that for you ...
Karen: Hello!
Mark: Hello, can I speak to despatch, please?
Karen: You're through to despatch.
Mark: Right. Well, I phoned two days ago to say that I hadn't received delivery of
my order and I'm ringing again to say it still hasn't arrived.
Karen: Can
I just take your name please?
Mark: Yes, it's Mark Anderson.
Karen: Ah! I think there's been a problem with that order, Mr Anderson.
Mark: What kind of problem?
Karen: Oh, I don't know offhand.
Let me check for you. Yes, part of the order
didn't arrive here at the depot, so I couldn't send it out until we'd received
Mark: Well, surely that was your problem to sort out without my having to call you
back - again. I did phone and draw your attention to this a couple of days ago. Look, I
placed this order weeks ago. I'm sorry, it's just not good enough.
Karen: Yeah, I'm sorry about this, Mr Anderson. I'm sorry for the
inconvenience, but I can assure you we'll do everything we can to send it out to you
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Составитель АРИСТОВА Елена Валерьевна
Подписано в печать 30.06.2009. Формат 60x84/16.
Усл. печ. л. 2,79. Тираж 50 экз. Заказ 871
Ульяновский государственный технический университет
432027, г. Ульяновск, ул. Северный Венец, 32
Типография УлГТУ. 432027, г. Ульяновск, ул. Северный Венец, 32.