part of thymus;
- pericardium, heart?
What are the organs of anterior mediastinum:
+ a. et v. thoracica interna, paramammary lymph nodes, distal
part of thymus;
- pericardium, heart;
- intracardiac parts of large vessels;
- thymus, vv. brachiocephalicae dextra et sinistra, v. cava
superior, arcus aortae, trachea, upper part of esophagus,
ductus thoracicus, n. vagus, n. phrenicus?
Identify the organs of medial mediastinum:
+ pericardium, heart, bifurcation of trachea, aa. et
vv. pulmonales, n. phrenicus, a. et v. pericardiacophrenica;
- a. et v. thoracica interna, upper part of the esophagus, ductus
thoracicus, arch of aorta with vessels;
- esophagus, aorta, ductus thoracicus, v. azygos et
v. hemiazygos;
- truncus sympathicus, n. vagus?
Identify the organs of posterior mediastinum:
+ esophagus, aorta, ductus thoracicus, v. azygos et
v. hemiazygos, truncus sympathicus, n. vagus;
- pericardium, heart, bifurcation of trachea, aa. et
vv. pulmonales, n. phrenicus, a. et v. pericardiacophrenica;
- a. et v. thoracica interna, paramammary lymph nodes, distal
part of thymus;
- v. cava superior?
Where is the first layer of posterior pericardial cellular
space identified:
+ between posterior surface of breastbone and posterior
pericardial Rudniev fascia;
- between Rudniev fascia and Meyer fascia;
- between Rudniev fascia and anterior surface of pericardium;
- between Meyer fascia and anterior surface of pericardium?
Where is the second layer of back pericardial cellular
space identified:
+ between Rudniev fascia and Meyer fascia;
- between the posterior surface of breastbone and posterior
pericardial Meyer fascia;
- between Meyer fascia and posterior surface of breastbone;
- between the posterior surface of breastbone and Meyer
What is pretracheal cellular tissue of mediastinum limited by:
+ bifurcation of trachea, arch of aorta, a. pulmonalis, v. cava
- esophagus, vertebral column, fascia prevertebralis;
- aa. et vv. pulmonales, n. phrenicus, a. et
v. pericardiacophrenica;
- all the above mentioned?
Where can the pus from the posterior pericardial cellular
space extend:
+ into the pretracheal space of the neck, along the anterior
surface of pericardium to the diaphragm, Larrey’s cleft and
Morgagni fissure in preperitoneal cellular tissue;
- through hiatus esophageus of diaphragm into retroperitoneal
cellular tissue;
- through Bochdalek foramen in retroperitoneal cellular tissue;
- all the above mentioned?
What is the surgical approach to drainage of anterior
+ cervical, transsternal, transpleural mediastinotomy;
- posterior mediastinotomy by Nasilov;
- inferior lateral, posterior lateral and lateral thoracotomy;
- longitudinal sternotomy by Milton, through double pleural
approach to the 4th intercostal space with transverse
crossing of the breastbone?
Where can infection spread in posterior mediastinitis:
+ in spatium retroviscerale of the neck through hiatus
esophageus, through hiatus aorticus and through
Bochdalek foramen in retroabdominal cellular tissue;
- in pretracheal space of the neck, along the anterior surface of
pericardium to the diaphragm, through Larrey’s cleft in
periabdominal cellular tissue;
- through Morgagni fissure in periabdominal cellular tissue;
- all the above mentioned?
What surgical approach is used to drain posterior
+ all of the following;
- posterior extrapleural mediastinotomy by Nasilov;
- paravertebral incision with the resection of ribs;
- transperitoneal mediastinotomy by Savinykh – Rozanov?
What is identified in front of thymus:
+ breastbone;
- v. cava superior;
- v. brachiocephalica sinistra;
- mediastinal pleura?
What is identified laterally from thymus:
+ mediastinal pleura;
- vv. brachiocephalica dextra et sinistra;
- truncus brachiocephalicus;
- all the above mentioned?
