Prerequisites: Postrequisites: Purpose: formation of bases of ecological culture and the main directions of the world ecology of the Earth on the basis of harmony between man and nature, as well as the promotion of knowledge, aimed at reduction of mortality and loss of health from external factors and causes.
Brief description:Deals with the basic laws of functioning of living organisms, ecosystems of different levels of organization, the biosphere as a whole and their stability. Contains theoretical bases of safety of activity; legal, normative-technical and organizational bases of safety of activity and methods of increase of safety of technical means and technological processes.
Learning outcomes: The student hasenvironmental knowledge,
The student understands the importance of environmental activities,
The student has the skills of analyze environmental processes and assessment the social and environmental consequences of human activities; owns methods and technologies of protection in emergency situations, skills of rationalization of professional activity for the purpose of safety and environmental protection.
Formed competencies: Responsible attitude to environment based on the recognition of its universal value, ability to assess the results and consequences of own activities in terms of nature, minimizing harm to nature;
to promote the goals and objectives of human and environmental safety in the technosphere; to use knowledge of the basics of safety of various production processes in emergency situations.
Код модулі: ЭГ-1 Модуль атауы:Әлеуметтік -гуманитарлық
Пән атауы: Қоғамтану білімі (пәнаралық білім)
Пререквизиттер: Постреквизиттер: Мақсаты: Классик ақын, жазушы, публицист, драматург, аудармашы, фольклорист, әдебиет зерттеушісі, тарихшы, фельетон жанрының негізін салған көп қырлы талант Ілияс Жансүгіровтің зертханасына «енгізіп», шеберлік мектебін саралау, таразылау, суреткердің сырын түсіндіру.