Формируемые компетенции: владеет знаниями в области строении (морфологии) и тонкой структуре (анатомии) растений, владеть теоретическими знаниями в области ботаники, знать определенный минимум необходимых теоретических знаний по анатомии и морфологий растений. Имеет необходимые практические навыки для работы с микроскопом, натуральными ботаническими и гистологическими препаратами.
Code of module: SLO-4
Name of module: Structure of living organisms
Name of discipline: Anatomy and morphology of plants
Prerequisites: Postrequisites: Systematization plant
Purpose: Formation of students' understanding of the structure of the structure of plants at the level of tissues and cells, the patterns of development and placement of tissues in individual organs.
Brif description: A wide range of problems: regularities of external and internal structure (morphology and anatomy) vegetation at the cellular and tissue levels, their systematics, development during geological time (evolution) and related relationships (phylogenesis).
Learning outcomes: - To have an idea of the general structure (morphology) and fine structure (anatomy) of the plant as such;
- has the skills of preparing temporary anatomical drugs for the purpose of their microscopic and structural-functional studies;
- has an idea of the age and seasonal changes in the life of flowering plants, be able to classify them depending on the habitat;
- He has the ability to present his knowledge, including in the form of abstracts, abstracts, scientific reports and oral presentations.
Formed competencies: fluent knowledge of structure (morphology) and fine structure (anatomy) of plants, to possess the theoretical knowledge in the field of botany, to know a certain minimum of necessary theoretical knowledge on anatomy and morphology of plants. Has the necessary practical skills to work with a microscope, natural Botanical and histological preparations.