Кілт сөздер: Күріш, селекцияның тарихи кезеңдері, ретроспективті талдау
Podolskikh A. N., Chief Research Fellow, doctor of Agricultural Sciences,
Natishayev E. T., head of Department,
Kazakh Research Institute оf Rice Growing named after I. Zhakhaev Republic of Kazakhstan
Abstract. The article presents a retrospective analysis of rice varieties of the main historical stages of breeding and periods of variety changes.We analyzed 808 samples of the world's rice gene pool, ranked in five groups by historical periods of cultivars. Group A – landraces; B – varieties of linear analytical selection; C – synthetic varieties of the "green revolution" of the 1960s-70s; D – samples of the 80s – 90s; D – modern varieties and genetic lines of the 2000s. A retrospective analysis of the main results of rice breeding over the past 100 years did not reveal significant changes in the duration to maturity, plant height, and seed size. The productivity of plants has significantly increased due to a drastic increase in the capacity of storage organs and an increase in their attractive power. The most important achievements should be recognized as an increase in grain weight without changing the duration of the growing season and overcoming the unfavorable correlation between the total number of spikelets per panicle and the weight of 1000 seeds. The further direction of breeding work with rice should be an increase in the length of the inflorescence and the size of the seeds while maintaining the achieved density of panicles of 10-12 grains/cm. For the successful implementation of such breeding programs to overcome the stabilization of potential productivity, introgression of the hereditary material of ecological-geographically, genotypically, possibly phylogenetically distant forms on the basis of complex - stepwise hybridization will be necessary.