What is identified behind thymus:
+ vv. brachiocephalica dextra et sinistra, v. cava superior, arch
of aorta, pericardium;
- ductus thoracicus, esophagus, n. vagus;
- truncus brachiocephalicus;
- all the above mentioned?
What is attached to v. brachiocephalica dextra anteriorly:
+ thymus;
- v. cava superior;
- pericardium;
- n. vagus?
What is attached to v. brachiocephalica dextra laterally:
+ mediastinal pleura, n. phrenicus dexter;
- v. cava superior, mediastinal pleura;
- ascending aorta;
- truncus brachiocephalicus, n. vagus?
What is located posteriorly from v. brachiocephalica dextra:
+ truncus brachiocephalicus, n. vagus;
- mediastinal pleura, n. phrenicus dexter;
- esophagus, ascending aorta;
- all the above mentioned?
What is identified posteriorly from v. brachiocephalica
+ all of the following;
- n. vagus, truncus brachiocephalicus;
- a. carotis communis sinistra, a. subclavia sinistra;
- arch of aorta?
Where is v. cava superior identified:
+ all of the following;
- behind the right costal margin;
- from the 1st to the 3rd rib;
- to the right from ascending aorta?
What is identified in front of aortic arch:
+ v. brachiocephalica sinistra, n. vagus, n. phrenicus;
- v. cava superior, truncus pulmonalis, n. laryngeus recurrens;
- a. carotis communis sinistra, a. subclavia sinistra;
- all the above mentioned?
What is identified behind the arch of aorta:
+ trachea, esophagus, ductus thoracicus, n. laryngeus
recurrens sinister;
- v. brachiocephalica sinistra, n. vagus, n. phrenicus;
- a. carotis communis sinistra, a. subclavia sinistra;
- all the above mentioned?
Identify organs located intrapericardially:
+ apex of the heart, both ventricles, ascending aorta,
pulmonary trunk, left and right atrial auricles;
- vena cava, both atria, pulmonary veins and arteries;
- base of the heart, right auricle;
- all the above mentioned?
Identify organs located mesopericardially:
+ vena cava, both atria;
- apex of the heart, both ventricles, ascending aorta,
pulmonary trunk, left and right atrial auricles;
- base of the heart, right auricle;
- all the above mentioned?
Identify organs located extrapericardially:
+ pulmonary arteries and veins;
- vena cava, both atria;
- apex of the heart, both ventricles, ascending aorta,
pulmonary trunk, left and right atrial auricles;
- all the above mentioned?
Identify the walls of pericardium:
+ sternocostal wall, mediastinal, posterior, diaphragmatic;
- two lateral or pulmonary walls, sternum, costal, vertebral;
- right and left pulmonary surfaces, precardiac-ventricular
- anterior and posterior interventricular walls, diaphragmatic wall?
What part of pericardium does not include mediastinal
pleura and can be used for puncture:
+ edges of the left costal cartilages from the 5th to the 7th, left
inferior third of the body of the sternum, left superior third
of xiphoid process;
- ends of the left costal cartilages from the 5th to the 6th, left
superior third of sternum, left inferior third of xiphoid
- ends of the right costal cartilages from the 5th to the 7th, right
inferior third of the body of the sternum, right superior third
of xiphoid process?
What is attached to the lateral surface of pericardium:
+ mediastinal pleura, n. phrenicus, vasa pericardiacophrenicae;
- n. vagus, n. laryngeus reccurens, v. azygos;
- v. cava superior, pulmonary veins, aorta, pulmonary trunk;
- v. cava inferior?
What passes through the right part of inferior wall to the
pericardial cavity:
+ v. cava inferior;
- mediastinal pleura, n. phrenicus, vasa pericardiacophrenicae;
- pulmonary trunk;
- all the above mentioned?
What is the posterior wall of pericardium attached to:
+ all of the following;
- lower part of trachea, esophagus, v. azygos;
- thoracic lymphatic duct;
- thoracic aorta, left vagus nerve?
