«D050 философия және этика» білім беру бағдарламалар

Topic 3. Society: Fundamentals of Philosophical Analysis

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Topic 3. Society: Fundamentals of Philosophical Analysis 
The genesis of society. The substantive and existential meaning of social being. Principles of 
philosophical analysis of society: the unity of the "social world," activity, determinism, development, 
systematicity. The problem of building theoretical models of society. Spheres of society life. Ways and 
prospects of development of open democratic Kazakhstan society. A formational approach in social 
philosophy. The civilizational approach in social philosophy 
Topic 4. "Sociocultural foundations of human existence" 
Biological and social in man. About the social nature of man. Social incapacity to biological. 
Individual and social Objective laws of social development and conscious activity of people. The concept 
and "structure" of personality. Concepts of historical and charismatic personalities. Personality, freedom, 
values: their concepts, nature and meaning. Ontology, phenomenology and axiology of human freedom in 
their relationship. 
Topic 5. "Personality and social forms of individual being" 
Personality is an open system, the essence and meaning of which are determined by its attitude to 
another. Another is its role in the process of self-determination and self-affirmation of the individual. 
Distinguishing between the concepts of "individual" and "personality." Man as a becoming being. 
Diversity of social relations as an environment for the life of an individual. Analysis of social relations 
represented by complex dynamic structures (the space of personal being) is a prerequisite for 
understanding the person. Personality is a complex process of socialization, equal to the life of an 
individual. Personality in the ontological dimension. Peace as a measure of personality. Sociocultural 
status of value and the axiological dimension of personality. Values, ideals and norms of personal being. 

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