Английский язык для юристов

Article 3  Everyone has the right to life, ________________ and security of person.  Article 4

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Article 3 
Everyone has the right to life, ________________ and security of person. 
Article 4 

No one shall be held in __________ or servitude; slavery and the slave and the slave trade shall be 
prohibited in all their forms. 
Article 5 
No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or ____________ . 
Article 6 
Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the ________________ . 
Article 7 
All are equal before the law and are entitled without any ________________ to equal protection of the 
Article 8 
Everyone has the right to an effective ______________ by the competent national tribunals for acts 
violating the fundamental rights granted him by the constitution or by law. 
Article 9 
No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, __________________ or ____________ . 
Article 10 
Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial 
_______________, in the determination of his ______________ and obligations and of any criminal 
____________ against him. 
5. Найдите в правой колонке определения к словам из левой колонки. 
1) race 
2) political 
3) slavery 
4) constitution 
5) detention 
6) tribunals 
7) violation
8) liberty 
9) fundamental 
10) equal 
11) rights 
12) conscience 
13) entitled 
14) obligations 
15) degrading 
16) impartial 
17) jurisdictional 
a) the same (adjective) 
b) the things that you should be allowed to have (noun) 
c) a feeling you have that you have done right or wrong (noun) 
d) to have the right to do or have something (verb) 
e) difference (noun) 
f) a group of people with distinct physical characteristics or culture 
g) referring to government or party politics (adjective) 
h) having the legal power over someone or something (adjective) 
i) the act of limiting something (noun) 
j) the situation of being free (noun) 
k) the situation of being a person who belongs to someone and 
works for them without payment (noun) 
l) the situation of having to work very hard for someone, usually in 
poor conditions and with very time or no pay (noun) 
m) the buying and selling of people against their will (noun: 2 
n) to say that something must not happen (verb) 

18) servitude 
19) distinction 
20) limitation 
21) exile 
22) torture 
23) prohibited 
24) slave trade 
25) discrimination 
26) incitement 
27) arbitrary 
o) hurting someone badly so that they are forced to give information 
p) causing fear, anguish and inferiority (adjective) 
q) the unfair treatment of someone because of their colour, class, 
religion, language, etc (noun) 
r) the act of breaking a rule (noun) 
s) the act of encouraging, persuading or advising someone to do 
something morally or legally wrong (noun) 
t) a court, often one which specialises in a particular area of law 
u) basic, essential (adjective) 
v) laws and principles under which a country is governed (noun) 
w) done at random, without reason (adjective) 
x) the act of keeping someone so that he/she cannot escape or enjoy 
freedom (noun) 
y) the punishment of being made to live in another country, or 
another part of a country (noun) 
z) not biased or prejudiced (adjective) 
aa) duty to do something (noun) 

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