МҰнайшы маусым 2014 3 «Мұнайшы» журналы «ПетроҚазақстан» компаниясының қызметкерлеріне арналған корпоративтік басылым. Бас редактор

participate in martial arts and who have already achieved a lot in their young lives. We really hope to see them reach the

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participate in martial arts and who have already achieved a lot in their young lives. We really hope to see them reach the 

top in their chosen field. They do have a great example in this issue of Munaishy’s famous hero, Kazakhstan’s first Olympic 

medallist in judo - Askhat Zhitkeyev.

YounG tAlents

Adil zhandarov, 12 years old, 


Mother:  Gulmira Zhandarova, Engineer, 

Transportation Provision Team, CTG, PKOP

Adil’s hobby: judo, football and badminton

Sporting achievements:

- green belt

- winner of the Shymkent championship in the 

55-60 kg category




 place in the Shymkent Complex and Specialised 

Children’s Sports School Judo Olympic (SCSCSSJO) 

reserve open in memory of master of sport 

T.Shamuratov (2012); 1


 place in the SKO SCSCSSJO 

reserve open (2013); 2


 place in the SKO SCSCSSJO 

reserve open in memory of honoured trainer V.Klabutskiy, 2


 place in the SCSCSSJO reserve open in honour of Nauryz (2014).

Adil: Since childhood I have seen how my father trained everyday, ran in the stadium close to our house and participated in 

various competitions. I liked watching him and I also wanted to be like him, travelling to competitions throughout the country and 

abroad. My father took me to judo school when I was 7.

We play football during training, and run several kilometres to strengthen our legs. We also lift weights (bar-bells and dumb-

bells), climb ropes and do floor exercises - warm up, practice moves and fight. I like fighting. I like the pressure and the feeling 

of winning a bout, and also developing new moves. My best moves are the hip-roll and kneel-roll. We have a good trainer - USSR 

master of judo and international category judge Shukhrat Aripov. He is always ready to help when something is not working and 

give advice to all of us. In the first competitions I took part in I came 3


, but after gaining a bit of experience and working on my 

technique, I started coming 2


 and 1


I am friends with the boys from the sports school, and some of them even study with me. At weekends we go to the movies and 

swimming together. During physical education lessons I quite often show the other children judo moves. I always enjoy hearing 

my class teacher Kymbat Yersainovna congratulate me in front of the whole class with my victories. After seeing me in action, my 

classmate Azamat also took up judo, and now we train together. My younger cousin Aisultan also wants to follow in my shoes.

Sport changes a person and thanks to judo I have become a strong, enduring, flexible and confident person. Judo translates from 

Japanese as the “gentle way”, and for that reason I try to take that path as often as I can in life. I am very proud that in Kazakhstan 

we have such wonderful sportsmen who have become an example for me, such as Askhat Zhitkeyev, who won our country’s first 

medal at Beijing Olympics in 2008. We have a strong judo school in Kazakhstan, and I hope that I will be able to represent my 

country in the future!

At work, my mother tells her colleagues about my sporting victories and achievements, and I know that because of me one of 

their sons has also taken up martial arts. Now his mother is also proud of her son! I mean, sport helps people develop their best 

qualities: discipline, willpower, kindness and generosity. My mother also told me that the company she works for also actively 

supports sport - boxing in Shymkent.

What does Adil want to achieve: Like any sportsman, I dream of being Olympic champion and I will try my hardest to achieve 


-  Who is the hero in your opinion?

- My hero is my father! He is a three-time champion of the Kazakhstan Ministry of Internal Affairs, 21-time champion of various 

international games for police and firemen. He also has 6 silver and 14 bronze medals from all over the world in Greco-Roman 

and freestyle wrestling, judo, push-lifting and arm-wrestling. I am so proud of him and hope that I can achieve what he has!


маусым 2014      


- What has been the best thing you have ever done for someone?

- Actually, I do not remember the good things I have done as I think you always need to act that way. I try to help my family and 

friends, and I try to be an example for my brother and sister.

kemelbek kablanbek, 13 years 

old, kyzylorda

Father:  Ulykbek Nurmaganbetov, KAM field 

Mechanic, PKKR

Kemelbek’s hobby: karate-do and football

Sporting achievements:

- candidate for master of sport

- brown belt and 1-kyu

- member of the Kazakhstan youth team


Kyzylorda Oblast Kumite champion (2009-2011); 

silver medallist at the WKF international Kumite 

tournament Sanyryk Batyr (2011, 2012), Taraz; 

silver medallist at the WKF Kazakhstan Kumite 

tournament (2011); winner of the WKF Astana 

Open Kumite championships (2011 and 2014), and the WKF KATA Astana Open (2014); winner of the WKF Kumite Aktobe Open 

for the world champion Ashim Kali prizes (2012 and 2014); Kazakhstan Shito-ryu and Shotokan Kumite champion (2012); winner 

of the WKF Kumite Gagarin Cup competition (Baikonur), winner of the Best Technique and Quickest Victory Cup (2012); silver 

medallist at the Asian Shito-ryu Karate-do Kumite championships, Hong Kong, China (2012); winner of a certificate and cash 

prize from the Kyzylorda Oblast Akim - Best Sportsman 2012; silver prize at the Shito-ryu Karate-do Kumite world championships, 

Tokyo, Japan (2013); Shito-ryu Kumite Kazakhstan champion, Astana (2014).

