nodes of the system [18]. One of the main problems in parallelising GP
comes from the global selection of individuals,
proportionate to their fit-
ness, both in the reproduction and recombination steps. This kind of selec-
tion forces the sharing of the new solutions until the new population can be
chosen. Two main approaches to parallel implementations of GP have been
proposed to avoid this bottleneck. The
island model [21] and the
model [23].
The island model divides the population into smaller subpopulations. A
standard genetic programming algorithm works on each partition, and is
responsible for initializing, evaluating and evolving its own subpopulation.
The standard GP algorithm is augmented with a migration operator that
periodically exchanges individuals among the subpopulations.
In the cellular model each individual is associated with a spatial loca-
tion on a low-dimensional grid. The population is considered as a system of
active individuals that interact only with their direct neighbours. Different
neighbourhoods can be defined for the cells. The most common neighbour-
hoods in the two-dimensional case are the 4-neighbour (von Neumann
consisting of the North, South, East, West and 8-neighbour
(Moore neighbourhood) consisting of the same neighbours augmented with
the diagonal neighbours. Fitness evaluation is done simultaneously for all
the individuals and selection, reproduction and mating take place locally
with the neighbourhood. Information slowly diffuses across the grid giving
rise to the formation of semi-isolated niches of individuals having similar
characteristics. The choice of the individual to mate with the central indi-
vidual and the replacement of the latter with one of the offspring can be
done in several ways.
Folino, Pizzuti and Spezzano developed a tool for parallel genetic ap-
plications, called CAGE (CellulAr GEnetic programming tool) [15] , that
realizes a fine-grained parallel implementation
of genetic programming on
distributed-memory parallel computers. Our implementation is based on the
cellular model. The cellular model is fully distributed with no need of any
global control structure and is naturally suited to be implemented on parallel
computers. It introduces fundamental changes in the way GP works.
In the model, the individuals of the population are assigned to a specific
position in a large toroidal two-dimensional grid and the selection and mat-
ing operations are performed, cell by cell, only over the individual assigned
to a cell and its neighbors. This local reproduction has the effect of intro-
ducing an intensive communication among the individuals. The massive
communication provides a way to disseminate good solutions across the
entire population but influences negatively the performance of the parallel
implementation of the GP. Moreover, unlike genetic algorithms, where the
size of individuals is fixed, the genetic programs are individuals of varying
sizes and shapes. This requires a large amount of
local memory and intro-
duces an unbalanced computational load per grid point. Therefore, both an
efficient representation of the program trees must be adopted and a load
balancing algorithm must be employed to maintain the same computational
load among the processing nodes.
The best way to overcome the problems associated with the implemen-
tation of the cellular model on a general purpose distributed-memory paral-
lel computer is that to use a partitioning technique based upon domain de-
composition in conjunction with the
(SPMD) programming model. According to this model, an application on N
processing elements (PEs) is composed
of N similar processes, each one
mapped on a PE that operates on a different set of data. For an effective
implementation, data should be partitioned such that communication takes
place locally and the computation load is shared among the PEs in a bal-
anced way. This approach increases the granularity of the cellular model
transforming it from a fine-grained model to a coarse-grained model. In
fact, instead of assigning only one individual to a processor, the individuals
are grouped by slicing up the grid and assigning a slice of the population to
a node.
CAGE implements the cellular GP model using a one-dimensional do-
main decomposition (in the
x direction) of the grid that contains the popula-
tion of the genetic programs and by using explicit message passing to ex-
change information between these domains. This decomposition is more
efficient than a
two-dimensional decomposition, since in the 2-D case twice
the number of messages are sent, which reduces the performance since mes-
sage startup times are rather long on the current commercially available
parallel machines.
The concurrent program which implements the architecture of CAGE is
composed by a set of identical
slice processes. No coordinator process is
necessary because the computation model is completely decentralized. Each
slice process, which contains a strip of elements of the grid, runs on a single
processing element of the parallel machine and
executes on each grid point
the code, show in figure 3, that updates all the individuals of the sub-
1. Read from a file the configuration parameters
2. Generate a random sub-population
3. Evaluate the individuals of the sub-population
while not numGenerations
5. update boundary data
for x =1
to length
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