Where are vortex of pericardium identified:
+ in the area of passage of parietal leaf of serous pericardium to a
visceral one;
- between the fibrous leaf of pericardium and parietal leaf of
serous pericardium;
- in the anterior-inferior part of pericardium;
- between fibrous and serous pericardium?
What can develop in acute cardiac tamponade:
+ Beck’s triad;
- Naffziger’s syndrome;
- Takayasu syndrome;
- Loreen-Epstein?
What is Beck’s triad characterized by:
+ sharp reduction of arterial pressure, considerable increase of
central venous pressure, absence of heart pulsation in X-ray
- increase of arterial pressure, reduction of venous pressure,
increase of liquor pressure, arrhythmia;
- mediastinopericarditis, chest pain behind the breastbone,
enlarged heart revealed by X-ray;
- sharp reduction of heart beat, considerable increase of
central venous pressure?
What is necessary to do in adhesive pericarditis:
+ pericardectomy, cardiolysis;
- pneumolysis;
- fundoplication;
- periaortic plexectomy?
What is the right boundary of the heart composed by:
+ v. cava superior, right atrium;
- v. cava inferior, right ventricle;
- left atrium;
- left ventricle, left auricle, pulmonary trunk?
What is the inferior boundary of the heart composed by:
+ right ventricle;
- left atrium;
- left ventricle, left auricle, pulmonary trunk;
- right atrium?
What is the left boundary of the heart composed by:
+ left ventricle, left auricle, pulmonary trunk;
- left atrium;
- v. cava inferior;
- v. cava superior, right atrium?
Where is the right boundary of the heart identified:
+ from the superior margin of the 3rd costal cartilage 2–2.5 cm
from the right sternal line to the inferior margin of the 5th
costal cartilage;
- from the inferior margin of the 3rd costal cartilage 2–2.5 cm
to the middle of the right sternal line;
- to the superior margin of the 5th costal cartilage to the right,
left and downwards across the 5th intercostal space
crossing the point of attachment of the 6th costal cartilage;
- to the right side of breastbone, the 6th left intercostal space
crossing the cartilage of the 6th rib, ends in the 5th
intercostal space not reaching 0.5–1.5 cm the left medial
clavicle line?
Where is the inferior boundary of the heart identified:
+ it goes to the right, left and downwards across the 5th
intercostal space, crossing the place of attachment of the
6th costal cartilage to the sternum on the right, to the 6th
intercostal space on the left, crossing the cartilage of the
6th rib, ends in the 5th intercostal space at distance of 0.5–
1.5 cm to the left medial clavicular line;
- from the inferior margin of the 3rd costal cartilage, 2–2.5 cm
to the middle of the right sternal line;
- from the superior margin of the 3rd costal cartilage to the
superior margin of the 5th costal cartilage;
- from the superior margin of the 3rd costal cartilage, 2–2.5 cm
from the right sternal line to the inferior margin of the 5th
costal cartilage?
Where is the left boundary of the heart identified:
+ from the 5th intercostal space arcuate to the level of the 3rd
rib not reaching 2–3 cm the level of sternum, going
upwards to the 2nd intercostal space 2 cm to the left
sternal line;
- from the inferior margin of the 3rd costal cartilage, 2–2.5 cm
to the middle of the right sternal line;
- from the 5th intercostal space to the superior margin of the
5th costal cartilage;
- from the superior margin of the 3rd costal cartilage, 2–2.5 cm
from the right sternal line to the inferior margin of the 5th
costal cartilage?
Identify the surfaces of the heart:
+ sternocostal, diaphragmatic, pulmonary;
- sternocostal, mediastinal, posterior, diaphragmatic;
- two lateral or pulmonary surfaces, costal, vertebral;
- precardiac ventricular, anterior and posterior interventricular,
What is the root of the heart composed by:
+ vena cava, pulmonary veins;
- aorta, pulmonary trunk;
- v. cava superior;
- v. cava inferior?
What is identified between the anterior and lateral surfaces
of the heart:
+ obtuse margin;
- acute margin;
- coronary sulcus;
- sulcus interventricularis anterior?