Kemelbek: I was 9 years old when the trainer Nurbol-aga (black belt and 1


 dan in karate Nurbol Toishibayev) came to our 

school and suggested that we take up shito-ryi karate at the Zhastar sports club. 10 of us went down to sign up. Every training 

session is a test, and only those with stamina and character stayed with it. I am the only one from my class still doing karate. In 

addition to stamina, karate has taught me to keep calm, confident and given me an ability to make quick decisions.

I am an A student at grammar school №3. In the morning I go training, after lunch I go to school and in the evening I do 

my homework. I train three times a week for two hours. When I go in for competitions, I have to miss school, but the teachers 

understand and wait for me to come back with good results.

In 2012, I was named “Sportsman of the Year” and received a cash prize from the Kyzylorda Oblast Akim Kyrymbek Yeleuovich. 

That was my first cash prize, and I gave it to my parents. It was my contribution, as they say, to the family budget.

My parents have done everything to raise me healthy and strong, and I love them a lot. My father works for PetroKazakhstan 

Kumkol Resources on rotation basis. This year he and his colleagues won the Gold PetroKazakhstan President’s Award, and we are all 

very proud of him at home. If I compete during his time off, my father is always beside me. For example, he travelled with me to the 

Asian Championships in Hong Kong and to the World Championships in Tokyo. My mother keeps me calm and encourages me when 

I lose. And my grandfather Kablanbek, a former self-defence sportsman, is my greatest fan and is always proud of me when I win.

One of my favourite memory is my trip to Hong Kong in 2012 

to the Asian Shito-ryu Karate-do Kumite Championships. That was 

the first time I had seen a huge airport with its own metro! In Hong 

Kong, I came second, only losing to a fighter from Iran.

At the 2013 Tokyo Shito-ryu Karate-do Kumite World 

Championships I also won silver in my age category. This year, after 

becoming Kazakhstan champion for the third time, I was given a 

license to take part in the Asian Championship due to take place 

in Singapore in December 2014. All I need to do now is train hard 

for it!

What does Kemelbek want to achieve: When I grow up I 

would like to be a prosecutor. My uncle Batyrbek is a prosecutor 

and he is a role model for me. He has told me a lot about his job, 

saying it is not easy and also a very responsible job. I think that law 

and order are very important, and I want to be the guardian of law 

and order.


маусым 2014


- Can you tell us a little about modern teenagers?

- I think that modern teenagers should play sport, be good students, follow a specific daily timetable, respect their elders (mine are 

the best and I love them), know the history of their own people and others’. Today’s teenagers have great opportunities, but I think 

they need to try not to spend time on rubbish, but do something useful. My weeks are full with studying, training and additional 

lessons. My father tells me that you need to be able to use your time correctly and value it, and a timetable helps with that.

Kyu in Japanese means a rating or level of achievement in martial arts. The lower the kyu number, the higher the achievement, so the 

highest is kyu 1. The number of kyu levels differs depending on directions, styles or schools. For example, karate goes from 10 to 1, judo - from 

6 to 1 kyu. A kyu is a level of apprenticeship.

Interestingly, but the levels, for example, in karate do not depend on sporting results. To reach the next level, the candidate needs to 

demonstrate kata mastery and the same in combat.

After kyu come the dan levels. They usually rise from 1 to 10, but in contrast to kyu, as proficiency rises, so does the dan number. The lowest 

dan number is 1, while the highest is 10.

The external attribute of any level is the belt. Each belt relates to a number of kyu. The lowest belt is the white belt, signifying in martial 

arts philosophy a lack of experience and an aspiration to learn. White belts are given to those new to the art. The next belt (in various orders 

depending on the type of martial art or school and so on) may be yellow, orange, green, blue or brown, sometimes with intermediary belts 

with additional stripes. The black belt is the final belt and signifies wisdom.

