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Абдуали А.А. – студентка группы ИНК 19-1

Научный руководитель: к.п.н.., доцент Назарова Г.Ж.

Түйін. Бұл мақалада ағылшын тілінің диалектілерінің пайда болуы мен дамуы және дамуының үш кезеңі талқыланады. Бұл мақалада сондай-ақ ескі ағылшын, орта ағылшын тілі кезеңдерінде басқа тілдерден алынған сөздердің ерекшеліктері, тілдегі өзгерістер, және қазіргі заманғы ағылшын тілінің даму кезеңі жайлы мәліметтерді қамтиды.

Резюме. Эта статья, исследует происхождение и развитие диалектов английского языка в трех периодах его развития. В данной статье также рассматриваются особенности, изменения в языке, влияние заимствований из других языков в древнеанглийском, среднеанглийском, и современном периоде развития английского языка.

The aim of the article is to give an explanation about three period of the English language and influence of other languages to English word stock.

Old English language, also called Anglo-Saxon, language spoken and written in England before 1100; it is the ancestor of Middle English and Modern English. Scholars place Old English in the Anglo-Frisian group of West Germanic languages.
Four dialects of the Old English language are known: Northumbrian in northern England and southeastern Scotland; Mercian in central England; Kentish in southeastern England; and West Saxon in southern and southwestern England. Mercian and Northumbrian are often classed together as the Anglian dialects. Most extant Old English writings are in the West Saxon dialect; the first great period of literary activity occurred during the reign of King Alfred the Great in the 9th century. [1, p.57]
Middle English language, the vernacular spoken and written in England from about 1100 to about 1500, the descendant of the Old English language and the ancestor of Modern English.
The history of Middle English is often divided into three periods:

  1. Early Middle English, from about 1100 to about 1250, during which the Old English system of writing was still in use;

  2. the Central Middle English period from about 1250 to about 1400, which was marked by the gradual formation of literary dialects the use of an orthography greatly influenced by the Anglo-Norman writing system,

  3. Late Middle English, from about 1400 to about 1500, which was marked by the spread of the London literary dialect and the gradual cleavage between the Scottish dialect and the other northern dialects.

Before the introduction of the Standard of the Royal Office (Chancery Standard, 1470), in England, along with Middle English (and actively influencing it), Old French and Germanic languages were also in circulatior (trade and trade terms, professional life). Many words from these languages have entered English.[2, p. 125]
Scandinavian influence
Many borrowing words from other languages entered to English language in the period of from "old English to Middle English", 2 languages are relevant. They are Norse, French.
Old Norse is Scandinavian influence. The people, who spread over this language are Vikings!
Vikings travelled throughout in Europe in order to explore, trade. When they show up in England at the end of the 8thcentury they indeed do so as raiders and they burn and pillage various monasteries across England. Unsurprisingly, some of the Scandinavian loan words that entered to language. They include following words: ransack, slaughter, die, weak, ugly, awkward, sky, window, happy.[3, p. 56]
French influence
The French influence on the English language really gets going after the year 1066. The year of the so-called Norman conquest. Led by William the conqueror the French-speaking Normans managed to conquer England as depicted by the famous 11th century. Bio tapestry and in doing so thenormans replaced the English-speaking upper class with French speaking normans and for a long time the nobility in England spoke French, when these nobles eventually began speaking English they still used a lot of French words that have to do with matters of aristocracy.[3, p. 56]
They include words having to do with…
Government: Chancellor, Council, Parliament.
Law: Accuse, Judge.
Religion: Relic, Service.
Fashion: beauty, fashion, music. [4]
Modern English has many dialects spoken in many countries throughout the world. Sometimes collectively referred to as the Anglosphere. These dialects include (but are not limited to) American English. Australian English. British English (containing English English, Welsh English and Scottish English), Canadian English, Caribbean English, Hiberno-English, Indian English, Pakistani English, Nigerian English, New Zealand English, Philippine English, Singaporean English, and South African English.
According to the Ethnologue, there are almost 1 billion speakers of English as a first and second language. English is spoken as a first or a second language in many countries, with most native speakers being in the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada,
New Zealand and Ireland. [5 p. 56]
The southern part of England, we typically find names of old English origin. Old English period divided in 4 dialects: Northumbrian, Mercian, Celtish, West Saxon. According to the Oxford dictionary, over 10000 French words entered the for FrenziangingthelateWisdaileAgesaltier1006, Overall 30% words came.English language borrowed words from another languages such as Latin, Spanish, German, Hindi, Dutch, Japanese. Each period of given language has changes of pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary.


  1. И.В. Шапошникова. История английского языка.Москва, Флинта, 2017.

  2. С.Железнова, И.Спашева, А.Мухсинова.История английского языка: Учебное пособие.-Астана: Фолиант, 2010.

  3. В.Д. Аракин. История английского языка. Под редакцией М.Д. Резвецовой.-Москва: Физматлит , 2001.

  4. В.Д. Аракин «История английского языка», Москва,2009г.

  5. Расторгуева, Т.А. История английского языка: Учебник / Т.А.Расторгуева. – 3-е изд., стереотип. – М., 2007. (на англ. яз.)

  6. Terttu Nevalainen: An Introduction to Early Modern English, OxfordUniversity Press, 2006.

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