What is identified between the anterior and inferior
surfaces of the heart:
+ acute margin;
- obtuse margin;
- coronary sulcus;
- sulcus interventricularis anterior?
Identify the direction of coronary sulcus:
+ from left to right, from up to down;
- horizontally, from up to down;
- vertically;
- over anterior medial surface?
Where is pacemaker located:
+ under the epicardium on anterior-medial surface at the
entrance of v. cava superiorly to the right atrium;
- under the myocardium on anterior-lateral surface at the
entrance of v. cava inferiorly to the right atrium;
- below the endocardium, on the interatrial septum;
- below the epicardium, on the sternocostal surface, the point
of opening of the pulmonary trunk?
What is a common type of blood supply among the
+ right;
- left;
- uniform;
- all the above mentioned?
What is necessary to be done in ineffective conservative
treatment of arrhythmic patients:
+ implantation of pacemaker;
- aortocoronary shunting;
- mammary coronary anastomosis;
- angioplasty?
Where do the majority of large veins open:
+ into sinus coronarius;
- into the right atrium;
- into v. cordis magna;
- into v. cordis media?
What can be done during the operation of aortocoronary
shunting to eradicate the spasm of coronary arteries in
postoperation period:
+ periaortic neurectomy;
- implantation of pacemaker;
- mammary coronary anastomosis;
- maintainance of extracorporal blood circulation?
What operations are performed for myocardial
revasculization in treatment of IHD?
+ all of the following;
- balloon angioplasty of coronary sulcus;
- mammary coronary anastomosis;
- aortic coronary shunting?
What is sinus transversus pericardii in front and from
above limited by:
+ ascending aorta and pulmonary trunk;
- v. cava superior et v. cava inferior;
- right atrium and right auricle;
- parietal leaf of pericardium that covers a. pulmonalis dextra?
What is sinus transversus pericardii from behind limited by:
+ parietal leaf of pericardium that covers right a. pulmonalis;
- posterior wall of pericardium between the confluence of
pulmonary veins;
- v. cava superior et v. cava inferior;
- ascending aorta and pulmonary trunk?
What is sinus transversus pericardii from below limited by:
+ right and left atria;
- parietal leaf of pericardium that covers a. pulmonalis dextra;
- truncus pulmonalis;
- all the above mentioned?
What is the entrance to sinus transversus pericardii from
the right limited by:
+ right margin of ascending aorta;
- v. cava superior;
- right atrium and right auricle;
- truncus pulmonalis?
What is the entrance to sinus transversus pericardii
posteriorly to the right limited by:
+ v. cava superior;
- posterior wall of pericardium between the confluence of
pulmonary veins;
- ascending aorta;
- pulmonary trunk?
What is the entrance to sinus transversus pericardii
inferiorly to the right limited by:
+ right atrium and right auricle;
- v. cava inferior and truncus pulmonalis;
- ascending aorta and pulmonary trunk;
- pulmonary trunk and left auricle?
What is the entrance to sinus transversus pericardii in
front and from above limited by:
+ pulmonary trunk and left auricle;
- right atrium and right auricle;
- pericardial fold (Marshall fold) that goes from the left
pulmonary artery to the left superior pulmonary vein;
- v. cava superior?
What is the entrance to sinus transversus pericardii
posteriorly from the left limited by:
+ pericardial fold that goes from the left pulmonary artery to
the left pulmonary vein;
- pulmonary trunk and left auricle;
- v. cava superior;
- left atrium?
What is the entrance to sinus transversus pericardii from
the left limited by:
+ left atrial auricle;
- v. cava inferior;
- truncus pulmonalis;
- ascending aorta?
What is sinus obliquus pericardii in front limited by:
+ posterior surface of the left atrium;
- left atrial auricle;
- v. cava superior;
- pulmonary trunk?
What is sinus obliquus pericardii from behind limited by:
+ posterior wall of pericardium between the confluence of
pulmonary veins;
- v. cava superior;
- arch of aorta;
- posterior surface of the left atrium?
