Male: With a presentation, I think the aims and the structure need to be clear.
Male 2:1 like to wait until the end of the presentation before people feed back on
what I've just said, rather than interruptions throughout the presentation.
Male 3: I think of a presentation ... If you're standing up in front of a group of
people, you need to make sure you're entertaining, make sure you're engaging,
make sure you're interesting, make sure you're relevant, make sure you're
talking to the right audience.
Female: Don't make it too long, otherwise people fall asleep! Be short, precise and
to the point, definitely.
Text 4.1
Tricky conversations
Useful Phrases
I'm not going to get into a discussion about...
What you need to do...
But bearing in mind...
I expect you to...
It' s important that you...
I'm not happy with the effort that you've made
I really want to see some improvement
You've got to snap out of it
I know it's difficult...