556 Түркітілдес елдер әлеуметтанушыларының V Конгресі
Zh. Junussova,
Doctor of Political Science, Professor
Academy of Public Administration
Central problem of the modern history is a proportion of two
fundamental civilizations: traditional and liberal. And what party to
choose is important for each country. Emergence of the new indepen-
dent states, formation of the established state is impossible without
integrating role of the national idea.
�uestion of the national and state communities, united historical
images and the general memory became unexpectedly significant at
the end of the XX century. It was connected, on the one hand, with
the idea of the United Europe, and with disintegration of the socialist
block on the other.
It was vital for Kazakhstan as well since the first days of indepen-
dence. The idea of national unity appears in national consciousness
during critical eras of historical development. New tasks are not for-
mulated yet in a transitional period, there is no clarity in understand-
ing of national interests. However the need to protect the identity
space from the real challenges and threats is obvious.
The national idea is especially necessary in the globalized world,
as it is capable to consolidate ethnoses and the country. What is its
characteristic for this or that country? The international experience
of the national ideology formation, especially in the states with iden-
tical roots with the Turkic people of the former Soviet Union, was
extremely important.
V Конгресс социологов тюркоязычных стран 557
It is known that religious, collective, ethnic and relative commu-
nications continue to remain influential force in the political system of
Turkey, despite influence of the western civil democracy. How to pro-
tect national identity without remaining out of the world community?
The Turkish nationalism and Turkism gradually became the sec-
ond religion of Turkey after the beginning of the Kemalist secular-
ization. Adoption of this religion did not become an obstacle to Eu-
ropeanization. The Turkish nationalism as dominating ideology was
issued originally as Kemalist nationalism, ideological determinant of
Turks’ survival as the people and the state.
Turkish historians pay attention to these very aspects of the na-
tionalism of the Ataturk period– as spiritual and ideological instru-
ments of struggle for independence, struggle against Europe for Euro-
peanization. Scholars write about Ataturk’s prudence offered secular
state to the Turkish society as a basis for development.
The 20th and 30th years of the XX century became years of the
Turkish nationalism blossoming. It promoted fast consolidation of
the Turkish nation, and growth of the national consciousness. Turkey
created its own system of national education, culture, language, and
ideology having declared itself as the secular state, being guided by
the European level of spiritual development. The national economy,
national production and the national capital were encouraged. It is
possible to tell without exaggeration that the national consciousness
lifted up �the sick man of Europe�.
Process of the national idea formulation in the Republic of Ka-
zakhstan began with independence. In the first years our country fol-
lowed Anglo-Saxon model of development, aimed at fast changes.
Market reforms in the republic were carried out to a short time, the
relevant legislation was created. According to the World Bank, in 20
years of independence Kazakhstan became the country with level of
the income higher than an average. Gross domestic product per capita
grew from 700 dollars to 12 thousand dollars. Any of �South East
tigers� didn’t reach such results in 20 years. Today the republic is the
CIS leader on transformation of economy and society.
Basis of the Kazakhstan state ideology is the 1995 Constitution.
The state proclaims itself as a democratic, secular, law-governed and
social one with supreme values of the individual, his rights and free-
558 Түркітілдес елдер әлеуметтанушыларының V Конгресі
dom. Public consent and political stability; economic development
for the benefit of people; Kazakhstan patriotism; democratic methods
of power are the fundamental principles of the Republic of Kazakh-
These are the general ideals of classic liberal ideology. The ab-
solute value of individual and initial (�from the birth�) equality of all
people; autonomy of individual will; certain inalienable human rights
(right to life, freedom, property); rule of law and others make its core.
Strategic documents of the next years consider possible options
of Kazakhstan model of future development and the state ideology’s
values. Thus the �Kazakhstan – 2030� Strategy (1997) emphasized
that �previous years we were actively guided by Anglo-Saxon model,
aspired fast changes. But today we face a strategic choice – what way
to go further. There is no consensus in society about it.
We are the Eurasian country with own history and own future.
