Tay–Sachs disease — the most severe (and
most common) of the lipid storage diseas-
es, Tay–Sachs disease is characterized by
neurological deterioration in the first year
of life. It is caused by a genetic abnormal-
ity on chromosome 15, which results in
the deficient manufacture of lysosomal
beta-hexosamindase A. As a result of this
metabolic error, sphingolipids accumulate
in the neural tissues of affected offspring.
The illness is especially prominent in
families of Eastern European (Ashkenazi)
Jews. In this ethnic group it is carried by
approximately 1 in 25 individuals. Carriers
of the trait can be accurately detected by
assay of hexosaminidase
Тимома — айыршық бездің жасушалары-
нан қалыптасқан ісіктердің жалпы атауы
Тимома — опухоль тимуса, в половине слу-
чаев т. вызывает сопутствующую тяжёлую
псевдопаралитическую миастению; по кле-
точной природе т. могут быть лимфоидными,
эпителиальными, веретеноклеточными или
т. расценивают как добро-
Thymoma — a rare neoplasm, usually found
in the anterior mediastinum and originat-
ing in the epithelial cells of the thymus. It
is often associated with autoimmune dis-
eases. Treatments may include surgical re-
moval, radiation therapy, or chemotherapy
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