172. The PISA 2021 mathematical literacy framework while maintaining coherence with the
previous mathematical literacy frameworks acknowledges that the world is ever changing and with
it the demand for mathematically literate citizens to reason mathematically rather than reproducing
mathematical techniques as routines,
173. The aim of PISA with regard to mathematical literacy is to develop indicators that show how
effectively countries are preparing students to use mathematics in the everyday aspect of their
personal, civic and professional lives, as constructive, engaged and reflective 21st century citizens.
To achieve this, PISA has developed a definition of mathematical literacy and an assessment
framework that reflects the important components of this definition.
174. The mathematics assessment items selected for inclusion in PISA 2021, based on this
definition and framework, are intended to reflect a balance between mathematical reasoning,
problem solving processes, mathematical content and contexts.
175. The assessment design will assure valid measurement of ability across the range of
achievement extending to two levels below the previous PISA scale, while preserving the quality
and content of the assessment.
176. The CBAM to be used from 2021 provides problems in a variety of item formats with varying
degrees of built-in guidance and structure and a range of formats retaining throughout an
emphasis on authentic problems that require students to reason and demonstrate their thinking.