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Main conclusions:
1. Criminal legal description of corruption crimes against property is based on an analysis of the provisions of st.189 (claim 2 hours. 3) of the Criminal Code.
2. The property, as the subject of a criminal assault, consists of things and property.
3. Embezzlement and misappropriation - a form of committing theft of another's property.
4. Personality Cryptstalker considered in two aspects: 1) criminological; 2) criminal law.

5. Criminal legal aspect of personality traits Cryptstalker involves consideration of the subject of corruption crimes against property.

6. The subject of the crimes in question is of a specialized nature.

7. The object of a criminal assault is a property or set of social relations on the possession, use and disposition of property.


* См.: Там же, стр. 514.
Test questions:
1. What is meant in the criminal law under the misappropriation of another's property?
2. What are the similarities and differences in terms of "misappropriation" and "embezzlement"?
3. What does "ownership"?
4. What is meant by theft?
5. How are the theft and embezzlement, misappropriation?
6. What are the features of corruption embezzlement?
7. What is the criminological characteristics of the individual Cryptstalker?
8. What are the differences between the characteristics of the individual forensic Cryptstalker of criminal legal characteristics?
9. What are the distinguishing features of the subject of the corruption crimes against sobstventi? Why is it called special?
10. What is meant by the object of a corruption crime against property?
Recommended reading:
1. Рахметов С.М. Криминологическая харак- теристика коррупционных преступлений в Респуб- лике Казахстан // Современные тенденции и проб- лемы развития уголовного права, криминологии и уголовно-исполнительного права Республики Казахстан: Международная научно-практическая конференция. – Том 1. – Караганда, 2009. – С. 400-402.
2. Калкаева Н.Б. Қылмысқа қарсы күрес тиімділігін арттырудағы қылмыстық саясат мәсе- лелері // Актуальные проблемы права, экономики и образования на современном этапе: теория и практика, г. Алматы, 12-13 марта 2015г. – Алматы: КазНПУ имени Абая, - С. 149-152.
3. Қабидолдина С. Сыбайлас жемқорлық және оның алдын-алу // Концепция правовой политики Республики Казахстан на период с 2010 до 2020 года – новый этап в правовом строительстве, г. Алматы, 2010г., 19 февраля. – Алматы: КазНПУ имени Абая, 2010. – С. 394-395.

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