Учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку для магистрантов и докторантов • Упражнения по грамматике

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5 .___ever___ the problem?
1. Are/solving
2. Are/solved
3. Did/solved
4. Have/solved
5. Have/solve
6. W ho___y o u ___ to when I saw you
yesterday noon?
1. have/spoken
2. were/speaking
3. did/speak
4. do/speak
5. were/spoken
7. My friend _ _ on the ship for fifteen
years by next year.
1. has served
2. is serving
3. have served
4. had served
5. will have been serving
8. T h ey___not have been injured in the
accident if they had been wearing their
1. might
2. must
3. should
4. could
5. may
9. Andrew __at the library for seven
hours by 8 p.m.
1. worked
2. will have been working
3. is worked
4. is working
5. works
1 0 . 
______ is able to implement a project
without any practical value.
1. Nowhere
2. Anywhere
3. Nobody
4. Nothing
5. Anything
11. In Britain paper production___in
1. is introduced
2. has been introduced
3. was introduced
4. was being introduced
5. would have been introduced
12. Bill went to several___banks and
asked for a job.
1. an
2. that
3. the
4. a
5 . -
13. It was supposed to be a secret! Y o u __
have told her.
1. mightn't
2. wouldn't
3. can't
4. must
5. shouldn't
14. In fact she is getting___. She'll have to
think about her future seriously.
1 . anybody
2. anywhere
3. somehow
4. anything
5. nowhere
15. Don't come so early. J im ___, I'm sure.
1. has still slept
2. was still sleeping
3. is still slept
4. did still sleep
5. Will still be sleeping
16. __people realize that they are
something new in this world,
1. Few
2. Little
3. Anything
4. Much
5. A little
17. I t ___late when I ___ home; there
were no people in the street.
1. can't have been, was going
2. could be, was going back
3. could not have been, went
4. must be, am going
5. must have been, was going back
18. Before the exhibition closes 80 to 90
thousand people___it.
1. are attending
2. were attending
3. are attended
4. attended
5. will have attended
19. For centuries parents__children to
spend a lot of hours preparing for exams.
1. has been forcing
2. has to force
3. have been forced
4. had been forced
5. had been forcing
2 0 .1 have got a job, but I __any
accommodation here yet.
1. wasn't founded
2. wasn't found
3. haven't founded
4. haven't found
5. am not found
21. Our team ___a new device now.
1. is developing
2. is developed
3. are developed
4. was developing
5. had developed
22. It was announced that the international
1. is ratified
2. is being ratified
3. is being ratified
4. had been ratified
5. is ratified
23. The tourists___of the exhibition hall
when the fire alarm rang.
1. were being driven out
2. drive out
3. are driven out
4. are driving out
5. drives out
24. If Jerry___well in her exams she _
the University.
1. does, will enter
2. did, will enter
3. has done, has entered
4. is doing, is entering
5. is done, entered
25. W hat___you m ostly___ on while you
1. do/rely
2. are/relied

