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qazirgi zamangy bilim juiesi tendensialar innovasialar tehnologialar 2024

Maximova Natalia Alexandrovna 
Smolensk State University 
В статье рассматриваются понятия «робот», «робототехника»,
робототехнических конструкторов. Рассматриваются направления развития учебных курсов 
по образовательной робототехники в зависимости от социального заказа общества.
Ключевые слова: 
робот, робототехника, образование, 
LEGO Mindstorms NXT, Arduino, 
The article discusses the concepts of "robot", "robotics", "educational robotics", 
and compares educational robotic designers. The directions of development of educational robotics 
training courses depending on the social order of society are considered. 
robot, robotics, education, LEGO Mindstorms NXT, Arduino, Crickets 
Today, Russia is undergoing a procedure for modernizing education, and new 
educational standards are being introduced. The social order of society in the educational 
sphere is being formed: to create a personality capable of independently setting 
educational goals, designing trajectories of their implementation, monitoring their 
achievements, working with various sources of information, evaluating them and on this 
basis formulating their own opinion, assessment and judgment [1,2,3]. At the same time, 
in many spheres of life, humans have long been accompanied by robots.
Meetings of various commissions are constantly taking place at the state level, 
where issues of introducing the basics of robotics into the educational process at 
various levels of education are discussed. Moreover, when analyzing the materials 
presented in online communities, the following areas can be identified in 
understanding what educational robotics is:
The heads of regional educational institutions present a concept 
according to which robotics is taught with the help of robotics kits in general 
and additional education, and, as a rule, is used in competitive activities of 
Employees of the general education system, as a rule, position robotics 
as a kind of learning tool - educational equipment that allows teaching classes 
with children of different ages at an interesting and modern level.
Representatives of private educational institutions often present robotics 
as a kind of new concept, which can be understood as everything that is 
required. Together with the word "robotics", for the same purposes, they often 
try to use the words "technoparks", "innovation centers", "quantoriums", etc.
Higher education institutions see robotics as a separate specialty, which 
is associated with their departments and the specialists they train. Universities 
usually discuss how many roboticists the country needs.

The term "robot" was coined in 1920 by science fiction writer Karel 
Chapek, it comes from the Czech word "robota", which means "hard 
monotonous work" or "hard labor" [4,5,6].
The first industrial robot was Unimate, which was produced in 1961. It was a 
mechanical arm and was used by General Motors Corporation in the production of 
cars. The robot's command system was a sequence of actions that was recorded on a 
magnetic drum.
During the same period, the first definition of a robot appeared — it is an 
automatic device for performing production and other operations according to a 
certain program (algorithm).
It is necessary to define the term "Robotics" itself. The word "robotics", more 
precisely the English "robotics", was first used in print by writer Isaac Asimov in the 
science fiction story "Liar", published in 1941. He also successfully formulated three 
laws of robotics in the story "Round Dance" (1942) — mandatory rules of behavior 
for robots.
Robotics is a field of engineering related to the application and development of 
robots and computer systems that control them. There are many types of robotic 
devices, among which manipulator robots, walking robots, aids for the disabled, 
mobile robots, remote-controlled and miniature robots can be especially 
Educational robotics (OR) is a new interdisciplinary field in the education 
system of schoolchildren, in which knowledge about technology, mathematics, 
physics, mechatronics, cybernetics and ICT is combined. OR allows students of 
different ages to be involved in the process of innovative scientific and technical 
creativity. It is aimed at increasing the prestige of engineering professions among 
young people, popularizing scientific and technical creativity, developing the skills of 
the younger generation to practically solve urgent engineering and technical problems 
and work with technology.
Robotics, without a doubt, can be attributed to the most promising areas of 
development of scientific and technical creativity of young people. However, within 
the framework of the traditional complex of physical and mathematical disciplines, it 
is quite difficult to form appropriate competencies. Computer science is the most 
appropriate discipline in this sense. At the same time, when teaching robotics to 
children within the framework of this discipline, teachers can use special constructors 
containing a programmable device.
Educational robotics is a unique learning tool that helps to create an attractive 
learning environment for children with practically meaningful and entertaining 
activities that reinforce students' interest in the subjects they study. Over the past 
decades, many robotic constructors with improved and more user-friendly designs 
(LEGO Mindstorms NXT, Arduino, Crickets and others) have been created and 
released, which paved the way for the popularization of robotics among students of 
all ages.
Foreign researchers note that one of the most serious problems in the described 
area is the lack of well-developed curricula and educational materials for teachers of 
secondary schools.

