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qazirgi zamangy bilim juiesi tendensialar innovasialar tehnologialar 2024

Пайдаланылған әдебиеттер: 
Арещенко А.И. Арнайы оқу бөліміндегі дене тәрбиесі оқу үрдісінің технологиясы: 
Оқу әдістемелік құралы. Алматы, 2020 
Қыдырмолдина А.Ш. Дене тәрбиесі мен спорт түрлерінің физиологиялық негіздері: 
Оқулық. Алматы, 2014 
Мәутенбаев А.Ә. Спорттық гигиена: Оқу құралы. Алматы, 2019 
Төлеуханов С.Т. Дене шынықтыру мен спорт түрлерінің физиологиялық негіздері: 
Оқу құралы. Алматы, 2020 

Максимова Наталья Александровна 
ФГБОУ ВО Смоленский государственный университет 
В статье рассматривается применение VR-технологий в различных 
областях жизнедеятельности человека. Актуальность выбранной темы обусловлена 
необходимостью изменения технологического процесса во всех отраслях из-за внедрения 
новейших технологий. Автором выделены перспективные ниши для отечественных 
технологических компаний и их конкурентные преимущества. 
Ключевые слова
: виртуальная реальность, дополненная реальность, системы 
виртуальной реальности, обучения медицинского персонала, виртуальные туры 
Virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR) technologies open up a fundamentally 
new level of human interaction with the digital world and play an increasingly 
important role in the global economy, politics and social relations. 
For the first time, the term "virtual reality" (English virtual reality, VR) was 
proposed in the 1980s by J. Lanier, who was a computer technician and entrepreneur, 
and since then the definition has been repeatedly supplemented and changed [1]. In 
the Russian scientific environment, the most preferred definition is derived by 
Valeria Kholodkova, a specialist at EligoVision, a company that develops products in 
virtual and augmented reality. Virtual reality is a technology that is based on 
feedback between a person and the world, synthesized by a computer, as well as the 
way in which a person visualizes the digital world, manipulates it, interacts with it. 
Virtual reality technology (VR) is a complex technology that allows you to 
immerse a person in an immersive virtual world using specialized devices. Virtual 
reality provides complete immersion in the computer environment surrounding the 
user and reacting to his actions in a natural way. Virtual reality forms a new artificial 
world transmitted to a person through his senses (sight, hearing, touch, etc.). A 
person can interact with a three-dimensional, computerized environment, as well as 
manipulate objects or perform specific tasks. 
Virtual reality (VR) systems have a huge potential to increase the efficiency of 
business and government development. Below are some examples of how VR can be 
used to achieve this goal. 
Staff training. VR can be used to train personnel in various industries. For 
example, using VR, you can create simulations that will help employees learn new 
skills and processes, without having to devote time and resources to practical 
exercises. A number of scientists T.B. Chistyakova, G. Reinig, I.V. Novozhilova 
were engaged in research in the field of the use of virtual and augmented reality in 
personnel training. In their works, they presented the results of a study in which they 
considered the possibility of using intelligent computer simulators for teaching 
process control based on simulated mathematical models using 2D and 3D interfaces, 
as well as virtual Immersive Training [2,3,4]. 

Virtual tours and presentations. VR allows you to create virtual tours and 
presentations that can be used to attract investors and customers. Such tours can be 
especially useful for companies that operate 
Modeling and design. VR can be used to create 3D models of objects and 
rooms, which can be useful for architects, designers and engineers. This allows them 
to get a more accurate idea of the future project and improve its quality. 
Virtual conferences and events. VR can be used for virtual conferences and 
events, allowing participants from all over the world to participate without having to 
travel. It can also be useful to reduce the cost of organizing events. 
Medicine and science. VR can be used in medicine and science to create 
simulations and models that will help doctors and scientists better understand 
complex processes and phenomena. 
One of the most promising areas of application of virtual reality systems is 
personnel training. VR technologies allow you to create interactive simulations that 
are as close as possible to real working conditions. This allows employees to learn 
new skills and processes more efficiently and safely. 
VR can also be useful for training personnel in the field of production and 
maintenance. With the help of VR simulations, employees can be trained to work 
with new equipment and technologies, which will help reduce the number of errors 
and increase the efficiency of production processes. 
In general, the use of virtual reality systems for staff training can lead to a 
significant increase in the efficiency of companies and reduce training costs. 
The use of VR technologies in medicine has great potential to improve the 
quality of medical care and training of medical personnel. With the help of VR 
simulations, doctors and nurses can practice various procedures and operations, 
which helps them improve their skills and improve the quality of medical care. 
One example of the use of VR in medicine is the training of surgeons. With the 
help of VR simulations, surgeons can practice complex operations without risking the 
patient's life. This allows them to learn new skills and improve their professional 
competence. For example, the specialists of the MedVR division of thePSYCHO 
company have developed a prototype of the MedVR LAP Expert surgical simulator 
based on virtual reality, which is a software and hardware complex with built-in 
surgical instruments and helps simulate surgical intervention in laparoscopic surgery. 
The Sensor-Tech company, which is a resident of the Skolkovo Foundation, 
has developed a SeeMyWorld virtual reality simulator. The technology simplifies the 
work of ophthalmologists, as well as educators who work with people with visual 
VR can also be useful for teaching nurses. With the help of VR simulations, 
they can practice various procedures such as injection or blood collection. This helps 
them improve their skills and improve the quality of medical care. 
In addition to training medical staff, VR can be used to treat patients. For 
example, VR therapy can be used to treat phobias and anxiety disorders. Patients can 
practice situations that cause them fear in a secure virtual environment, which helps 
them overcome their fears [5]. 

The assessment of the potential of Russian developers of VR/AR solutions for 
healthcare is outlined in the Roadmap for the development of "end-to-end" digital 
technology "Virtual and Augmented Reality Technologies" within the framework of 
the national Digital Economy project. The document states that the country has a 
significant technological reserve for the introduction of VR/AR technologies and the 
Russian Federation can enter the international agenda with breakthrough systems for 
the rehabilitation of patients with musculoskeletal injuries, recovery after stroke, 
combating phobias and high-precision diagnosis of eye diseases. 
Interested companies in the implementation of innovative developments with 
virtual and augmented reality technologies are large and medium-sized enterprises in 
Russia, medical institutions, organizations of higher and secondary education. The 
main customers of virtual and augmented reality technologies are companies such as 
Beber, Gazprom Neft, FSUE Russian Post, Sibur, etc. 
According to the Competence Center of the National Technological Initiative 
based at MIPT in the field of Artificial Intelligence in 2021, there are about 
400 companies in Russia engaged in developments in the field of artificial intelligence. 
The company's data is displayed on the interactive artificial intelligence map of Russia 
[3]. The largest segments, uniting 62% of all companies in the market, are: computer 
vision – 76 companies, business solutions (business Analytics) – 77 companies, 
healthcare – 54 companies, NLP (natural language processing) – 56, data analysis 

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