Аннотация. Статья Маркабая Керимбекова к.ф.н.,посвящена работа первого в Республике ученного-
эколого, профессора Н.Сарыбекова.
Annotation. The article Markabai Kerimbek ov is devoted to the works of first ecolojy-scientist6 professor
Ф.А. Туребекова, Ж. Каркинбаева
In modern society the role of foreign languages has increased. Knowledge of a foreign language gives
young people the opportunity to partake in world culture, use the potential of the vast resources of the global
Internet, and work with information and communication technologies and multimedia learning.
In recent years the application of new information technologies in high schools and colleges has been
increasingly called into question. And that is not only new technology, but also new forms and methods of
teaching, a new approach to learning. The main objective of teaching foreign languages is the formation and
development of the communicative culture of schoolchildren and students learning practical mastery of a
foreign language.
Task of the teacher is to create the conditions of practical proficiency for each student, select these
teaching methods that would allow each student to show their activity. The teachers‘ task is to intensify
cognitive activities of students in learning foreign languages. Modern teaching technologies such as
collaboration, project methodology, use of new information technologies. Internet resources help you to
realize the personality-oriented approach in teaching, provide individualization and differentiation of the
learning abilities of children, taking into account their level of knowledge, aptitude, etc.
Forms of work with computer training programs for foreign language lessons include:
-the study of lexicon;
-improving pronunciation;
-learning dialogues and monologues;
-teaching writing;
-improving grammatical phenomena.
Use of Internet resources is enormous. The global network creates the conditions for obtaining any
necessary for students and teachers information anywhere in the world: country-study materials, news from
the life of young people, articles from newspapers and magazines, literature, etc.
Students may participate in the tests, quizzes, competitions, Olympiads carried out over the Internet to
correspond with peers from other countries, to participate in chat rooms, video conferencing etc., students
can obtain information on the issue, which are currently within the project. This may be the joint work of
Russian schoolchildren and their overseas peers from one or more countries.
One of the most revolutionary accomplishments over the past decade, which greatly influenced the
educational process throughout the world, was the creation of the world computer network called the
Internet, which literally means "international network" (Engl. international net). The use of cyberspace
(cyberspace) for educational purposes is an absolutely new direction in general didactics and private
methods, because the changes affect every part of the educational process, from selecting the techniques and
style of work to the changing requirements of the academic level of students.
Informative basis of mass computerization of education, of course, is that the modern computer is an
effective tool to optimize conditions of mental work in general, in any form. R. Williams, and K. McLeay in
his article "Computers in school" write: "there is one feature of a computer that is using it as a device for
teaching others, and as Assistant in the acquisition of knowledge, it is inanimate. The machine can "friendly»
communicate with the user and in some moments to ―support" it, but it will never show signs of irritability
and would feel that it has become boring. In this sense, the use of computers is probably the most useful, if
you customize certain aspects of the teaching ".
The main objective of the study of foreign language in high school is formation of communicative
competence; all other purposes (educational, re-educational, developing) are in the process of implementing
this primary objective. Communicative approach involves training in communication and building capacity
for intercultural interaction, which is the basis of the functioning of the Internet. Outside of communication
Internet does not make sense-it is international, multinational, cross-cultural society, whose life is based on
the electronic communications of millions of people around the world, speaking at the same time the most
gigantic in size and number of participants in the conversation ever took place. By engaging in it at a lesson
of a foreign language we are creating a model for real communication.
Within the true linguistic environment provided by the Internet, students find themselves in these
situations. Involved in a wide range of meaningful, realistic and achievable objectives, interested students
enrolled, spontaneously and adequately respond to them, that stimulates the creation of original utterances,
not template manipulation language formulas.
The priority is given to understanding, transferring content and expression of the meaning that
motivates the study of the structure and vocabulary of a foreign language, which serve this purpose. Thus,
the attention of the students is concentrated on using forms rather than themselves, and teaching of grammar
is done implicitly, direct communication, excluding study of grammatical rules.