Therefore our model won’t be similar to any other. It will absorb
achievements of different civilizations�. [1]
The purpose changes a decade later, with new economic, political,
geostrategic trends. Kazakhstan’s strategy of joining the 50 world’s
the most competitive countries was set as a national idea. �Today a
time of new achievements and ambitious tasks comes for our country.
Growth of the Kazakhstan economy allows speaking about a lead-
ing, advancing development. In the next decade Kazakhstan has to
join 50 the most competitive states of the world. Today we argue on
national idea much. In our opinion, the main national idea consists in
competitiveness of the nation�. [2] And competitiveness is not only
economy, but the questions concerning human resources, educations,
health care, ecology, politics and stability within the country.
The Doctrine of National Unity of Kazakhstan (2010) became
the important document in new political conditions. The principles of
the national unity, declared by the Doctrine, can also become a basis
of national idea of our state. They are: �One country – one destiny�;
�A different origin – equal opportunities�; �Development of national
The Doctrine of National Unity of Kazakhstan (2010 г.) also
emphasizes that �modernization and the competitiveness relying on
traditions is a basis of lifting our national spirit in the XXI century.
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Intellectual break awaking Nation potential is necessary for us. Only
the intellectual nation can count on success in the XXI century�.
In 2009 President N. Nazarbayev considered that the Kazakhstan
national idea consists in the following. �First component is a national
unity. Second – the strong competitive economy. Intellectual creating
force of society has to become the third component of national idea.
Fourth – to construct the state respected around the world�. [4]
Kazakhstan national idea has to consider and lean on polyethnic-
ity, without forgetting that ethnicity continues to play an important
The philosopher Vladimir
claimed: �The idea of the
nation is not that she thinks of herself in time, but that God thinks of
it in eternity�. This thesis of the philosopher is directed, first of all,
against ideology of national exclusiveness.
An origin (as it various at all ethnoses), language, etc, can’t act as
consolidating factors at this stage. The general centuries-old history,
as all ethnoses of Kazakhstan were formed in one Eurasian space, has
to act as such factor. Understanding of common historical fate, both
in the past and in the future, will help to avoid negative manifesta-
tions in the interethnic relations.
And time proved that it is the most reasonable way to combine
the interests of all citizens, irrespective of their ethnic origin. Forma-
tion of �the Kazakhstan people� becomes an essence of national idea.
President N.Nazarbayev in his Address to the nation �Kazakh-
stan Way – 2050: Common Aim, Common Interests, Common Fu-
ture� (January 17, 2014) stated and proved an absolutely new concept
in national history – �The Mangilik Yel� idea (literally – �The Eternal
In fact it is the national idea and state ideology which is based
not only on centuries-old dream of our people, but also on concrete
results of Kazakhstan development for years of independence.
We, the people of Kazakhstan, are a united nation! And our
shared destiny – our Mangilik Yel or the Eternal Land – is our great
country of Kazakhstan! Mangilik Yel is the national idea of our shared
Kazakh home.
Over the past 22 years of our sovereignty and development we
have formed our core values, they are the foundation of our country’s
future and unite all the people of Kazakhstan. They are not taken from
560 Түркітілдес елдер әлеуметтанушыларының V Конгресі
mystical stories or theories. These values are the embodiment of Ka-
zakhstan’s Way, which has withstood the test of time.
First of all, it is the independence of Kazakhstan and our Astana.
Second, our national unity, peace and harmony are foremost in
our society.
Third, it is a secular society with high spirituality.
Fourth, economic growth based on industrialization and innova-
Fifth, it is the Universal Labor Society.
Sixth, we have a common history, culture and language.
Seventh, it is our country’s national security and its engagement
in addressing global and regional issues.
With these values, we have triumphed, strengthened our country,
multiplied our achievements. There is an ideological foundation of
the New Kazakhstan Patriotism in these state forming and nationwide
values. [6]
The sense of �The Mangilik Yel� term isn’t limited to a literal
translation as �the Eternal Land�, �the Eternal Country�. It incorpo-
rates the best values of the Kazakh people.
