Байланысты: grishenko v d teoriya i praktika obucheniya mezhkul turnoy k
Приложение №9. ROLE PLAY 1. TASK. Work in groups of four. You work for the Russian company. ‘Ash & Whitebeam’ is a manufacturing
company the USA. The Board of your company has decided to set up a
subcommittee to examine some problems with your partner.
Your group is that subcommittee and you are meeting to discuss these
problems and to make recommendations to the Board. Read through the
information on the four File cards. Decide in groups who should lead the
discussion on each of the topics. Each group member should prepare his/her
introduction. When everyone is ready, begin the meeting. If possible, also choose
an overall Chair for the meeting.
File Card 1. Discuss how to behave during the meeting with your American partner so
that your terms and conditions were taken as the basis.
File Card 2. Discuss the values and norms the American business culture is based on.
File Cad 3. Discuss the way you should or should not present business gifts.
File Card 4. Discuss the question of your company entertainment and hospitality.
THINK OVER Think about the role play meeting that you have worked on in this unit and your role in it. Evaluate the meeting by considering the following: What were the objectives?
What was your role in the meeting?
Did you use any visual supports?
What was the result of the meeting?
How did you feel about this result?
What action or follow-up was agreed?