Лингвистикалық олимпиаданың аймақтық кезеңіне ұсынылған тапсырмалары

К какому виду речевых произведений относится данный текст?

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1. К какому виду речевых произведений относится данный текст?
1) Описание – обычно без сюжета; описываются устройство, применение, связи предметов;
2) Повествование – сюжетный рассказ;
3) Рассуждение – цепь умозаключений, каждое из которых логически вытекает из предыдущего;
4) Обмен репликами.

2. К какому стилю речи относится данный текст?
1) К художественному;
2) К научному;
3) К публицистическому;
4) К научно-популярному;
5) К разговорному.

3. Какое соотношение простых и сложных предложений содержится в четырёх предложениях данного текста?
1) Все предложения простые;
2) Все предложения сложные;
3) 2 сложных и 2 простых предложения;
4) 1 сложное и 3 простых предложения;
5) 1 простое и 3 сложных предложения.

Task 1
 Read the text and write the correct answer to the words in brackets

About thirty years ago, the results of an exciting new study were reported in the news: If children listen to the music of Chopin, they (1.become) more intelligent. Immediately, huge numbers of Chopin CDs (2.purchase ) by people who wanted their children to be smarter. The statement was generally assumed to be true. After all ,most people (3think) Chopin was a genius, and maybe if we listened to his music, his intelligence (4.may) transfer to us.However, if you read about the experiment that led to this claim, there is (5.little) evidence it’s true. Children (6. not test) in the original experiment. The thirty-six young adults who took part did one of three things for ten minutes. Some sat in silence (7.other) listened to some relaxation instructions and a third group listened to Chopin’s piano music. Afterwards, they all completed various tasks, one of which involved paper shapes. This experiment (8.repeat) three times. It was found that the students (9.listen) to Chopin did better in the paper shapes activity than (10.other) students. However, the beneficial action only lasted for about twenty minutes. Since then, a number of similar experiments (11. conduct) which confirm that listening to Chopin’s music (12.can) lead to a temporary improvement in a person’s ability to do spatial puzzles. They don’t however, improve intelligence. Other studies showed that there is (13.not) special about Chopin’s music.(14.Listen) to other classical music, pop music and even stories can also wake up the brain. The action is especially strong if the listener likes the sound.So, listening to Chopin won’t harm your children. It (15.can) even lead to a love of classical music.
















Task II
Бос орындарды тиісті неологизмдермен толықтырыңыз. Жауап парағында таңдалған нұсқалардың нөмірлерін (а - е) әріптерімен сәйкестендіріңіз

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