Anatomometric parameters and topography of the prostate in mature men according to magnetic resonance imaging findings I.A. BARYSHNIKOV
Orenburg State Medical University, Orenburg, Russia
Objective. To use life-time determination of the topographic and anatomical characteristics of the prostate gland and to compare
the obtained data with the already existing ones.
Subjects and methods. Pelvic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans we re stu died and interpreted in mature male patients (
n =80)
aged 21 to 59 years who were divided into two maturity (21—35 year) and (35—59 year) periods of 40 patients each. Diagnostic
images were obtained on a MRI scanner (1.5 T Siemens Magnetom Symphony, Germany). The sampling criteria were the absence
of urinary complaints and pelvic volumetric processes and other pathological changes. The linear dimensions of the prostate, its
volume, skeletotopy, and syntopy were estimated. The prostate gland was beneath the plane of the aperture of the pelvis, located
midway in the cavity of the latter. The mean prostate volume was 23.1±0.8 cm
in the first maturity period and 26±0.9 cm
in the
second one, with an overwhelming predominance of patients (
n =46 from the sample) having the mean values.
Results. The first and second maturity period parameters of the prostate and its relationship to the bone structures of the pelvis and
adjacent organs were comparatively analyzed. There was a a significant (average 2.9 cm
) increase in the prostate volume in the
second maturity period as compared with that in the first one and an average 0.3—0.5 cm decrease in the distance to the pelvic
bone structures in the sagittal and frontal planes.
Conclusion. The differences in the syntopic parameters can be also due to the degree of rectal and urinary bladder filling, which
requires functional studies with different filling of the above organs in the same patients (scheduled for subsequent work).