Литературные теории в поэтическом мире джона китса


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Abdullaeva Nargiza Zakirzhanovna

Central Asian Innovative University

Түйін. Мақалада когнитивтілік субъектінің мәдениетаралық қарым-қатынас процесінде жаңа ақпаратты игеру және жинақтау қабілеті жайлы жазылған. Білімнің көрсеткіші-күнделікті заттардан бастап жоғары мәдени құндылықтарға дейінгі алынған және игерілген білімнің барлық түрлерінің жиынтығы, сондай-ақ осы мәдениетпен де, басқа да шетелдік мәдениеттермен таныстығын кеңейтуге деген ұмтылыс.

Резюме. В статье рассказывается о способности когнитивного субъекта усваивать и накапливать новую информацию в процессе межкультурной коммуникации. Показателем знания является совокупность всех видов приобретенных и усвоенных знаний, от предметов быта до высших культурных ценностей, а также стремление расширить свое знакомство как с этой культурой, так и с другими зарубежными культурами.

Language is a communication tool on the one hand and a cognitive tool on the other. This postulate is consistent with the general understanding of the essence of a person's communicative competence as knowledge, ideas about language and the ability to speech actions, skills in the speech sphere. These two sides of teaching languages are gaining knowledge about the language and gaining knowledge of the language itself. Today they are perceived ​​ as equally important processes and serve to form an adequate understanding of a linguistic phenomenon. They serve the development of skills to use this phenomenon in real communication in the methodology of foreign languages too. Therefore, the communicative-cognitive approach is recognized as the leading approach to teaching foreign languages​​in modern conditions. 