So far, robotics is widespread mainly in the field of additional education, and 
therefore it is poorly formalized methodically. Such education often does not require 
strictly prescribed curricula. At the same time, classical curricula in the context of 
additional education using robots are becoming irrelevant, as the role of the teacher is 
changing. It follows from this that the main efforts should be made to develop not so 
much new hardware or software for robotics classes, but rather to develop 
educational materials and programs where the role of the teacher would be 
competently represented. Work on teacher training in the use of innovative 
technologies is already actively underway, both in Russia and abroad.
Existing training courses and manuals in the field under consideration can be 
divided into the following groups.
The first group consists of programming courses (classical computer science 
approach). Some methodological manuals suggest that when using robots in teaching 
the basics of programming, the traditional approach to teaching computer science 
should be preserved. This is justified by the fact that it is difficult to teach children 
how to design (since the design skill requires experience) and is not particularly 
important, since the following practice takes place: when it comes to the designer, 
children want to do everything themselves, without listening to the teacher.
The second group consists of courses based on the methods of project activity. 
This approach is supported by Lego Education. In addition to the designers 
themselves, the company offers manuals for teachers, workbooks, reference books 
and software. Robotics based on Lego Mindstorms sets is a relatively new direction, 
but a significant number of related educational materials have already been released 
for the released sets of this series. In Russia, the localization of such materials is 
handled by the Institute of New Technologies.
When using the NXT First-class constructor, the teacher improves himself by 
attracting new methods and forms of work with students. The constructor itself 
allows you to organize educational activities using various subjects, attract and retain 
the attention of students and conduct integrated classes. With the help of additional 
elements contained in each set of constructors, students design robots that are used in 
life and create models of their own invention. Using these constructors, you can show 
the relationship between different areas of knowledge. With its help, in computer 
science lessons, solve problems of physics, mathematics, etc. The models of the NXT 
First Robot Designer give an idea of force, motion and speed, about the operation of 
mechanical structures, and allow for mathematical calculations. Such sections of 
computer science as modeling and programming can be studied using these sets.
Another well-known set is ScratchDuino.The roboplatform is a robotic 
constructor designed to teach both children and adults programming and robotics by 
programming microcontrollers and processing information from various sensors. 
Scratchduino.The laboratory is a board that is expanded with input/output sensors that 
are both built–in and plug-in. With this kit, you can program the computer's interaction 
with external devices. Scratchduino.The laboratory works in the Scratch environment, 
and can also be programmed from the Arduino IDE and Lazarus. Scratchduino.The 
laboratory gives you the opportunity to manage the situation in projects, interact with 
characters, or somehow explore the world around you without using a keyboard and

mouse. It is a special board, when connected to a computer, you can access external 
sensors and control devices (sensors in Scratch terminology) [7,8].
And finally, the third group consists of courses focused on completing tasks for 
the Robotics Olympiads. Currently, various robotics competitions and Olympiads are 
actively held at all levels, including regional stages of international robot 
competitions, according to the results of which the best student projects participate in 
world competitions (Moscow School Olympiad in Robotics, Lomonosov School 
Olympiad, Robotics Olympiad "RoboOlimp", "Robofest", etc..).
For the first time, the World Olympiad was held in 2004 in Singapore, where 
350 schoolchildren competed in the skills of designing and programming mobile 
robots. Today, the Olympiad covers more than 50 countries. The participants of the 
Olympiad - children and teenagers from 8 to 18 years old - construct their robots 
using Lego Education kits. Therefore, many short-term courses and seminars for 
teacher training focus on how to prepare children for such competitions, how to solve 
specific Olympiad tasks [9,10].
Thus, today there is a huge didactic potential of robotics with a large number of 
examples of training programs that fully answer the question "what to teach", but 
only a few examples of successful implementation of robotics courses outside of 
school hours demonstrate progress in integrating this type.
Robotics is an applied science that develops automated technical systems. The 
active involvement of children in the construction of physical objects contributes to 
the development of conceptual and speech apparatus, which in turn, with the right 
support from the teacher, helps children to better understand the essence of things and 
continue to develop.
Robotics can be widely used in the organization of both the educational process 
and extracurricular activities. Educational robotics can also be used in computer 
science, biology, physics, technology and other subjects both in a limited way 
(demonstrations, observations) and in the study of individual topics on the subject.
Educational robotics, as a means of developing the technological culture of 
students, will contribute to the development of critical and creative thinking, skills of 
analysis and control of activities, and the formation of communication skills in teamwork.

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