What is sinus obliquus pericardii inferiorly from the right
limited by:
+ v. cava inferior;
- v. cava superior;
- confluence of the left pulmonary veins;
- left atrium?
What is sinus obliquus pericardii from the left above
limited by:
+ left pulmonary veins;
- right pulmonary veins;
- v. cava superior;
- truncus pulmonalis?
What are the ways to perform puncture of pericardium
on the side of xiphoid process:
+ Larrey and Marfan’s;
- Pirogov and Karavanov’s;
- Lotheissen and Reich’s;
- Wojnicz-Sianożęcki?
Where is the point of puncture needle in pericardial
puncture according to Larrey’s technique located:
+ in the angle composed by xiphoid process and attachment to
the 7th costal cartilage;
- below the apex of xiphoid process;
- in the 4th intercostal space to the left, 2 cm from the
- in the 5th intercostal space to the left, 2 cm from the
Where is the point of puncture needle according to
Marfan’s technique located:
+ under the apex of xiphoid process;
- in the angle composed by xiphoid process and attachment of
the 7th costal cartilage;
- in the 4th intercostal space to the left, 2 cm from the
- in the 5th intercostal space to the left, 2 cm from the
What is the purpose of performing periaortic plexectomy:
+ to eradicate spasm of coronary arteries by crossing
preganglionic parasympathetic fibers that are the parts of
vagus nerve, to relieve pain by crossing afferent
sympathetic fibers;
- to eradicate arrhythmia;
- to eradicate spasm of coronary arteries by crossing afferent
sympathetic fibers;
- to relieve pain by crossing preganglionic parasympathetic fibers
that are the part of n. vagus?
What is the way to expose pericardium in heart wounds:
+ longitudinal and parallel, in front of n. phrenicus;
- transverse and behind n. vagus;
- parallel to the front between confluence of the left
pulmonary veins;
- all the above mentioned?
What is the way to drain pericardial cavity at suturing
heart wounds:
+ pleural cavity is drained in the 7th–8th intercostal space to
make the “window” in the inferior part of pericardium;
- through the drainage tube output into the 4th intercostal
space on the medial axillary line;
- all the above mentioned?
What is the passage of arterial duct (Botallo duct):
+ all of the following;
- leaving the arch of aorta;
- opposite the left subclavicular artery;
- entering the bifurcation of pulmonary trunk?
What is identified on the anterior wall of arterial duct:
+ mediastinal pleura, n. vagus, n. phrenicus;
- esophagus, inferior vena cava;
- sympathetic trunk, v. portae;
- recurrent nerve?
What is identified between the posterior wall of arterial
duct (Botallo duct) and major bronchus of the left lung:
+ recurrent nerve;
- mediastinal pleura, n. vagus, n. phrenicus;
- brachiocephalic trunk, sympathetic trunk, v. portae;
- thoracic lymphatic duct?
What special instruments are used to perform mitral
+ Satinsky clamp, Dubost’s expander, Rummel tourniquet,
Schumacher’s sternotome;
- Payr’s clamp, Langenbeck’s hook, Mikulicz expander, clamp of
Dogliotti – Vyshnevsky;
- fenestrated Potts forceps, Dothril’s clamp, Bier’s arc saw;
- all the above mentioned?
Identify the boundary of superior mediastinum:
+ from above – upper than the lung roots, below the point of
joining the body with the presternum in the direction of
the 4th vertebra;
- above the level of lung roots, below the line of tracheal
- from above – below the lung roots and the point of joining the
body of the breastbone with xiphoid process in the direction
of the 6th vertebra;
- from above – upper than the superior margin of aortic arch,
below the point of joining the body of the breastbone with
its xiphoid process in the direction of the 4th vertebra?
What are the boundaries of superior third of thoracic part of
+ from ThII to ThIV vertebra to the superior margin of aortic arch;
- from CIV to CVI vertebra to tracheal bifurcation;
- from ThIV to ThVI vertebra to the level of diaphragm;
- from ThV to ThVII vertebra from the superior margin of aortic
arch to tracheal bifurcation?