The computer is loyal to diversity of learners ' responses: it doesn‘t accompany the students‘ work with
comments that develops their autonomy and creates an enabling socio-psychological atmosphere in the
lesson, giving them confidence that is an important factor for the development of their personality.
Nowadays development of education is organically linked with higher levels of the public information
capacity. This characteristic largely determines as the direction of the evolution of the education so the future
of the whole society. For the most successful orientation in the world information space students must be
provided with information culture, as well as computer-screen culture, because priority in seeking
information is given more and more to the Internet.
As information system, Internet offers its users a variety of information and resource base set of
services can include:
-electronic mail (e-mail);
-newsgroups (Usenet);
-the ability to publish their own information, create your own homepage (homepage) and placing it on
the Web server
-access to information resources at:
-resource directories (Yahoo!, InfoSeek, LookSmart, UltraSmart\/Galaxy);
-search engines (Alta Vista, HotBob, Open Text, WebCrawler, Excite);
-conversation (Chat).
These resources can be actively used in the lesson.
Mastering of communicative and intercultural competence cannot be achieved without the practice of
communicating, and using resources of Online Classroom of foreign language in this sense is simply
indispensable: the virtual environment, the Internet makes it possible to go beyond temporal and spatial
framework, giving its users the possibility of authentic interaction with real people on a topical theme for
both parties. However, we cannot forget that the Internet is only technical support and training tool for best
results, you must correctly integrate its use in the lesson.
The Internet is an excellent tool to obtain information on the latest developments in the world. Thus,
you can use the Internet to transform the classroom into the news room, and your students into the award-
winning reporters. This activity fits in the senior classes, includes 3D reading and art interpretation, fluent
Virtually all notable newspapers in the world have their own web pages. To find out where and what
you can offer students newspaper, visit our MEDIA LINKS (http: www.mediainfo.come/media/)
In terms of mastering of intercultural competence online newspaper is an indispensable assistant. It will
allow students to plunge into the heart of world events, taking place almost at the moment, to see what
happens from different points of view. Particularly valuable for classroom is a link-send us feedback, which
gives the reader opportunity to interact actively with the publishing house. You can comment and personally
interview the author of a particular article through the section "today's journalists" ("Today‘s Columnists"),
where the choice of a particular name will link you to them directly. Sometimes, you may receive an extra
link to the main hero of the article.
You can invite pupils to work on two or three, explore article covering all aspects of life: editorials,
sports, weather, culture ... The advantage of this work is full involvement of the entire class in conjunction
with the differentiation of tasks: strong students can undertake study of more difficult articles, while weaker
could report on weather conditions or something from the field of culture.
In addition to working on reading and listening, you can add words to the vocabulary. For this we need
to offer students a dictionary article, based on the information read. You can accomplish the new grammar
skills, examples of which can be met in the articles.
The result of such work could be creating your page, devoted to one particular event, where you want
to try to give a neutral view of the problem, based on an analysis of the information provided by various
news agencies. Here you must specify a hyperlink to the sources. For the development of intercultural
competence research articles on a particular topic, only one of the news agencies for a long period of time
also has its advantages: thoroughly studied problem, students will be able to not only determine the position
of the country and to study the problem, but also to identify the reasons for this view and, accordingly, be
able to anticipate developments. After the work you should organize a discussion or teleconference, where
each student or group will be a separate sector of the overall problem. Thus, sharing the results of their work
and putting them into coherent whole, students will receive a multifaceted picture of the event, which will
enable them to understand the causes and likely would forge their search of the optimum decision-
understanding, determination of cause-effect relationships is the only proper basis for a solution to the
The main advantage of such work is that students have access to first-hand information, rather than the
weekly or older literature, and are caught up in the midst of world events, themselves through their influence.
Communication in virtual reality using e-mail for intercultural competence can be used as follows:
1. Friendly correspondence.
International Exchange of letters can be used in any class and any level of proficiency. In addition to
the targeted use of language, establishing friendly contacts and studying in this way culture, electronic
correspondence has advantages compared to the paper: it's faster, easier and cheaper.
2. Establishment of joint training projects.
Students don't just share information with partners from different parts of the globe, and work together
on any project: select a topic under research , you can select a topic from the project which has already been
proposed by someone on the list-server, or place your request their and wait for a response.