Alber Aman, 11 years old, Almaty

Father: Abyroy Baktygali, Manager, Health, Safety 

and Environment, PKOSI

Alber’s hobby: kyokushin karate, football, chess 

and poetry

Sporting achievements: yellow belt with one 

ribbon (6 of 10 belts passed) and 5-kyu


Winner of the Howard Collins school championship 

(2011, 2012); participated in the Kyokushin karate 

world championships (Tokyo, Japan), finished in the 

top 10 (2011); winner of the kumite seminar of the 

Kyokushin Karate Association, winner of the M.Groza 

Almaty Oblast Shinkyokushin Karate Open, KATA 

category (2012); winner of a full-contact contest 


Alber: My father helped me to choose karate. He has a black belt in taekwondo (ITF). I started doing karate when I was 7, but to tell 

you the truth, when my father took me to my first lesson, I did not like it at first. I was scared of sparring, the long training sessions and 

trainers. However, my father explained that it would turn me into a real man, i.e. make me brave and able to stand up for myself, my 

sister and younger brother. In time, I learnt not to be scared and began to enjoy training. My family always tells me that losing is not the 

end, but just something I should learn from. And I understand that the many hours I spent training, the number of sparring sessions and 

competitions I have are all steps towards the next kyu and belt. If you try really hard, you can reach the next kyu within a year, sometimes 

earlier. My trainer has really done a lot to help me develop, and it is thanks to his experience and strength that I have the victories I do.

Of course, I always enjoy winning, even just to justify the faith in me shown by my trainer and father. It is not always easy, and I 

understand that you need to be able to lose, and think of losing as a lesson so you do not make the same mistakes the next time. Every 

time I win, my family and I usually go to one of my favourite cafes.

I have been brought up to understand that you need to achieve everything in sport, studies and life. If I want a game or a gadget, I 

understand that I need to earn it by winning and achieving something, as adults need to earn the money to buy me things. I think that 

this always gives me the stimulus to win.

My father told me that this year’s PetroKazakhstan Olympics will be held in Almaty, and I would like to watch them. I believe that sport 

brings people closer, just like karate at school with me.

Sport is very important and now I know that it develops will power and will definitely help me achieve a lot when I grow up. Actually, 

sport is our family tradition as the boys all study martial arts, and the girls - gymnastics or dancing. My younger brother will also be going 

to dojo (edit. - karate school).

What does Alber want to achieve: In the future, when I have won all the awards in karate, I would like to play professional football 

for Bayern Munich, my favourite team.


маусым 2014      



April 1 - reporting concert devoted 

to implementation of projects of DOM 

Public Fund “Present children with life”, 

“We can win autism” and “Kazakhstan 

without orphans” took place in Almaty and 

was attended by Almaty office employees. 

PetroKazakhstan has been supporting DOM 

projects for several years already.

April 6-9 - the Kumkol oil field hosted a 

basketball tournament for PKKR divisions 

and contractors. Seven teams took part 

and 1


 place went to the CCPF (Complex 

Central Processing Facility) team; 2



to САС (Central Asia Catering) and 3



- the Production Workshop.

April 12 - a diesel hydro-treatment 

unit was hooked up during the scheduled 

Refinery turnaround that took place on 

March 29 - April 12, and its commissioning 

was a part of the first stage of the Shymkent 

Refinery Modernisation and Reconstruction 


April 16 - the annual PKKR contractors’ 

health and safety awards’ ceremony was 

held. NeftTransKyzylorda LLP, Technology 

AlemOil LLP, KNLK LLP and Novomet 

Kazakhstan LLP were recognised as the best 

contractors as of 2013 year results.

April 17 - Kumkol oil field hosted the 

“Fire - easier to prevent than extinguish” fire 

safety competition, in which 14 production 

division teams took part. After three stages 

of competition, 1


 place and the cup went 

to the Technology team, 2


 place - an 

CCPF team and 3


 place - an Production 

Workshop team.

April 21-25 - the PKKR Schoolchildren’s 

Basketball Cup was held, in which 14 

girls’ and boy’s teams took part from 

Aktobe, Chromtau, Baikonur, Kyzylorda 

and also from the Shiely, Karmakshy and 

Zhanakorgan districts of the Kyzylorda 

Oblast. First place (in the boys’ competition) 

was taken by the team from Murager school, 

second place - the team from Aktobe and 

third place - the team from Baikonur. In the 

girls’ competition, 1


 place was won by the 

team from Aktobe, 2


 place by the team 

from the Shiely district and 3


place by the 

team from Zhanakorgan district.

April 22 - as part of Global Work Safety 

Day, the Kumkol oilfield hosted a meeting 

of oil workers with representatives of 

labour control department, the consumer 

protection department and the oblast trade 

union council to discuss “Work safety when 

using chemicals”.