Modern methodological science is characterized by two main paradigms of scientific knowledge: communicative and cognitive.
The word "cognitive" comes from Latin "know". Cognition is the process by which information is processed by our consciousness.
Cognitive psychology as a scientific discipline emerged in the 50-60s of the XX century. Proponents of this approach study how a person processes information, analyzes it and based on this makes decisions.
Cognitiveness implies the subject's ability to learn and accumulate new information in the process of intercultural communication. The indicator of cognition is the sum of all kinds of knowledge received and assimilated, ranging from every day, everyday things to high cultural values, as well as the desire to expand their acquaintance, both with this culture and with other foreign cultures.
Cognitive categories include attention; executive ability; learning and memory; speech; visual-spatial function; socio-cognitive function
Cognition is the process of perception, which is divided into Hot cognition associated with feelings and Cold cognition associated with the mind
So, the Cognitive level is the semantic level of consciousness, where speech is a set of skills and modes of action, and the Communicative level is the setting of the goal of communication, the speaker's intentions, the willingness to choose linguistic units.
The essence of the communicative approach is to model the learning process as a real foreign language communication. We are talking about modeling only the basic, fundamentally important, essential parameters of communication, which include: the personal nature of the communicative activity of the subject of communication; relationship and interaction of speech partners; situations as forms of communication functioning; the substantive basis of the communication process; a system of speech means, the assimilation of which would ensure communicative activity in communication situations; functional character of speech means; learning heuristic
The essence of the cognitive approach is to focus the learning process on solving such problems as: perception, cognition and understanding of reality by a person; acquisition, processing, structuring, preservation, derivation and use of knowledge
Knowledge, as you know, is the result of a cognitive process. And calling the cognitive approach one of the leading methodological approaches of the modern process of teaching a foreign language, the emphasis is placed on considering the patterns of the cognitive process when mastering a foreign language and the characteristics of the mental (intellectual-emotional) activity of students.
A special group of exercises is recommended to achieve goals and objectives for mastering vocabulary, considering the requirements of a cognitive approach. The purpose of these exercises is:
• in creating a cognitive image of the word;
• in the formation of stable associative links of a word with a situation, subject matter and with other lexical units (development of lexical memory);
• in the development of students' skills to predict lexical material;
• in the development of skills to encode lexical information in different ways;
• in the development of lexical creativity;
• in the actualization of the cognitive image of a word in order to express speech intention;
• in the ability to identify in the structure of the meaning of the word semes associated with the culture of the people, and skillfully use this type of vocabulary.
For example, exercises to develop lexical memory and create a cognitive word. The first type of exercise is phonemic. Let's call words in which the root vowel or root vowel followed by a consonant remains unchanged, but the first consonant or two consonants change: all, ball, fall, gall, call, hall, shawl, small, tall, mall, wall. For better memorization divide words into phonemic blocks, such as [a:m]-arm, barm, balm, calm, farm, charm; [a:f]- half, laugh, calf, staff, chaff; [ik]-pick, lick, sick, chick, stick, quick, kick; [i:p]-deep, leap, sleep, keep, weep, cheap, sheep; [eri]-berry, bury, cherry, merry, very, ferry; [est]-best, quest, chest, breast etc.
The second type of exercises for the development of lexical memory is based on the semantic community of words that form a block. For example, in the block "Furniture" there are words: table, chair, bed, wardrobe. In the block "Educational operations" there are such verbs as to teach, to explain, to understand, to remember, to know, to remember, to forget. In the block "Emotional assessment" there will be adjectives: good, bad, interesting, boring, pleasant, unpleasant, great, disgusting, beautiful, ugly
Exercises for the development of linguistic creative thinking such as read the sentences with same root words and pay attention to their translation:
1. a) A greater part of the research has been completed. b) They parted after they graduated from the Institute. c) He divided the apple into two parts.
2. a) The trees were covered with snow and the forest looked beautiful. b) It’s raining hard, we must get under cover, quick! c) This book needs a new cover.
Prediction exercises for words and phrases, for example: find the ending of proverbs; read the headings of some of the articles, and tell me what those articles might be about.
Exercises for updating according to familiar patterns, for example: find the words from which the following nouns are derived: attachment, inclusion, distributor, punishment, production, cooler; or to form words with the following prefixes and suffixes re-, dis-, im-, un-, ir-, inter-, co-, -ance, -ence, -hood, -ship, -ness, -dom, -sion, -less, -able etc.
Exercises to form a linguistic picture of the world, e.g.: Read the given list of lexical items. Organize groups (classes) from them. Indicate the signs by which you have distributed them so? Write to the specified word other words that would be included in this group on a common semantic basis: Vegetables…; Clothes ...; Hobby….
The above exercises are aimed at realizing the mastery of a foreign language word. In such exercises, the following develop:
a) lexical memory;
b) linguistic creative thinking;
c) coding and prediction mechanisms;
d) lexical creativity;
e) the ability to deduce new words based on familiar word-formation patterns and based on context;
f) development of language guess;
g) linguistic intuition.
It should also be noted that "Cognitive" pedagogical techniques train the student in reflections on their actions. And thinking about what you are doing is the best strategy.
So, we conclude that the Cognitive principle in the framework of teaching a foreign language is an absolute necessity. First, it is based on the cognitive skills already acquired by the learners in mastering their native language, which greatly facilitates and accelerates the process of mastering a foreign language.
Secondly, this method involves the use of all means to intensify the educational process.
Teaching cognitive i.e. cognitive strategies are very important, but not self-sufficient. It should be subordinated to the implementation of communicative tasks.

List of references

1. Vykhodtseva T.V. Using of innovative and cognitive technologies in teaching grammar in foreign language lessons // Young scientist. - 2017. - No. 49. - p. 343-345
2. Litvinov P. The Helpful Guide to Memorizing English words in Plenty, Moscow, 2011, Ayris Press, p. 4-23;
3. Milrud R. P. “Competence in language learning”, “Foreign languages ​​at school” 2004, No. 7;
4. Shamov A. N. “Communicative - cognitive approach in teaching the lexical side of speech;
5. Shepetilova A. V. "Cognitive principle in teaching a second foreign language: on the theoretical basis", "Foreign languages at school" 2003, No.2

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