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ФИО автораTurdaliyev Xusan Inomjonovich 
Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry 
Department of «Technology of printing and packaging processes» 
M16c-20 master group 
Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Annotation. This article presents the ideas for studying the optical density of 
paint when printed on non-corrugated paper. Production of finished products in 
accordance with market conditions is a topical issue. Today, our industry cannot be 
imagined without paper. Because the demand for cellulose, paper and paper products 
in our country is growing. 
Keywords: paper, 
manufacturing, paint, optical density. 
Special attention is paid to the pulp and paper industry in the country, and the 
development of these enterprises is accelerating. President of the Republic 
Sh.M.Mirziyoyev in his report at the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers on the results 
of socio-economic development of the country in 2020 and the most important 
priorities of the economic program for 2021 Development with high growth in 2021 , 
will be a year of mobilization of all available resources, self-justification, consistent 
continuation of the reform strategy. At the same time, in other sectors of the textile and 
light industry to ensure deeper processing of raw cotton, the introduction of deeper 
processing of raw materials and semi-finished products, the introduction of finished 
products from cotton pulp to the world market instead of semi-finished products 
stressed the need to remove. 
It is known that the demand for cellulose, paper and paper products in our country 
is enormous. In order to eliminate this shortage, there is a need to create innovative 
technologies for the production of paper and paper products, to accelerate the 
production system several times. The opportunities for this in our country are 
sufficient, as well as the base of raw materials. With this in mind, the topic of «creation 
of technology for the production of cellulose from local raw materials» and the 
production of cellulose, paper and paper products on the basis of this technology is one 
of the most relevant research. 

Our country has set great goals for the modernization and renewal of 
manufacturing enterprises in our country, the introduction of modern innovations and 
high-efficiency technologies. In recent years, our country has gained a lot of experience 
in creating special industrial zones with the necessary benefits for their 
It is known that the economy of the Republic is developing day by day. Production 
of finished products in accordance with market conditions is a topical issue. Today, our 
industry cannot be imagined without paper. Paper is used for insulation in electrical 
engineering, capacitors and electrical equipment, as well as in the manufacture of 
various equipment in the radio engineering industry. Great cost-effectiveness is 
achieved by using paper instead of glass jars and wooden boxes. It is also used in paper 
boxes to deliver a variety of products from production to their owners. 
Product quality is a set of properties that determine the degree of suitability for 
use of the product for its function and compliance with the requirements of regulatory 
documents, primarily the requirements of State Standards. A quality indicator that 
describes one of the properties of a printed image is a single (separate) indicator. Image 
quality is assessed on the basis of determining the values of the following individual 
Optical density 
Color, color purity, clarity. 
Adaptation of individual paints. 
Processing (generating) accuracy. 
Magnification of raster points. 
A uniform distribution of paint in the copy. 
Each of these indicators can be measured in dimensional (or non-dimensional) 
units. The optical density is determined on a densitometer. Its value is expressed in 
units of optical density. 
The following are the objectively evaluated (densitometric) descriptions of the 
color image in the copy: 
Maximum optical density (plate density); 
Optical density range; 
Change in optical density; 
-relative area of raster elements; 
Repeat gray and color scales (on separate printing inks) 

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