Курстық ЖҰмыс пән

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Бейсембек Гульдана ак42 курстык жумыс


Optional 1

Optional 2

Optional 3

listening audio, Celebrations

Optional 4.Lesson Plan

Unit of a long term plan: Values



Teacher name: Beisembek G.A


Number present:


Lesson title

What we value 1

Learning objectives(s)

5.S3 give an opinion at sentence level on a limited range of general and curricular topics

5.R6 recognize the attitude or opinion of the writer in short texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics

5.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to :

  • Express their opinion with 60 % accuracy with the help of another pupil.

  • Recognize the facts in the text with 1-2 errors with little support.

  • Exchange their ideas and feelings understandable with the help of partner.

Most learners will be able to:

  • Express their opinion with 70 % accuracy with the help of partner.

  • Recognize the facts in the text without errors with little support.

  • Exchange their ideas and feelings more clearly using imagination.

Some learners will be able to:

  • Express their ideas with 80% accuracy with the help of partner.

  • Recognize the facts in the text without errors without any support.

  • Exchange their feelings and ideas clearly using imagination without support.

Assessment criteria

Express their ideas to another pair.

Values links

To keep and to increase the friendship between people.

Cross-curricular links


Previous learning

About myself


Planned timings

Planned activities


6 min

Lead-in. Mind map.

Who is dear for you? Students write mind map in group. Students form to 3 groups by levels of thinking (lower thinking with higher thinking student). They have one sheet of paper. They should work together in groups and then present their work to another group. They do their work by example and answering to some questions.

Differentiation: by outcome

Feedback: monitoring their speech.

Critical thinking Katie. p.22


6 min

3 min

3 min

1 min

1 min

6 min


10 min

1. Chain Story. Students take turns to tell a part story. All class discussion one topic. Teacher gives the students the first sentences of a story. “There were two friends”. The first student gives the next sentences in the story, e.g. they live in the forest. The second student continues the story. Students take turns continuing a story.

Differentiation: by support teacher helps to start the story. Students help to each other by listening to continue the story.

Feedback: miming, ignoring

1. Pre-reading

Brainstorming to word “friend”

Learners do the association on the board. Play together, help, respect, etc.

1.1 meaning of words: a desert, a journey, a mire, to drown, to slap, to stick.

2) Students understand the meanings of the words 1)“to drown” by miming and flashcard, 2)“to slap” by miming, 3)“to stuck” by flashcard, 4)“a mire” by flashcard,5)“desert” by flashcard, 6)“journey” by giving synonyms.

2. First reading.

Learners read the text. Learners choose the headline from choice of three for article.

Friends forever. Having a best friend. To be a good friend.

True or False”

The students answer the questions only Yes/No/

Differentiation: by support teacher provide simple questions from text

3. The second reading. Learners read the text for the second time.

Big questions map” individually.

Self-assessment. Red/green card

Miss some information, need clarification – red circle

Understand and answer to all questions – green circle.

Differentiation: by outcome

Feedback: peer assessment. Students check the works of neighbor.

Warming up

If you happy song

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