Significant progress in the development of personal computers and computer technology will lead to
the change in learning foreign languages. Active and appropriate use of the computer in the classroom of
English language is possible and advantageous proceeding from the specifics of the subject. The leading
component of learning a foreign language is learning the various types of speech activity such as listening
comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing. When training speaking every student gets a chance to hear
foreign speech. When teaching listening comprehension every pupil can recite the English phrases into the
microphone. In the study of grammatical phenomena, every student can perform grammar exercises, has the
possibility of unlocking the crosswords, puzzles, to search for words, gaming exercises.
In practice of using computer in education process the most emphasized is it‘s teaching function, as
well as, the computer is a tool that organizes and manages the independent work of trainees, particularly in
the training of language and speech.
The scope of using of computer in teaching foreign languages is unusually wide. Computer can be
effectively used for acquaintance with new linguistic material, new models, as well as the communication in
a foreign language at the time of exercise and use generated knowledge, skills, abilities, the computer may be
used in a wide variety of communicative tasks and situations, taking into account the personal characteristics
of the trainees. Education modernization task cannot be solved without the optimal introduction of
information technologies in all spheres. Use of information technology gives impetus to the development of
new forms and contents of the traditional activities of students, leading to their implementation at the highest
level. The computer must be organized so that from the first lessons of the elementary school it becomes a
powerful psychological and pedagogical means of motivations-motivational plan of schoolchildren, a means
of maintaining and further developing their interest in this subject. Properly organized work of the students
with a computer can contribute in particular to their cognitive and communicative interest, which in turn will
help to strengthen and expand opportunities for independent work of students to master the English
language, both in the classroom and in their free time.
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Zh.S. Karkimbayeva, F.A. Turebekova
In accordance with the objectives of the "Kazakhstan Strategy – 2030" and President‘s Message "To
competitive Kazakhstan, to competitive economy, to competitive nation! » it is promoting new educational
programs, especially those that help in the study of foreign languages. In the President‘s Message "New
Kazakhstan in a new world" of 28 February 2007 launched the cultural project of building of a trilingual
Kazakhstan, knowing Kazakh, Russian and English. Our newest Kazakhstan generation will be tri-lingual,
speaking Kazakh, Russian and English with fluency.
President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. A. Nazarbayev said: ―We have a chance. The time has
come, and new technologies give us new opportunities. Therefore, using the most modern IT-technology, we
can make significant strides in this direction. New technologies will enable us to minimize our use of foreign
assistance and foreign language teacher invitation programs. English is a vital means of communication.
Today's changes in international relations, communications, and business require knowledge of foreign
The government of Kazakhstan promised an increase in funding for the countries education. The
boom in spending is sparked by the countries recent growth in oil (Kazakhstan has huge oil and gas
reserves). English is on top of the education spending: ―In a further bid to make the workforce more
competitive, the government also seeks to boost the role of English in Kazakhstan. N.A. Nazarbayev
proposed a new project called Trinity of Languages, with an ultimate view to making the country trilingual
in the state language of Kazakh, in Russian, "the language of inter-ethnic communication," and in English,
"the language of successful integration into the global economy.‖ The target is ambitious, but the goal of
training graduates to work in English is attainable: "We don‘t know if Kazakhstan will be truly trilingual, but
we think it would be able to produce a good-sized turnout of graduates who would be functional in English"
says Eurasianet.
Personal multilingualism is required as a response to changing social and cultural realities associated
with globalization. Governments have therefore focused on multilingual education policy. Our purpose is to
reveal the characteristics and challenges of multilingual education policy in Kazakhstan, focusing on the
policy of "Trinity of Languages". Kazakhstan‘s language education policy has been addressed mostly in
works examining the issues of language policy and ethno-linguistic situation in general and rarely was taken
as a distinct subject for research. This article aims to bring into focus Kazakhstan‘s policy in language
education with its problems and achievements as an interesting example for multilingual education research.
