As a result of studying this course the student should: to know: – to operate the lexical-grammatical material of the Kazakh language in English.
– read and understand texts of any content of professional communicative spheres, using,
depending on the nature of the text and targets different types of reading;
– to use English all studied types of speech in different combinations, observing logical
consistency and adequacy of language means;
be able to : – listen and understand spoken information in English with subsequent transfer of its content
with different degree of compression and to use it depending on targets;
– play or read the text, highlighting the necessary information and presenting it in a certain form
and sequence;
– safe to operate a grammar, typical for professional language (within the program);
– to generate discourse (monologue, dialogue), using communicative strategies, adequate studied
professionally-oriented situations (telephone conversations, interviews, presentation, etc.);
Thematic plan of the discipline 1. Introduction to the professional environment
2. Career planning
3. Employment
4. Communication in the workplace
5. Introduction to professional activity
6. The object of professional activity
7. Scientific-pedagogical activity as a professional activity
8. The project as a product of professional activity
The content of a course The main part I. Introduction in a professional environment 1.1. Career planning Language material:
General scientific and technical terms, special language features that are characteristic of official
style (100 units for productive use).
Grammar: word formation; multipurpose syntactic words.
Thematic contents (subject of text material):
professional and personal qualities; area (branch) of professional activity; prospects of
development of specialty; kinds of activity of the expert: pedagogical, educational, information
and technological, research, organizational and administrative, etc.
Thesis topic: me and my specialty.
Writing: business card; resume.
Speaking: self-presentation.