Any national idea represents capacious, but extremely squeezed
formula at the same time. And the basic ideological concept defining
life of the state, societies, and citizens on long prospect is developed
on its base.
The ideas, capable to unite the nation, are well-known in the his-
tory. For example, �The Celestial Empire is the world center�, �For
Faith, Tsar and Fatherland�, �The American dream�, �Equal oppor-
tunities society�, �Liberty, Equality, Fraternity�, etc.
The following signs of national idea are considered as the stan-
- It has to be a part of a pyramid – symbol / program / ideology
/ culture / society. That is to have a vision – a symbol and to rely on
- To belong to ancestors through history, and legends;
- To be favorable both to the person, society, and the power;
- Not to contain not feasibility and lie;
- To be short;
- To be clear even to child.
V Конгресс социологов тюркоязычных стран 561
All this is embodied in �The Mangilik Yel� idea.
The national idea of Kazakhstan has become a collective effort
of the state, academic community and civil society, reflecting reality,
instead of speculative designs. It considers mentality of modern Ka-
zakhstan citizens, integrates ethnic and religious, liberal and demo-
cratic components. It embodies qualities, character and identity of the
country, emphasizes the best traits of Kazakhstani. At the same time,
it is based on real values and respects national heritage.
It is important that this idea mobilizes both the nation, and her
certain representative, creates �a world picture�, and gives a feeling of
psychological �comfort� and security. Its viability is defined by com-
pliance of the state interests to development of the world community.
1. Address of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.Nazarbayev
to the nation �Strategy Kazakhstan-2030�: Prosperity, Security And Ever
Growing Welfare Of All The Kazakhstanis (1997). Almaty.
2. Speech by President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Naz-
arbayev at the XII session of the Assemble of the People of Kazakhstan
(2006).// Kazakhstanskaya Pravda. – October 27.
3. Doctrine of the National Unity of Kazakhstan. (2010). Astana.
4. Online answers of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan
N.Nazarbayev on the questions of Kazakhstan citizens ((2009)// KazInform.
5. Solovyev, V. (1999) Russian Idea (1888). In Solovyev Vladimir. Dis-
pute on justice. (p.27). Moscow – Kharkov.
6. Address of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.Nazarbayev
to the nation. January 17, 2014. Kazakhstan’s Way – 2050: Common Aim,
Common Interests, Common Future // http://www.akorda.kz/ru/page/
Бұл мақалада Қазақстан Республикасындағы жиырма жылдан
астам уақыт ішіндегі ұлттық идеяның қалыптасуының жолдары
сараланады. �Мəңгілік Ел� біздің мемлекетіміздің ұлттық идеологиясы
жəне мемлекетқұрушы елдің жалпыұлттық құндылығы ретінде
562 Түркітілдес елдер әлеуметтанушыларының V Конгресі
В статье анализируется процесс формирования национальной
идеи Республики Казахстан в течение двух десятилетий независимости.
�Мəңгілік Ел� как государствообразующая, общенациональная
ценность стала национальной идеей и государственной идеологией
нашего государства.
V Конгресс социологов тюркоязычных стран 563
M. Maulsharif,
al-Farabi Kazakh National University
This article discusses the aspirations, aptitudes and values of secondary
school graduates, and the way they see their success in the implementation
of their nearest plans right after school. Special attention is paid to the in-
tellectual, educational, socio-cultural, universal values and orienting points.
The data includes information derived from interviewing 821 students
graduating from school in the various regions of Kazakhstan in 2013. The
selection was made by region, place of residence (city, village), in cities – by
type of school (lyceum or gymnasium, ordinary secondary school).
Object of research were the secondary school graduates as prospective
student of higher educational institutions.
The research aimed to identify educational aspirations of secondary
school graduates, level of their general education preparation, scope of in-
terests, hobbies, capabilities, character traits.