The policy of "Trinity of Languages‖ will obviously lead to significant change to current multilingual
education policy. The strategic paper of this policy, the ―Conception of development of multilingual
education in Kazakhstan‖ was prepared by Karaganda National University as the leading institution for
implementation of the ―Trinity of Languages‖ policy and was approved by Ministry of Education and
Science of Kazakhstan in fall of 2008. According to this Conception, Kazakh, Russian and English will
serve as languages of instruction for different subjects: Kazakh for subjects of ―Kazakh language‖ and
literature, Kazakh history and geography; Russian for the ―Russian language‖ and literature, and English for
world history and sciences. The shift to those three medium of instructions is planned take effect on 2012.
However, as the analysis of educational statistics shows, there is obvious gap between ideas of
―Trinity of Languages‖ policy and realities of multilingual education. This gap results from a shortage of
teachers with multilingual abilities and severe condition of teaching foreign languages in rural area of
Kazakhstan. For example, 30% of all students enrolled in general education do not study foreign language at
all. Fifteen percent of all schools, and all of them are rural schools, do not teach foreign language. These
schools have no neither teachers to teach, nor educational equipments to provide foreign language education.
At the same time, the challenge for the ―Trinity of Languages‖ policy also includes language problems of
Kazakh ethnic returnees. These citizens have little or no knowledge of written Kazakh and, what makes them
more vulnerable, of oral or written Russian. The shift to three medium of instruction might hold negative
consequences for returnees‘ successful social reintegration into Kazakhstan. The same can be said about
children of immigrants. These challenges can widen existing gap between urban and rural areas and intensify
social stratification by dividing people into socially successful multilingual individuals with excellent
English and Russian, and socially vulnerable mono-, bilingual mass with little Russian and without English
or any other foreign language skills at all.
Describing the situation now with the Kazakh language in Kazakhstan it is no secret that Russian
continues to dominate in terms of the everyday lives of the people of Kazakhstan. We agree that the situation
with the Kazakh language is now satisfactory. This question must be considered from various aspects. In
general, more than 90 percent of the population of Kazakhstan perceives the Kazakh language as something
secondary, and because of this there are urgent problems connected with everyday living and the family. A
smaller group in the population regards this question as one that it is suitable to raise from time to time in
political and social life. The dominant position here is held by the representatives of the elite who from time
to time provide an opportunity for a discussion of this subject with certain public figures in the Kazakh
Parliament, the editorial offices of Kazakh-language newspapers, and certain politicized linguistic
organizations, in order to divert public attention away from current problems.
In such cases, reports, statements, and discussions are published in the mass media in which radical
measures are proposed on the language question. As a rule, these proposals raise the question of completely
squeezing out the Russian language from public life. In response (the act of raising the question itself
provokes opposition) there is an immediate reaction from the Russian-speaking citizens of Kazakhstan.
We agree with linguists that two reasons are hampering the full introduction of the Kazakh language
into life: the main reason is a lack of understanding on the part of an empowered state body - namely the
Committee on Languages - that help learning the Kazakh language for Russian-speaking people in
Kazakhstan should not come from Kazakh-speaking experts and consultants. Rather, help should be provided
by Russian-speaking citizens who also speak the Kazakh language. Moreover, they take no account of people
who experience difficulties in learning a second language. A second problem is the low demand for the
Kazakh language in modern society. One of the reasons for this low demand among Russian-speaking
Kazakh people is the fact that virtually all the information they want is available in Russian. Russian-
speaking people in Kazakhstan show interest only in the Russian-language mass media. Persons who speak
Kazakh use information both in Kazakh and Russian. Accordingly, for the Russian-speaking inhabitants of
our country today, it can be said that they have no incentive to learn Kazakh step-by-step. As is known,
Kazakhstan‘s leader says that every person in Kazakhstan should strive to master Kazakh, Russian, and
English. So we think, this appeal is actually solidifying the existing status quo in which Russian is dominant
in the life of Kazakhstan, English is for people who want to become more competitive, and it‘s a pity to say
that Kazakh still remains in last place because it gets attention according to the ―what is left‖ principle.
