To the Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Union of Soviet Socialist
Sendeth Greeting!
Our Good Friend!
Having need elsewhere for the services of Our Trusty and Well-beloved Sir John Edward
Killick, Knight Commander of Our Most Destinguished Order of
Saint Michael and Saint George, who
has for some time resided with You in the character of Our Ambassador Extraordinary and
Plenipotentiary, We have thought fit to notify to You his Recall.
We are Ourselves so satisfied with the zeal, ability and fidality with which Sir John Killick has
executed Our orders on all occasions during his Mission that We trust his conduct will also have
merited Your approbation, and in this pleasing confidence We avail Ourselves of the opportunity to
renew to You the assurances of Our constant friendship, and of Our earnest wishes for the welfare and
prosperity of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
Given at Our Court of Saint James’s, the Twenty-third day of October, One thousand Nine
hundred and Seventy-three, in the Twenty-second Year of Our Reign.
Your Good Friend,
(Signed: Elizabeth R.)
Exhibit 5
To His Excellency
Leonid Ilich Brezhnev,
Chairman of the Presidium of the
Supreme Soviet of the Union of
Soviet Socialist Republics.
Mr. Thomas J. Watson, Jr., who served as Ambassador Extraordinary' and Plenipotentiary' of the
United States of America to your Government, has resigned his mission. Because he is unable to
present his letter of recall in person, I have asked his successor to present it to you.
I am confident that Mr. Watson, in fulfilling the trust imposed upon him, dedicated himself to
strengthening the relations between our two Governments. I sincerely hope that he succeeded in
gaining your esteem and good will.
Very truly yours,
By the President:
(Signed: Ronald Reagan)
(Countersigned: William Clark)
Acting Secretary of State.
Washington, September 28, 1981.