Code of module: SLO-4
Name of module: Structure of living organisms
Name of discipline: Cytology, histology and еmbryology
Prerequisites: Anatomy and morphology of plants
Post Requisites: Human Anatomy
Purpose: to get acquainted with the microscopic structure of cells and tissues in humans and animal organisms and to study the relationship between the development and functioning of cells and tissues. Thanks to the teaching of the subject, the student has a professional and general cultural competence.
To study the general laws of individual development of organisms, to form students' understanding of the main directions of modern embryology and its place among other biological disciplines.
Brief description:Examines the basic, fundamental properties of the most important groups of cells and tissues, especially the structural and functional organization and interaction of cells and tissues in specific organs. Studies objects with organ structure, embryonic development of living organisms, gametogenesis, fertilization, morphogenesis..
Learning outcomes: - theoretical knowledge in cytology and histology;
- Practical skills of working with a microscope are formed;
- their views on the contribution of biological science to the formation of the theory of cells are formed.
to be able to study histological preparations for the development of invertebrate and vertebrate animals, to orientate and determine the stages of development from microphotographs. Be able to use the literature and knowledge on the biology of individual development to assess the damaging effect of environmental factors on the animal organism in the embryonic and postnatal periods of ontogeny and to experiment and observe the embryonic development of animals.
Formed competencies: the meaning of life in general, the development of its forms, patterns of development, the development of living nature, tissue and cell types, display design, educational activities, practical skills required to work under a microscope. Formation of the skills of using modern equipment, modern methods of practice in the laboratory environment, forming the skills of research, evaluation, differentiation and positive thinking when using pedagogical technologies, they have knowledge in the field of pedagogical goal-setting, have skills in the search for scientific literature;
have ideas about the processes of the development of living organisms, gametogenesis, fertilization, the formation and fragmentation of the zygote, the processes of tissue differentiation, the processes of laying down and developing organs, and knowledge of the theoretical foundations of creative activity.