3. are/rely
4. have/rely
5. did/relied
2 6 .1 would like to be a newsreader___
1. many
2. some
3. no
4. much
5. another
27. Scientific discoveries___to industrial
1. have often applied
2. are often applied
3. are often applying
4. had often applied
5. were often applying
28. We can't find anyone w h o ___the job.
1. has been taken
2. will take
3. was taken
4. had been taken
5. was taking
29. They have lived there for ___time.
1. some
2. anywhere
3. any
4. anyhow
5. somehow
3 0 .1 _for hours and I needed a rest.
1. drive
2. was driven
3. am driven
4. had been driving
5. drove
31. H e___constantly___ great ideas.
1. is/had
2. has/had
3. was/had
4. had/had
5. is/having
32. Before the sample was tested it _
1. has dried
2. is dried
3. was being dried
4. had been dried
5. is being dried
33. By the end of the year they
1. are fulfilled
2. will have fulfilled
3. were fulfilled
4. have been fulfilled
5. are fulfilling
34. Y ou ___into so many details. The
report was too long.
1. must go
2. needn't go
3. didn't need to go
4. needn't have gone
5. don't need to go
35. The necessary investigative techniques
___systematically___ by students
attending lab classes.
1. have/studied
2. are/studied
3. are/studying
4. had/studied
5. did/study
3 6 . __idiot has tried to blow up the UN
1. Somebody
2. Some
3. Any
4. Nobody
5. Anything
37._When it came to elementary things, we
a lot of choice in good ideas.
1. didn't have
2. aren't been having
3. haven't had
4. don't have
5. are not having
38. He was so hot that h e ___sleep.
1. should not
2. had not
3. can not
4. could not
5. mustn't
3 9
. The problem___by the staff at their
next meeting.
1. is discussed
2. will be discussed
3. was discussed
4. had been discussed
5. has been discussed
40. For some time teachers___the
textbooks as "platforms" for classroom
]. had been using
2. are used
3. were used
4. had been used
5. have been used
41. With the salaries they offer, they___
short of staff.
1. were been
2. was
3. have been
4. are being
5. will be
42. As you get more experienced you spend
_ time and effort on each operation.
1. a few
2. less
3. few
4. many
5. any
43. You shouldn't___the chance. It was a
brilliant opportunity for you.
1. to miss
2. miss
3. had missed
4. missing
5. have missed
44. I f ___news comes in while I am away,
let me know.
1. some
2. nothing
3. something
4. anything
5. any
45. By the 1st of January h e ___at the
laboratory for six years.
1. were working
2. will have worked
3. will work
4. are working
5. are worked
46. When Joh n___in high school, h e ___ a
double life.
1. had been, had been led
2. is, led
3. is being, has led
4. had been, had led
5. was, led
47. H e ___bagpipes since six o'clock this
morning. He has only just stopped.
1. is playing
2. played
3. has been playing
4. plays
5. is played
48. W ho___the financial underpinning for
your research?
1. was being provided
2. providing
3. am providing
4. is provided
5. provides
49. Aren't there___other jobs she could do
1. nothing
2. no
3. some
4. her
5. any
50. After long talks___two parties came to
_ agreement.
1. the, an
2. -, the
3. a, a
4. the, a
5 . the, the
51. If James keeps behaving like that, his
rating___to zero by the beginning of the
actual election campaign.

1. has dropped
2. will have dropped
3. had dropped
4. was dropped
5. is dropped
52. You will g et___trying to disregard all
1. nowhere
2. some
3. no
4. any
5. anyhow
53. When I ___my driving test I ___ so
many mistakes that I was sure I had no
chance of passing.
1. was taking, made
2. took, was making
3. have taken, have made
4. take, was making
5. am taken, am made
54. If the government___this crisis, they
_ enormous problems.
1. is surviving, will still face
2. survives, will still face
3. survived, had still faced
4. had survived, had still faced
5. is surviving, is still facing
55. It was pointed out that the patient___
treatment for heart problem for a year.
1. has
2. will have had
3. would have been having
4. had been having
5. had
56. People who are happy with their bodies
_ actually be more assertive and likable
than those who have negative body images.
1. may
2. have to
3. might
4. had to
5. could
57. Slight change in our plan! W e ___right
1. are leaving
2. are left
3. had left
4. were leaving
5. left
58. Y ou ___this device. I t ___ dangerous.
1. couldn't have touched, may be
2. can't touch, might be
3. shouldn't have touched, ought to be
4. must not touch, may be
5. needn’t touch, must have been
5 9 .1 ___a lot recently about your idea.
1. have been thinking
2. was thought
3. will be thought
4. am thought
5. am being thought
60. John___currently___ graduate level
courses in mathematics.
1. did/take
2. is/taking
3. have/taken
4. does/take
5. is/taken
1. W hat__, I wonder?
1. is happened
2. was happened
3. did happen
4. does happen
5. is happening
2. Mr. Davidson__ out against when he
was being considered for an executive
1. is spoken
2. is speaking
3. has spoken
4. was spoken
5. will speak
3. Would you lik e__tea?
1. nothing
2. some
3. something
4. no
5. anything
4. He said h e __his work.
1. have been finishing
2. had finished
3. is finished
4. has finished
5. is finishing
5 . 1 _and stay with Frankie for a few
1. went
2. am going
3. shall go
4. was gone
5. have gone

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