Формируемые компетенции: Через овладение знаниями по основным молекулярно-генетическим и клеточным механизмам деятельности организма, теориям наследственного материала на молекулярном уровне формируется методическая компетентность посткурсовой образовательной направленности, вычислительных подходов при проведении научно-исследовательской работы.
Формирует компетентность учителя в подготовке по направлению Биология, в школе, в кружковой работе как объекта изучения биохимических, физиологических процессов в живых организмах.
Получит теоретические знания об особенностях биологического, генетического строения, филогенетического развития и системного положения по дисциплине "решение биологических задач", сформирует компетентность в решении задач по теоретическим основам практической работы.
Code of module:NLT-7
Name of module: New learning technologies
Name of discipline: Solving biological problems
Prerequisites: The method for teaching biology
Post Requisites: Writing and defending a thesis (project) or passing a comprehensive exam
Рurpose: Familiarization of future biology teachers with the methods of solving biological problems and the formation of the ability to effectively apply them in their practice.
Brief description: Considers the blocks of the course: Hereditary information and its implementation in the cell , Fundamentals of genetics , Selection , cell Biochemistry , Molecular biology of cells , cell Division , Reproduction and development of organisms . The study of the laws of heredity, variability, implementation of hereditary information in the body.
Learning outcomes: * About the main biological mechanisms of the body's activity, the structural and functional organization of hereditary material at the molecular level (DNA);
* About the directions and mechanisms of transmission of hereditary information in living systems, their role and significance in activities under normal and pathological conditions;
* On the structural and functional organization of hereditary material at the gene, chromosomal and genomic levels;
* Theoretical knowledge is being formed to solve problems about the causes and mechanisms of the occurrence of hereditary variability and their role in the formation of hereditary human diseases and congenital malformations;
* Be able to solve problems in biology, molecular genetics, biochemistry, physiology and draw conclusions from the resulting final data;
* Be able to organize experimental and exploratory, managerial work on a scientific basis;
Apply the acquired knowledge in laboratory, production conditions.