of the EXPO will have on the lives of ordinary citizens of Kazakhstan. Thus, 42 % of
respondents believe that the holding of a world exhibition will not affect the lives of ordinary people in any way,
and every third interrogated (32 %) is disposed negatively, believing that conducting the EXPO will negatively
Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-нің ХАБАРШЫСЫ, «Тарих және саяси-әлеуметтік ғылымдар» сериясы, №3(58), 2018 ж.
Picture 5. The Results of the survey about the EXPO-2017 influence
Source [3].
The public opinion poll among the urban population of Kazakhstan showed that interest in EXPO-2017 held in
Astana was quite high. Therefore, 32 % of respondents either have already visited, or were going to visit the
World Exhibition. Moreover, the overwhelming majority, friends and relatives (66 %) had already visited the
EXPO-2017. At the same time, the prevailing view is that the EXPO will undoubtedly positively influence
primarily the international image of Kazakhstan (77 % of positive assessments), but less on the economy of
Kazakhstan (51 % of positive assessments) and on the lives of ordinary Kazakhstanis (26 % of positive
Maria Maystrovskaya, PhD of Art History in Moscow State Art and Industrial University named by Stroganov
came to visit the EXPO-2017 and supported it: “I teach the art course of the exposition ensemble. Therefore, I am
interested in exhibitions and try not to miss the EXPO. This is my third such exhibition; I was previously in
Shanghai and Milan, and now here in Astana. I have been in the capital of Kazakhstan for five days. The
exhibition complex is very good, I saw its layout in Milan, and it was exhibited in the pavilion of Kazakhstan. The
idea of a permanent complex is correct. All the World Exhibitions build national pavilions, spend fantastic money,
sometimes they do architectural masterpieces, but they all destroy it. After the Exhibition closing, the pavilions
are usually demolished. As far as I understand, you will not do it. By the way, in Shanghai the national pavilion is
also preserved as a permanent exhibition. I think your complex will justify itself over time. World Exhibitions are
very rarely profitable, but they have a different purpose and other meaning. This, of course, is a huge cultural
event. It in a sense can be called a phenomenon of culture. But the exhibition, in fact, was a success, with which I
want to congratulate everyone” [4].
What about the expertise of our local political scientists, Mr. Morozovbelieves that the main advantage is the
legacy of the EXPO: “This is not only the exhibition complex, NurAlem, but it is also a new station, a new airport
terminal, new bus lines. Another social aspect of the exhibition - about 50 thousand people was involved and
provided with work” [5].
According to the Candidate of Historical Sciences AskarNursha, Head of the Almaty Office of the Institute of
World Economy and Policy (IWEP) under the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan,
the EXPO is a mirror in which all the strong and weak places in the concentrated form were manifested. Mr.
Nursha compares the EXPO-2017 with the Olympics of 1980 in Moscow. Both the Olympics and the EXPO-
2017 are investments in development. But they were not built in order to achieve profit. And the main lesson for
us is that we need to work, we need to modernize our consciousness, and we must put everything on economic
lines and make this business profitable. Because the Olympic Games in Moscow were unprofitable as it were in