April 22-23 - PKOP held civil defence 

and fire tactics training for management in 

the event of accidents, fires, emergencies 

and natural disasters. On 22 April, seismic 

training was also held for all Refinery 


April 23-27 - a mini-football tournament 

for was held at the Kumkol oilfield for PKKR 

divisions and contractors. Of the 11 teams, 



 place went to the Gas Utilisation Plant 

(GUP), 2


 - Production Workshop-1 and 3



- the contractor team KNLK.

April 26 - on the eve of Global Work 

Safety Day, the President’s Park in Kyzylorda 

hosted a sport’s competitions for 12 teams 

representing trade unions from various 

production spheres and state authorities. 

Oil workers from PKKR and KazTransAimak 

joined forces to create the team Munaigas, 

which after relays, a tug-of-war and arm 

wrestling, came 4



April 27 - PKOP provided financial 

aid to celebrate the 15



of the Shymkent Ballet School, which 

PetroKazakhstan has supported since its 



May 1 - on the Day of Unity of the 

Nations of Kazakhstan, PetroKazakhstan 

Kumkol Resources employees took part 

in a celebration entitled “Mangilik yel 

Kazakhstan!” (editor - “Kazakhstan - Eternal 

Country!”) which took part on the central 

square in Kyzylorda. On the same day, 

artistes from the Sabira Maikanova Cultural 

Centre performed for Kumkol and Aryskum 

oil workers in a gala programme “Syr azili” 

(editor - the humour of Syr Steppe).

cAlenDAR oF events

The results of the latest round of the 

PetroKazakhstan and PKOP Health 

and Safety Programme “Incentive 

for employees to report potentially 

hazardous situations, unsafe conditions/

actions” for the 1


 quarter of 2014 have 

been announced.

In the Almaty branch of 

PetroKazakhstan Overseas Services 

Inc., the committee assessing employee 

notification of potentially hazardous 

situations, unsafe conditions/actions 

decided to reward two PKOSI employees: 

senior accountant Svetlana Vorontsova, 

who reported snow and ice in the 

outdoor office parking lot which could 

have been dangerous for pedestrians 

and also result in traffic accidents; 

and also transfer pricing specialist 

Nazgul Aidabossynova who noted 

that rainwater from the guttering was 

washing away the building foundations, 

and that during the winter excess 

water was creating ice in the parking 

lot in front of the office. As a result of 

their reports, office administration 

and the contractor САС carried out the 

necessary repair work, and the hazard 

was removed or repaired.

«ДОМ» ҚҚ-ның есеп беру концерті / Отчетный концерт ОФ «ДОМ» / Reporting concert of DOM Public Fund


маусым 2014


May 4-6 - Kumkol oil field hosted a mini-

football competition for PKKR divisions 

and contractors. Of the 7 teams, 1



went to the MMD (Material Management 

Department), 2


 place - KAM Central 

Processing Facility and 3


 place - Production 


May 5 - in Almaty PetroKazakhstan 

representatives congratulated South 

Kazakhstan veteran geologists with the 

Victory Day. Also, for the same reason, the 

company provided traditional financial 

aid to the Great Patriotic War veterans and 

support workers.

May 7 - in honour of Defender of the 

Fatherland Day, all male PetroKazakhstan 

employees, in addition to congratulations, 

also received bonuses.

May 7-8 - as part of Defender of the 

Fatherland Day, the Kumkol field hosted 

a programme for Kumkol and Aryskum 

workers that involved performances from 

Cultural Centre artistes.

May 9-11 - to celebrate the Victory Day 

and Defender of the Fatherland Day, the 

Kazhymukan sports complex at the Aryskum 

field hosted a volleyball competition for 

PKKR divisions and contractors. Of the 

8 teams taking part, 1


 place went to the 

Production Workshop, 2


place - GUP and 



 place - КАМ PKKR.

May 14 - Almaty hosted the 2



football competition for orphans “Towards 

the Dream”. PetroKazakhstan sponsored 

the event. 

May 19 - June 26 - according to an Edict 

requiring periodic medical examinations 

- 2014, all PKOP employees underwent a 

medical examination.

May 21-23 - PetroKazakhstan manage-

ment participated in the 7



Economic Forum and the 2


Global Anti-

Crisis Conference in Astana.

May 21 - according to the 3 stages of 

the PetroKazakhstan-2014 Scholarship 

Programme, 10 candidates were chosen 

from 76 to study at the Chinese Oil and 

Gas University. The next step for them is 

to confirm their eligibility by receiving a 

score of at least 75 in their United National 


May 22 - PKOP, branch of Nazarbayev 

intellectual chemistry and biology Shymkent 

school, Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools 

and South Kazakhstan Oblast Chamber of 

Entrepreneurs signed a Memorandum of 

cooperation to interact in the sphere of 

school education, science and culture, as 

well as to enhance the level of educational, 

methodological, scientific and research work.

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