Keywords: youth, value, education, aspirations, aptitudes
The younger generation of Kazakhstan starts its life in the emerg-
ing information society where education, knowledge, and possession
of information become the main resources providing the national
competitiveness. A high level of intellectual potential of citizens and
the existence of opportunities to realize it are the pre-conditions for
normal functioning of the social system. At the same time, young peo-
ple from different groups are actually highly differentially involved
in increasing the level of their intellectual development, accumulation
and updating of the necessary knowledge and skills.
564 Түркітілдес елдер әлеуметтанушыларының V Конгресі
Studying the social role of youth in the social life, we find many
differences in their life aspirations and values. These factors often
depend on the social and economic conditions of the country, region,
accumulated human capital of the young person or the cultural capital
of his family.
The researches of educational aspirations of youth are based on
the general conceptual basis according to which the public behavior
of a young man is the result of complex interaction of various factors
that define the specifics of his personality and the external influence
on him [14]. It is assumed that these factors broadly precondition (or
determine the absence of) the strategies of accumulation of human
capital in the form of raising the level of formal education, use of
additional forms of education, accumulation of new skills and knowl-
edge, self-education, mastering computer literacy, availability of In-
ternet access, and etc.
The education and professional starts of young people are mostly
determined by such significant factors as the family cultural capital
characterized first of all by the parents’ education and such human
factors as value orientations, preferences, and motivations. Still per-
sonal efforts made by a young person to achieve the desired results
are often crucial to a great extent. His social status and life prospects
depend on how intensely and focused the young man is in accumulat-
ing the knowledge, skills, and qualifications – all that together con-
stitutes the human capital. A high level of human capital of young
people and the opportunities for its implementation are simultaneous
pre-conditions for the normal functioning of the social system.
Educational and value orientations of high school graduates.
The analysis was based on the results of a survey conducted by the
authors in the five regions of Kazakhstan. The authors examined the
effect of such variables as gender, place of residence, socio-econom-
ic status and the position of the parents, and the general interests of
youth, on the educational aspirations, aptitudes and values.
Parental education and the level of formal education received by
the respondent played an essential role. The lower the starting level
was, the more difficult it was for a person to mobilize his personal ca-
pacities to purposefully and consciously join the continuous process
of formation, increasing and improving his human capital.
V Конгресс социологов тюркоязычных стран 565
The main finding of the research was that most secondary school
graduates had a desire to enter higher education institutions (Table 2).
71.3% respondents planned to continue their education, while 21%
would like to combine work with study, and the majority wanted to
study in the universities. Opting for higher education was evident
among girls. Educational aspirations were higher in the cities than
in the rural areas. One reasons could be more problematic access to
higher education in rural areas, and the self-reproducing nature of
that situation. Besides, parents in small settlements usually had lower
level of education, than in the cities.
The primary analysis showed that most of the young people real-
ized the importance of education for their future work and considered
entering the university as a way to future achievements.
The professions that the graduates were going to get included
firstly the engineering and technical professions, and secondly with a
slight lag – economic professions. At the same time, the cumulative
share of economic and legal professions and specialties in the field of
international relations yet determined the current trend in the occupa-
tional preferences of young people.
Confidence in their ability to successfully enter a college or uni-
versity was a key element for young people who have chosen the path
of continuing education. The respondents estimated their chances to
enter a higher educational institution right after school by a five-grade
scale. �5� meant very high chances, �4� – just high, �3� – average,
�2� – low, �1� – I have almost no chances, but I rely on good luck.
Eight of ten people highly assessed their chances to enter a university.
The average number for this variable reached 3.82. Among excellent
students, that indicator was equal to 4.19, while for average students
it equaled to 2.71. Girls performed better at school and had higher
grades than boys.
70.4% were sure they would be able to get the planned profes-
sion, and 20.5% were not completely sure about that.
The authors defined that the most important determinants of edu-
cational aspirations of school students are the various aspects of their
school performance. The most crucial was the academic performance
by the school curriculum, although the additional hours with tutors,
reading of fiction or other literature, learning the foreign languages,