Considering real situation in multilingual education policy, one might ask why Kazakhstan
government is so eager to implement the ―Trinity of Languages‖ policy, a discussion which serves as a
conclusion for this presentation. This study makes clear the influences of internal and external driving forces
on the emergence of the ―Trinity of languages‖ policy. Kazakhstan has a weighty neighbor (Russia), political
and economical influence of which cannot be ignored, as well as demand to fulfill the requirements of
General Agreement on Trade in Services which serves as precondition to Kazakhstan‘s membership in the
WTO. General international trends in education development, such as participation in Bologna Process, must
also be brought to bear. The ―Trinity of Languages‖ policy is a necessary strategy in a time of globalization,
because it aims to develop internationally competitive human resources. However, the goal of multilingual
education policy must not be limited to suiting the state‘s economical and geopolitical interests, but also
extend to the educating of individuals and development of society with competency in two or more
languages in accordance with the socio-cultural demand for communicative and cognitive skills current
realities. From this point of view, Kazakhstan‘s multilingual education policy has many remaining
challenges and tasks to complete.
The role of English language skills in higher education policy was discussed in our country, on the 11
and 12
November this year the international scientific and practical conference took place in Astana and in
Karaganda. The theme of the conference was ―Polylingual education in the system of higher education:
challenges and perspectives.‖ Minister of education and science of the republic of Kazakhstan Tuimebayev
Zh. stressed in his speech at the conference that in order to implement the cultural project ―Trinity of
languages‖ it was necessary to develop the Kazakh language as the official one, the Russian language as a
means of interethnic communication and the English language as a tool of successful integration into the
global economy.
Therefore, the higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan are to start training the polylingual
specialists, including teachers who will in their turn put into practice the polylingual education at schools. It
was stated in the materials of the conference: ―The project ―Trinity of languages‖ is aimed at development of
the polylingual education and support of the state language in all spheres of social life, promotion of its role
as a factor of strengthening of the interethnic consent. However, it is also important to continue using
Russian and introduce English as the languages of scientific research and fruitful international cooperation.
This year Kazakhstan has celebrated 20 years of independence. 2011 is a landmark year for
Kazakhstan. Twenty years ago, December 16, 1991 President Nursultan Nazarbayev signed RK
Constitutional Law ―On State Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan‖. The acclaimed British writer
and politician Jonathan Aitken, the author of ―Nazarbayev and the Making of Kazakhstan‖, describes the
young country as a miracle: ―My personal impression is that Kazakhstan is a miracle. No one knew anything
about your republic just 20 years ago. But today the whole global community is talking about your success.
N. Nazarbayev played not a lesser role in the world history than Churchill in the history of Britain‖. The
journey our country made in two decades is tremendous. It took independent Kazakhstan just 20 years to
achieve international success advocating inter-ethnic and inter-faith dialogue, a world without nuclear
weapons. The formation of political and economic systems, establishment of a unique institution -
Kazakhstan People‘s Assembly, chairmanship in many international organizations earned the republic
significant political weight and boosted its international image.
―The history of the 20th anniversary of independence is the history of stability of the state, friendship
and consent of Kazakhstan‘s people‖,-said N. Nazarbayev in his speech. Particular attention in the republic is
given to the development of education and science. The head of state set an ambitious goal to develop
Kazakhstan into a world-class center of knowledge. ―We are well aware that the country‘s prospects are not
only oil and gas, not only industry giants, but the quality of education that we can give to the younger
generation. One can judge about prospects of a country by its education system‖, - he said in his speech at a
Congress of Kazakhstan‘s Youth. At the same time the country has been implementing a large-scale cultural
project ―Trinity of languages‖. Its goal is the knowledge of Kazakh, Russian and English by the majority of
Kazakhstanis. The development of the Kazakh language is of paramount importance as it is the state
language, which is being used more extensively. The Russian language, which is the language of interethnic
communication, is used officially along with Kazakh. English should help Kazakhstanis faster integrate in
the international economic and educational environment.
Selected References:
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Kazakhstanskays Pravda, №417-418 (26808-26809), 24.12.2011
The site of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
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