Кілт сөздер:орнитология, биоалуантүрлілік, шөлейтті аймақ, отряд, тұқымдас, ұя
салғыш, отырықшы құс, мигрант. To preserve the biodiversity of birds in nature studied their biological characteristics and distribution. The species composition and dynamics of the avifauna in the desert and steppe zone of Semirechye were studied. In the course of research and study of bird species, the standard methodology of ornithology "Guidelines for the accounting of birds" and "methods of accounting for the main commercial species of birds and animals of Kazakhstan" (2003) was used. The study identified biodiversity of birds of the desert and steppe zone of Semirechye, ecological groups and bird species. Key words: ornithology, biodiversity, semi-arid zone, order, family, female, resident, migrant. Zhetysu Alatau is a crossroads between Siberia and Central Asia. Its northern part is
Siberian meadow, in the south,it is characterized as a landscape and the steppes. The high altitudes
of the mountain range begin from the desert, semi-desert zones (300-600 m to 1200-1400 m). A
large drought zone, occupying more than half of the land of Kazakhstan, that is 58%, has different
landscape deserts and deserts. Here are the lands and livestock pastures. Vegetables, horticulture,
fruit trees, plantations and cereals are grown in the field.
The highest steppe zone (from 1000 to 1400 m up to 1800-2000 m) until the sun rises.
Animals are deer, bear, roe, and so on are encountered. The meadow is suitable for cattle pasture.
The high belt of the mountain begins at 2200-2400 m in the north and 2400-2500 m in the south.
There are subalpine meadows, oceans, glaciers. High mountain ranges are used by rangers as cattle
pastures [1].