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Теоретическое и практическое значение работы

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Теоретическое и практическое значение работы. Выявление основных положений теории словообразования, выявлении различных направлений, течений через дифференциацию пути возникновения, развития, становления в казахском языкознании, выделение крупных и мелких проблем, в которых не решен узел, через изучение современного состояния словообразования, изучение классов слов в критическом ключе в новом направлении-развитие этой актуальной проблемы морфологии в казахском языкознании в будущем несомненно, окажет положительное влияние.
Сведения о публикациях: основные выводы, теоретические и практические результаты исследовательской работы обсуждались на международных конференциях и в научных изданиях. В ходе исследования было опубликовано 2 работы. Из них 1 статья опубликована в материалах международной научно-практической конференции, организованной в РК, 1 статья-в республиканском методическом журнале.

Sultan Asel Erlanovna
The topic of the master's thesis is "Ways of forming critical thinking in a student based on the study of a part of speech"
Direction of training: scientific and pedagogical:
7M01701 – "Kazakh language and literature"

The structure and Scope of the dissertation: introduction, consists of three chapters, conclusion and list of references.
Number of literature sources used: 74
Relevance of the study: The main pillar of an independent country is the educated generation. Currently, education has become ahead and ahead of the race.
The task before the teachers of the new time: the formation of a competent person who can think critically, has deep knowledge in accordance with the level of development of science and technology, business and competitive, able to work on the basis of world standards.
One of the main tasks is critical learning, comprehensively revealing the historical milestones of Kazakh linguistics, revealing continuity with the current state. One of the actual problems of morphology, obviously, is a problem that has its place, weight in determining the history of linguistics in the theory of classification of words in a language into various semantic – structural groups. To date, it cannot be said that in some linguistics (Kazakh linguistics), the subject of leadership is fully defined, the significant characteristics of word-formation boundaries (criteria) are characteristic. From this point of view, the relevance of the work determined the need for a comprehensive study of the process of its formation, development, a clear analysis of the shortcomings, achievements of each direction, each stage in the course of this development, teaching critical thinking as a problem of theoretical teaching from the first moment of its formulation and appearance in Kazakh linguistics.
The purpose of the study is to substantiate the critical teaching of students to word classes within the framework of the updated content of education. An important task is to determine the ways of the emergence, development, and formation of each theoretical teaching in linguistics, thereby revealing the continuation of the tradition, indicating the direction for future research, and teaching critical thinking. Sharing this principle, we set the main goal in the work-to study the history of the development of the theory of word formation in Kazakh linguistics from its inception to the present day, the differentiation of today, the critical study of word classes. The following tasks follow from the main goal:

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