What are the boundaries of the medial third of thoracic part
of esophagus:
+ from ThV to ThVII vertebra, from the superior margin of
aortic arch to tracheal bifurcation;
- from ThVIII to ThX, from tracheal bifurcation to the
- from ThIV toThVI vertebra to the level of diaphragm
- from ThII to ThIV vertebra to the level of the superior margin of
aortic arch?
What are the boundaries of the inferior third of thoracic part
of esophagus:
+ from ThVIII to ThX, from tracheal bifurcation to diaphragm;
- from ThV toThVII vertebra, from the superior margin of aortic
arch to tracheal bifurcation;
- from ThVIII to ThX, from tracheal bifurcation to the entrance
of stomach;
- from ThII to ThIV vertebra to the level of the superior margin of
aortic arch?
Identify the level of pharyngeal narrowing of esophagus:
+ at the level of the 6th cervical vertebra;
- at the level of the 4th cervical vertebra;
- at the level of the 5th cervical vertebra;
- at the level of the 7th cervical vertebra?
At what level is the aortic narrowing of esophagus located:
+ at the level of the 4th thoracic vertebra;
- at the level of the 5th thoracic vertebra;
- at the level of the 6th thoracic vertebra;
- at the level of the 3rd thoracic vertebra?
Where is bronchial narrowing of esophagus identified:
+ at the level of the 5th thoracic vertebra;
- at the level of the 4th thoracic vertebra;
- at the level of the 6th thoracic vertebra;
- at the level of the 3rd thoracic vertebra?
At what level is the diaphragmatic narrowing of
esophagus located:
+ the 9th–10th thoracic vertebrae;
- the 8th thoracic vertebra;
- the 9th thoracic vertebra;
- the 12th thoracic vertebra?
Identify skeletopy of the left superior flexure of esophagus:
+ from the 6th cervical vertebra to the 2nd thoracic vertebra;
- from the 3rd thoracic vertebra to the 4th thoracic vertebra;
- from the 3rd cervical vertebra to the 3rd thoracic vertebra;
- from the 2nd thoracic vertebra to the 5th thoracic vertebra?
Identify skeletopy of the right flexure of esophagus:
+ from the 2nd thoracic vertebra to the 5th thoracic vertebra;
- from the 6th cervical vertebra to the 5th thoracic vertebra;
- the level of the 8th thoracic vertebra;
- from the 3rd thoracic vertebra to the 9th–10th thoracic
Identify surgical approach to the cervical part of
+ left lateral on the anterior margin of sternocleidomastoid
- right lateral on the anterior margin of sternocleidomastoid
- along medial cervical line;
- Kocher’s collar incision?
What is the surgical approach to the medial sternal part
of esophagus:
+ right lateral transpleural;
- left lateral transpleural;
- Savinykh – Rozanov’s sagittal diaphragmotomy;
- Milton’s longitudinal sternotomy?
What is the surgical approach to the inferior thoracic part of
+ left lateral transpleural, transabdominal sagittal
diaphragmotomy (Savinykh – Rozanov’s);
- right lateral transpleural;
- longitudinal sternotomy (Milton’s)?
Identify the interrelationship of the esophagus with
mediastinal pleura above the root of the lungs:
+ right mediastinal pleura is attached to the lateral wall of
esophagus, the left one forms a fold that is exposed
between the column and left subclavicular artery;
- right mediastinal pleura is separated from esophagus by v.
- the left mediastinal pleura is separated from esophagus by
descending aorta;
- to the right esophagus is separated from the pleura by azygos
vein, to the left it is separated from the pleura by thoracic
Identify the interrelationship between esophagus and
mediastinal pleura at the level of the root of the lung:
+ to the right esophagus is separated from the pleura by v.
azygos, to the left – by thoracic aorta;
- to the right mediastinal pleura covers the lateral wall of the
- to the left esophagus covers mediastinal pleura laterally and
- to the right mediastinal pleura covers lateral and posterior wall
of esophagus, to the right it is separated from esophagus by
thoracic aorta?
