Часть VI issn 2072-0297

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«Молодой учёный» . № 2 (82)  . Январь, 2015 г.
A Review of Factors on the Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition
Чжао Цзин-янь, магистр, доцент; 
Ху Чженьбо, магистр, старший преподаватель
Чанчуньский университет (Китай)
Zhao Jingyan; 
Hu Zhenbo
Changchun University (China)
Vocabulary acquisition is an important aspect of the second language acquisition. No matter how well the student 
learns the grammar, no matter how successfully the sounds of L2 are mastered, without words to express a wide range 
of meanings, communication in L2 just cannot happen in any meaningful way. However the second language vocabu-
lary acquisition has been very largely neglected by recent developments in research and most learners identify the ac-
quisition of vocabulary as their greatest single source of problems. Here the author reviews the factors on the second lan-
guage vocabulary acquisition and calls for our attention to it.
Key words: the second language, vocabulary acquisition, factors on acquisition
t is widely recognizable that the mastery of vocabulary is an 
essential component of second language and foreign lan-
guage learning. It plays a vital role in all aspects of language 
learning, including listening speaking, reading, writing and 
translation. Therefore, learners must learn vocabulary well in 
order to become proficient in L2 acquisition.
Although learners are aware of the importance of vocabu-
lary acquisition in English learning, their effort made to learn 
vocabulary often result in disappointment and frustration. 
Learners themselves readily admit that they experience con-
siderable difficulty with vocabulary learning, especially when 
they have got over the initial stages of acquiring their second 
language. This draws our attention to the complex nature 
of vocabulary acquisition and the factors on the second lan-
guage vocabulary acquisition.

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