Курсовая работа по модулю/дисциплине «Инжиниринг кип» на тему: «Fire and Gas Detection Philosophy»

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Батырбек Кип

Flame sensors (Figure 3)

Figure 3. Flame sensors

Light detectors or "flames" register an open flame in a room or hotbeds of ignition using the light range, namely: infrared, ultraviolet, electromagnetic.

The equipment is quite expensive, and in general it is suitable for covering large, industrial territories. It is suitable for objects where temperature rises and drops are commonplace, where smoke and gas pollution can also be acceptable. Therefore, a fire in such places is detected using light detectors or flame sensors.
The negative is the reaction to sparks from welding. The solution is to install an additional filter on the sensor sensor element.
Gas sensors (Figure 4)

Figure 4. Gas sensors

The devices react to the content of carbon monoxide and other types of gas in the room. Detectors are in demand at facilities with gas equipment, water heaters, boilers, etc. If the ventilation does not cope well, the gas concentration can be quite large in the room, and the sensor will inform you about it.

By the type of transmitted signal
Devices can have single-mode, dual-mode or multi-mode parameters:
For single-mode, only one factor is necessary. For example, the temperature has increased, and it becomes active. This is not very good, because the device may fail and it will be possible to find out about it only during a physical check of the device.
For dual-mode, one more parameter is required. For example, in addition to the "Fire" signal, it reports with a certain frequency that "There is no fire". If the second message does not come to the control panel for a long time, we can conclude that the sensor is broken.
Multi-mode provides fault information. For example, cable breakage, damage to the communication module or sensor element, etc.
By the type of parameter change tracking
Gas sensors are popular in this direction. They are able to detect carbon monoxide and other types of gas in the atmosphere. The device is not used in production, but in residential buildings it has gained its audience.
Combined detectors, due to the presence of several types of sensors in the case, are a more versatile device capable of tracking several parameters at once. A combination of a thermal + smoke sensor is more often used.
Optoelectronic smoke collectors use relays in their design. Upon contact with smoke, the light beam is reflected on the photocell, the relay closes the contact and a signal is given.
The selection process depends entirely on the location and purpose of the detector:
Thermal – simple, cheap and unpretentious to the "habitat". But, the trigger threshold is low. Short-lived.
The optical smoke detector is complex, expensive and whimsical for cleaning both the device itself and the air. The trigger threshold is high. Short-lived.
Ionization smoke is more expensive, whimsical to the location, difficult to use. The trigger threshold is high. Durable.
Combined is an excellent option, which includes optical and thermal sensors. Expensive, complex and optimal.

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