What is interrelationship between esophagus and
mediastinal pleura below the root of the lungs:
+ mediastinal pleura covers lateral and posterior wall of
esophagus from the right, from the left it is separated from
esophagus by thoracic aorta;
- from the right mediastinal pleura is separated from
esophagus by v. azygos;
- from the left mediastinal pleura covers lateral wall of
- right mediastinal pleura is attached to the lateral wall of
esophagus, the left mediastinal pleura forms a fold that is
exposed between the vertebral column and left
subclavicular artery?
What is identified to the left and behind esophagus:
+ pars descendens aortae;
- v. azygos;
- ductus thoracicus;
- truncus sympathicus?
What is identified to the right from esophagus and
behind it:
+ v. azygos;
- aorta;
- v. hemiazygos;
- truncus sympathicus?
What is identified behind esophagus:
+ ductus thoracicus, right posterior intercostal arteries,
terminal parts of v. hemiazygos et v. hemiazygos accessoria;
- v. azygos, truncus sympathicus, n. vagus to the left;
- n. laryngeus recurrens dexter et sinister;
- n. laryngeus recurrens sinister, a. carotis communis sinistra?
What is attached to the esophagus in front of the
superior third of thoracic part:
+ n. laryngeus recurrens sinister, a. carotis communis sinistra;
- a. subclavia sinistra;
- ductus thoracicus, right posterior intercostal arteries,
terminal parts of v. hemiazygos et v. hemiazygos accessoria;
- truncus brachiocephalicus?
What is attached to the superior third of thoracic part of
esophagus to the right:
+ mediastinal pleura;
- ductus thoracicus, a. subclavia sinistra;
- n. laryngeus recurrens sinister;
- a. subclavia dextra?
What is attached to the superior third of thoracic part of
esophagus to the left:
+ ductus thoracicus, a. subclavia sinistra;
- a. carotis communis sinistra;
- aortic arch, tracheal bifurcation, left major bronchus;
- n. laryngeus recurrens sinister?
What is attached to the medial third of thoracic part of
esophagus in front:
+ arch of aorta, bifurcation of pleura, left major bronchus;
- ductus thoracicus, a. subclavia sinistra;
- n. vagus sinister;
- mediastinal pleura?
What is attached to the medial third of sternal part of
esophagus to the left:
+ pars descendens aortae;
- tracheal bifurcation, truncus sympathicus;
- n. laryngeus recurrens sinister;
- n. vagus dexter, v. azygos?
What is attached to the medial third of thoracic part of
esophagus to the right:
+ n. vagus dexter, v. azygos;
- ductus thoracicus;
- truncus sympathicus;
- mediastinal pleura?
What is attached to the inferior third of thoracic part of
esophagus in front:
+ pericardium;
- aorta;
- tracheal bifurcation;
- ductus thoracicus?
What is attached to the inferior third of thoracic part of
esophagus to the right:
+ n. vagus, mediastinal pleura;
- v. azygos;
- ductus thoracicus, truncus sympathicus;
- pericardium?
What is attached to the inferior third of sternal part of
the esophagus to the left:
+ n. vagus;
- mediastinal pleura;
- ductus thoracicus;
- truncus sympathicus?
What is the location of ductus thoracicus in posterior
+ all of the following;
- on the anterior surface of vertebral column;
- behind esophagus;
- to the left from v. azygos and to the right from aorta?
Where is v. azygos in posterior mediastinum located:
+ all of the following;
- on the anterior right surface of vertebral column, in front of
right posterior
intercostal arteries;
- behind and to the right from esophagus;
- laterally from the sternal duct, medially from the right
sympathetic trunk?
Where is v. hemiazygos in posterior mediastinum located:
+ all of the following;
- over the left anterior lateral surface of thoracic vertebrae
- laterally and posteriorly from thoracic artery;
- anteriorly and medially from truncus sympathicus?
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