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Konakbayeva U.Zh. Scientific and methodological work in educational institutions is an important
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Кurmanayeva G.К. Professional competence of social pedagogues: the level of formation from the
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Kussainov G.M., Abykanova B.T., Saypova A.A., Shalgynbaeva K.K. The essence and classification of
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Mambetalina А.S., Sadulova Zh.K., Salimgerey Z.M., Vasiс B.K. Implementation of CLIL technology in
multilingual education in the Republic of Kazakhstan
G.B. Niyazova, G.Zh. Menlibekova, E.E. Kopishev, Kolevа I. Methodological foundations for
monitoring the quality of educational programs: parameterization, objectivity of evaluation, decision-
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